How we're spending NYE and favorite posts of 2014

Do you guys remember how we spent Christmas Eve eve? We found out our hot water heater was on the fritz and not to jump on the TMI train but the Mr and I had to take a speed shower together if we both wanted hot water. Twas not romantic. Ask us how we spent New Years Eve eve. Taking a speed shower together trying to both get some of the last tank of hot water left before we had to turn off the gas line because of a gas leak in the new hot water heater. 2014. Put a fork in it... via So I thought in the spirit of other blogging traditions of end of year lists, I'd make one of my own. Here's a look back at some of my favorite posts from 2014 because if I don't see something positive out of this year, twill have felt all for naught. You dig? The Day I Said Yes Vacay Recap Week One Vacation Recap Week Two Personal Goal... Achieved Side Table Makeover 100 Happy Days Completed An Armoire Gets A New Lease on Life The Soundtrack of My Life ...