Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Day 12: Stocking Stuffer Crescents

Can you believe we're on the last day of the 12 Days of Treats?  This is a super simple recipe and while you can certainly make them for others if you're hosting a gathering, I'm betting you'll appreciate this way to turn your favorite (or even not so favorite) stocking stuffers into a yummy treat.  Ever since those chocolate oranges came out, the community tables at work have always had at least one or two of them a couple of days after Christmas.  People either love them or hate them or don't know what to do with them.  Enter this bad boy.

 Super easy, super cute and most importantly super delicious!  I don't even like those chocolate orange thingys and we both liked this!  Let's wrap it up!

Stocking Stuffer Crescents
(makes 8)

1 Chocolate Orange
1 tube of Reduced Fat Crescent Rolls

I'm down with any ingredient that has the word "whack" in it's directions for use.

So whack it and set aside.

Pop open your crescent rolls.

Lay them out on a Silpat or lightly cooking sprayed cookie sheet.

Add 2 wedges of "orange."

Fold in the sides to keep the chocolate from oozing out.

Roll forward until the chocolate is completely covered.


If you're using the orange, a sprinkle of cinnamon is a nice touch before baking.

You'll have a few wedges left.  You could grate them to top off a sundae, snazzy up a dish or just leave 'em whole and put them in your pie hole your honey's lunch.

Bake for 9-11 minutes or until golden brown.

Let cool for 5 minutes then enjoy the gooey goodness!  It's almost like a smaller pan au chocolate!  Oui!

Now I know some of you may get other stocking stuffer candies from Santa so if that's the case, I've included nutritional information featuring some other popular candies.

Nutritional Information per crescent using 2 chocolate orange wedges:  Calories 178  Total Fat 9g  Sat Fat 5g  Cholesterol 2g  Sodium 220mg  Total Carbs 23g  Fiber 1g  Sugars 12g  Protein 3g  Iron 6%

Nutritional Information per crescent using 1 chocolate orange wedge:  Calories 134  Total Fat 7g  Sat Fat 3g  Sodium 220mg  Total Carbs 18g  Sugars 7g  Protein 2g  Iron 5%

Nutritional Information per crescent using 1 fun size Snickers:  Calories 150 Total Fat 7g  Sat Fat 3g  Sodium 250mg  Total Carbs 20g  Sugars 9g  Protein 3g  Vitamin A 2%  Calcium 2%  Iron 6%

Nutritional Information per crescent using 2 miniature Reese cups:  Calories 178  Total Fat 4g  Sat Fat 2g  Sodium 220mg  Total Carbs 12  Sugars 2g  Protein 2g  Iron 4%

Nutritional Information per crescent using 1 fun size Milky Way:  Calories 170  Total Fat 7g Sat Fat 4g  Cholesterol 3g  Sodium 248mg  Total Carbs 24g  Sugars 12g  Protein 3g  Calcium 1%  Iron 4%

I hope you've enjoyed the 12 Days of Treats as much as I enjoyed making them for you!  Grab a few for yourself and give some to others.  There's no bigger thank you than a big smile or sweet note telling you how much someone you care about enjoyed a little tin o' love!

This recipe was linked up with 52 Mantels and  The Shabby Creek Cottage.
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  1. Another great idea of yours! I really don't care much for the chocolate oranges but I have to say these were quite yummy! Hard to believe how close we are to Christmas now. Woo hoo!

    1. I was surprised how much I liked them given I'm not a fan of the actual product myself but yeah, they were good! Yep, Christmas isn't far now!

    2. Sometimes I wish actually Christmas Day would never come, because I love the anticipation and the season so much. I just wish it didn't have to end. I guess that's what make it special though, cause it's over before you know it. Great job on the 12 days of Christmas treats this year. I pinned most of these great ideas to try WHEN I RETIRE (in other words....after tomorrow!!!)

  2. Mmmmm chocolate oranges!
    Matt (my guy) had NEVER had one when I showed him them in Target so we bought it and it was delicious. I hadn't had one in so long!

    Now I want one lol

    1. Oh, we bought one and demolished it!

      And I'm trying to get myself back on track with food and workouts so it might be dangerous.

      I bought a bag of Dove dark chocolate & raspberry swirls and plan to (and hope to) eat only 1 a day as a treat. So maybe get the dark chocolate orange and have a wedge a day? lol

    2. If you can do that without issue, go for it! If it's too much temptation make these for the holidays and imbibe in the leftover wedges that are lonely. Only 2 a piece to get you into "trouble." ;)

  3. I love those chocolate orange thingies, but I never get them for Christmas unless I buy one for myself. This totally gives me that excuse.

    Thanks for sharing your 12 days of treats again this year. I don't know how much work it is on your part, but I'd love it if you had printable versions of these. Or maybe you do and I just didn't see the clickie thing that's on a lot of your other recipes?

    1. If you go to the ReciPage tab on the front of the blog, you can browse through the recipes and print from there. :)

  4. This sentence: "I'm down with any ingredient that has the word "whack" in it's directions for use." has me literally laughing out loud at my desk. I've gotta get some of these now.

    1. So glad I could give you a morning laugh! Now get thee to the store, grab a chocolate orange and whack away!

  5. As always, you mpress the hell out of me withyour creativity and cleverness! You rock!

  6. Thanks so much for the 12 days! I think you outdid yourself this year!! Have a Merry, Merry Christmas!!

  7. Oh. My. Goodness. That looks YUMMERS! Sad thing is I have a tube of crescents in the fridge and FIVE, yes 5, chocolate oranges in the closet, but I can't get them out because, yes, they are indeed stocking stuffers-lol. I guess I just have to wait. Drat! I've pinned it though because I WILL be making these :).

    1. Just think of how much better they will taste wrapped up in pillowy goodness! I'm sure you won't be sorry you tried them. SOOO good!

  8. LOVE this idea. I've seen those chocolate oranges and wondered about them, but never tried one. I like how you included other options and their nutritional value! NICE! This sounds so easy, but I worry about having a bunch of them laying around my house, cause I'm not good at temptation when it's close at hand. However, if I know people are coming over, or before going out to a party, might just try these. What do you think about adding a little sugar to the cinnamon (I know that will add some calories) before sprinkling it over the top?

    1. Definitely best if you're going to eat them fresh or within an hour or so. If you make them the day before a party, heat them for 10 seconds for all 8 at the same time so they get that just baked texture back.

      You can personalize them however you want just remember the nutritional info will change. I'm thinking 2 Hershey Kisses will be good for a true taste of a chocolate croissant without as many calories. YUM!

  9. Oh the deliciousnes... those look amazing.

  10. By the way, I don't know HOW you have the patience and creativity for some of these things. Like your spiders and the hanging ornament truffles, I look at them and I'm like "SOOOOO cute! I'd smash so many things trying these"

    Please share the secret of your patience!
    I know cake balls have to fear you but how do the truffles not fear you? lol

    1. HA!! You called me patient. I'm tellin' the Mr so he can laugh. :D Truffles are super easy. It's literally pulse, dump, pulse, scoop, dip, sprinkle. The dipping is the most involved part but especially the Oreo ones don't make a ton of them so I can hack dipping 15 over doing say 42 cookies or bars and having to extensively decorate them.

    2. Yep, I am laughing at that one!

  11. I know I have definitely not told you lately, or nearly enough, just how much I absolutely LURVVVEEEEEEE YOU!!!

    This right here: hole and put them in your pie hole your honey's lunch. Bwahahahaha!

    And the Whack comment - <3!!!

    Love ya bunches girlie! Thanks for the 12 Treats!

    1. LURVVEEEEEEE you too girl!! I saw the "directions" on top of that orange and it got my ornery riled up! :)

  12. As you know, I don't like chocolate, but I think these will be a BIG hit in my family. Thank you for this idea!!

  13. I don't like chocolate oranges, not even a little bit. I would probably like several of the options you have given though!

  14. Oh, I am SO heading to the store tonight to get some reduced fat crescent rolls to try these! Love the idea, they look delish!

  15. these are so tiny and adorable! I bet they taste great and they'd be a huge success with the kids!

  16. What a brilliant idea! I love those chocolate oranges, and we get them every year for Christmas. I'm soooooo going to try this!

  17. Also, since you're using a tin of rolls, you get to whack the orange AND the tin of rolls. Double fun. :)

  18. Oh man, I love those chocolate oranges. These look amazing! But I want, like, 20 of them.

  19. I tried these and they were a hit! Everyone loved them and went back for more. If you make them ahead of time, you can heat one up in the microwave for just 10 seconds or so to make the insides all warm and melty again. Definitely add the cinnamon to the orange flavored ones! The store only had one chocolate orange and one toffe-flavored chocolate orange. The toffee wasn't as good, in my opinion, but I bet it would be fabulous with the ones that taste like chocolate raspberry.


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