Monday, December 3, 2012

What better Christmas gift for yourself?

You guys, I am so excited!

I know you've heard me talk about Ilaria Montagnani before.  She's the ripped instructor behind the Powerstrike (affiliate link)  and Atletica DVD's that we love so much.  You can imagine my excitement (okay and a little dread- HA!) when I saw this on her Facebook page.

The Atletica DVD we have is by far one of the hardest workouts we own.  Even when other workouts that used to kick our butts are now not quite getting the job done, Atletica always delivers.  So the fact she's releasing three more of them gets me pumped for new workouts because I love the challenge and she's a tough cookie!  The new Powerstrikes and Bodystrikes are a welcome sight too because she puts you through the paces but in a way that makes you feel like you can do it even if a move is advanced.  All of her DVD's can be modified and you can up your intensity when you're ready.

Do you know why else I'm excited?  Because Ilaria allowed me the privilege of an interview and when the DVD's are released, I'll be posting it!  I learned a great deal about her that I never knew and I can't wait for you to read it.

If you want to learn more about Ilaria, you can visit her website or Facebook page.

To see a sneak peek behind the scenes of the making of the videos, click here for a video they put together!

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  1. How exciting for you. And how great that she gave you an interview - too cool.

  2. All caught up again. And congrats on the interview!

  3. Wow, congratulations on the interview!

  4. how cool..great going on the interview..

  5. I'm so excited to read the interview--that is awesome! I'm going to have to check out those DVDs.

  6. I will have to check these workouts out. I am always looking for something new to try!

  7. If you were to choose one of her DVDs for a beginner, which one would you recommend?

    1. Hmm, her Powerstrike and Bodystrike workouts are more cardio oriented and I feel like they're easily modified if you can't do a move. The Atletica's are definitely strength oriented but done in a circuit fashion so they're like strength with a cardio benefit. You'd definitely be wiped out when they're done!

  8. Wow - so happy for the opportunity you were given and I can't wait to read the interview and hear what you think of the new DVD's! (And perhaps there just might be a giveaway in there??? hint hint) :-)

    1. I've got my fingers crossed that I can hopefully get a promo copy but if not, I might buy a copy to giveaway if you guys are good. ;)

  9. I just kind of randomly stumbled upon your blog, but have spent some time going through older posts. I just wanted to comment and say how inspiring your story is! I really, REALLY admire your dedication and commitment to your health and weight loss and your reasonable approach to it all. I'm also really inspired to re-introduce the word "jackhole" into my vocabulary. Seriously. Hilarious.

    1. Thanks so much! Glad to have you here and I am always happy to help others re-introduce "jackhole" back into their vocabulary! :)

  10. How exciting for you! That is AWESOME!!!! Christmas is coming early for you, girl!


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