Monday, December 24, 2012

Eve of Christmas

How is it Christmas Eve already?

It seems like just yesterday we were celebrating way early (mid-November) with my friend on a road trip and now it's like "welp, tomorrow it'll all be over!"   Boo!

We're keeping up with the "new normal" of no impact exercises.  I'm starting physical therapy exercises to strengthen the muscles in my foot because I can feel weakness setting in.  The Mr has dedicated himself to doing them with me because he's feeling sympathy pains in some of the same places.  I cannot begin to express how much his support and love are helping me as this looks to be a longer process than I anticipated.  This injury has really made us re-think our approach.  I want it to heal ASAP knowing we have taken the lessons it was supposed to teach and are changing our ways.  (In case any deities are reading)  Today and tomorrow aren't going to be the best food wise but tis only once a year that we make rather merry.  I'll try to flush my bod with water and remember to take some chia seeds to keep the pipes runnin' smooth.  Sorry, probably TMI.   I should probably keep up with tradition and open all of the advent calendar windows I've neglected on since mid-December.  I always go in with good intentions and lose interest midway through the month.  Slacker.

Tonight we have my mom over to exchange gifts with her and have a little appetizer spread.  Well I guess it's not little per se but I'm always required to make chicken rumaki (I make mine with TJ's tenderloin breast, a water chestnut wrapped in bacon then baked), BBQ weenies (we're cutting up TJ's no nitrate chicken hot dogs), coconut shrimp and chipotle potato bites.  Then my mom brings veggie pizza.  (Baked crescent roll crust, sour cream "sauce" with veggies on top.)  I hit one of my culinary goals this year and made yeast cinnamon rolls.  I made one batch already and tested them on the Mr's co-workers who had them demolished by 10am.  (They were still warm when they got there)  Cinnamon rolls for Christmas morning breakfast have always been a tradition for my family.  Last year we got some for my mom too and sent her home with some.  So today I will pre-bake and wrap them in airtight containers so they'll be ready to roll after present opening.  I found a great recipe that utilizes a bread machine to do all the kneading (this works especially well since I can't stand up for long).  If they turn out, I'll pass the recipe along!  ;-)

Welp, lots to do today and not enough time to do it.  We need to workout so we can take tomorrow off from exercise since we flipped around rest days.

If anyone is reading today and I haven't just been babbling to myself, I just wanted to say thank you so much for the gift of your support, readership and camaraderie.  We're all in this together and knowing the Mr and I are not alone in this adventure makes it easier to bear in the hard times and sweeter to celebrate with you all in the good ones.  We wish you the Merriest of Christmases or whatever you should happen to celebrate!

I'll leave you with a Christmas song that I've loved since I was a kid called Happy Christmas Eve.

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  1. Merry Christmas! I love reading your blog. Your approach to life and health is inspiring and I feel like I've learned so much about both from following your journey. Have a wonderful holiday and good luck in the new year :)

    1. Thanks so much Hunter! Same to you and thanks for following along!

  2. Merry Christmas! Have a wonderful 2 days of merry making!

  3. Merry Christmas!
    I read you blog and am anticipating Christmas with great Joy.

    1. Merry Christmas Diane! I see you're a fan of the egg nog cookies! :)

  4. you must try the pioneer woman cinnamon rolls recipe.. i made them this year and passed them out to co workers. the maple/coffee frosting.. omg yum

  5. Merry Christmas Hun. May you days be blessed and may you continue to heal while finding new ways to keep up the workouts. Your body's going to make some crazy changes for the good during this time, I just know it. Sometimes it's that extra push that we think is a set back that makes all the difference. Blessings in disguise.

    1. From your lips (or fingers) to God's ears! It's definitely forcing us to be creative. I never thought I'd "swim" without water! LOL Merry Christmas!

  6. Merry Christmas! Your appetizer spread for tonight sounds delicious, and not as bad as it could be.
    Your ability to still get in a calorie burning workout despite doing no-impact exercises is impressing me. Thanks for the lesson!

    I hope you enjoy the holiday, your friends and your family!

    1. Yes, it's certainly not as bad as it's been in years past that's for sure. We do try to cut back where we can without sacrificing flavor. Like the chicken dog weenies taste better than the regular ones and we don't use so much BBQ sauce that one would ask "would like a weenie with your BBQ sauce?" I must say, I'm impressed with what slack the body will pick up too when forced to rearrange! Merry Christmas!

  7. Merry Christmas!! Thanks for all the inspiration and sharing your life with us. ~Krista

  8. Merry Christmas to you, may the foot improve soon!

  9. Merry Christmas! I hope you have a great day today and an even better one tomorrow! Now I'm off to make batches of 2 of your cookie recipes, plus a whole bunch of other stuff for tonight's big feed. Then tomorrow it's leftovers and no cooking for me. Best Christmas Gift Ever

  10. A blessed Christmas to you and your entire family. Your chocolate orange slices/crescent rolls are in the oven even as I type. I get to tell everyone about you, my dear friend, as they taste them. So if your ears start burning? It's just me telling folks how much I love ya! *hugs*

  11. Merry Christmas to you! Just wanted to say, thank you for being so kind and positive when I whine posted about my feet the other day, lol :D. Thank you! Plus, we always have cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning, too! I made Alton's Overnight Cinnamon Rolls this year! Do you make your own coconut shrimp? My husband loves them, but I can't find a good baked recipe, they are all fried.... :)!

  12. Merry Christmas! Always enjoy your blogs and trying the recipes. Thanks so much or sharing. Ally

  13. I went to physical therapy after a car accident a few years ago and it helped me so much, and not just with that injury. I learned that I was sitting wrong, walking wrong--well, I was doing everything wrong. So I hope that you're able to gain something from it too. And of course, I hope it helps you heal. And quickly!


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