Wednesday, May 14, 2014

My Glove Box Baggie

Summer vacations are coming up, y'all!


The Mr and I have been traveling together for 20 years from camping to our jaunts to Hawaii and in that time we've learned the things we need to have on hand.  Ever since travel changed after September 11th and we've had to start traveling with all liquids under 3 ounces bagged, I decided that I would have some order to the way I packed them.  I make what I call my...

This is the baggie that the second we get to the rental car, gets transferred from the carry on directly to the glove compartment so we have stuff we may need on hand.  They are all things we've needed in the past and it's just nice to have them all in one spot.

The contents include:

Ink pen (signing rental agreement/inspecting the car.  I'm not using the same pen 500 sick people have used for theirs.  Signing travelers checks if you need them.  Yes, we still occasionally use them as back up.  If your wallet is stolen and your ATM and credit card are gone, you'll be pretty darn happy you went old school and had a couple hundred on hand!  You can cash them back in when you get home if you don't use them.)

Travel size deodorant  (Perfect for when you go on an unexpected hike and get a little more ripe than anticipated.  Or to reapply after swimming.  Trust me, you smell, use it.)

Ibuprofen  (Inevitably the previous day's activity will rear it's ugly head when I'm in the jungle.  This is mandatory for us)

Hand Sanitizer  (So many sick people/gross things to touch, so little hand sanitizer.  Don't think that state park bathroom you just used is going to necessarily have running water)

Toilet Seat Covers (The same thing goes for the toilets in said parks or porta-pots.  I know they're supposedly cleaner than your smart phone keys but if someone has wee'd on the seat, my bare bum isn't touching it)

Travel sized body spray  (This one came from an unfortunate incident in LAX and the fact that men would apparently rather pee all over the floor than in a toilet bowl.  So even though the Mr scrubbed down his shorts that hit the floor, this came in handy.  I get lavender or a unisex scent so either of us can use it.  Also comes in handy in case you need a little freshening up before going out in public after a long day.)

Dental Floss  (Sometimes you just gotta dig out the rogue piece of herb that decides to invade your pearly whites)

Nail File  (Even if you don't have nails, sometimes you hit it just right and there's a chip.  Instead of incessantly grating it against your jeans or running your finger over it, use the file and save your sanity.  Works for the dudes too.)

Small lip gloss and/or SPF 45 lip balm  (Small glosses are perfect for a makeup refresh without reapplying the whole face.  Suncreen lip balm is a must anywhere, not just the tropics.)

Tide Stick  (We inevitably need this...every.  single.  time.)

Soap sheets or sample size of soap  (If you luck out in one of those state park bathrooms and have running water, you rarely have soap.  Water won't remove the grime but you can find these babies at Target or most travel sections)

Band Aids  (From paper cuts to scraping our leg, we've always been relieved to have these in the bag.)

What must haves would be in your baggie?

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  1. Mostly those are the things I would have, but I'd add a couple.

    Travel pack of tissue - for the inevitable runny nose, but also because that state park you just wee'd in and that doesn't have running water or soap likely also doesn't have tp.

    Baby wipes - because they are amazingly versatile. Hands, face, nasty things on your shoes/car seat, etc.... Things that hand sanitizer and tissue alone can't handle. Plus baby wipes are gentle enough to clean up that scrape before you put a band-aid on it at the state park with no running water.

    A tiny bottle of sunscreen - just in case the big bottle in the luggage gets lost or explodes.

  2. Very good idea!!! I need to make one of these for my car...

  3. This is an excellent idea! I usually have a small bag-o-crap like this, but I never thought about using travel sized things for the glove box. This will come in handy on out trip to the Outer Banks this summer! Thanks!

  4. Some of the stuff you listed is stuff that I keep in my purse at all times. But when travelling I will also carry small pack of flushable whipes. They combine all the benefits of TP and baby whipes that Another Layer listed above into one item. I also usually throw a hair elastic in, cause the wind can do some serious damage and can't be repaired with finger combing. My boyfriend also usually carries a small note pad.

  5. Poop pills (aka pepto bismol). We always have them.

    Anit-bacterial wipes.

  6. My bag would have contact lens cleaner/conditioner/case, deodorant, brush, toothbrush/paste/floss, eyelash curler, mascara, chapstick/gloss, Always maxi pads (gotta have those always).

  7. We haven't done a lot of traveling but we do pack up a similar survival kit for Mardi Gras. Sometimes you just don't know what facilities will be available or when you will be able to get back home. In addition to the things you mentioned, we bring a travel pack of baby wipes. They're invaluable when there's nowhere to wash your hands after a potty break or after eating on a parade route. I always include a pony tail tie. I never wear my hair up when I go out but sometimes the heat or wind makes it necessary. So now I carry my own instead of bothering everyone around us to death asking for one! We also never go without a roll of toilet paper or small packs of tissues in case there are potty issues.


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