
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Ring a ding

When I was a sophomore in high school I was about 230ish.  I say ish because I have no friggin' clue what I weighed exactly then.  The scale and I were not simpatico in those days.  I remember it was time to order my class ring and I was so excited.  I didn't get a traditional ring, it was kind of girlie so I could wear it as a regular ring once I graduated.  It had these black hills gold leaves on the side.  I don't know why I got that, I'm not even a fan of black hills gold but I think it was the only option.  When I ordered it, it was a size 10.

When the Mr finally said yes to going ring shopping after a night out to dinner, I tried on a bunch of rings at the different jewelers in the mall.  I sat at my desk at work and designed my perfect ring out of pictures I cut out of the stack of Brides magazine I accumulated.  One night, we found that exact ring I dreamed up and I couldn't stop looking at it.  The lady at the store wrote down my information for the Mr including my ring size.  About 80 lbs heavier than my last ring purchase at just over 300 lbs. she said "it should be easy to remember, she's a perfect 10."

For our 10 year anniversary, I'd put in my time and we looked at nice diamond bands to take the place of my gold wedding band.  Of course I couldn't try on the sample sizes because my sausage finger was too fat to grease it on but sliding it as far as it would go and putting the wedding ring on top of it took my breath away.  At 411 pounds, the size of my ring was easy to remember...10.

About 8 months ago, I could no longer take the incessant spinning of my rings on my middle finger and bumping them up to the index finger was just annoying and it caught on everything.  I was in an antique store that sold old jewelry and they had a ring sizer there.  I tried on a bunch of rings and when I tried on one that fit, I slid it on the sizer and it read 7 1/2.  At 288 lbs, I saw the ring size I'd been for basically my whole life change even though I'd been thinner and still a 10.  It wasn't a cheap proposition either.  The ring had to basically be rebuilt since I was dropping almost 3 sizes.  It was like $300 for mine and $150 for the Mr's to drop 2 sizes.

As I type and am 9 lbs less than I was when I had my ring resized toward the beginning of the year, my ring is tipping to the side then dangling on the underside of my finger.  Dear weight loss gods, I'm glad the scale has moved again but could you please stop taking it from my fingers?  I would really prefer not to have a size 4 finger with a size 24 ass.  (It's better than the size 34 ass I used to be but you get my meaning)  I don't have the money to be getting this thing resized again within the next year.  I'm gonna have to bust it out old school yo and wrap some yarn around the back.

What spot are you losing weight that you wish would take a break for a while and move on to other more important parts?

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  1. My feet. I just noticed it recently and it's annoying. Not that I'm mad that my shoes fit so much better now (can shoes be "baggy"?) but I'm vain and I want to lose weight where folks can SEE it, like from my giant belly roll.

    I've also noticed my lower legs lose very fast, so I have bony looking shins and knobby knees (which sucks when I do exercises that involve being on my knees--I get bruised!) but then big fat thighs and a jelly roll belly. Like a ball on a stick.

    1. Shoes can absolutely be baggy. I wore a pair of black flats to a funeral recently that I used to wear to work every day near my highest weight (and my feet humped up out of 'em too) and I walked right out of them!

  2. I'm "pear shaped" and it drives me crazy because as I am losing the weight it is coming off from the top down. I don't mind losing it in my face and neck but really does my chest have to be sucked flat when I have so much to give on my butt and thighs? **sigh**

  3. I'd like to stop losing from my boobs, I didn't have much to begin with and I've lost some there. Take it from my upper thighs, that's where I'm still jiggling lol

    I lost weight in my fingers too! It's weird the places we lose weight, like my knees

    1. Mine poor boobs look like balloons a few days after the party. I imagine at some point they'll just flap in the wind.

  4. Holy crap, I get it! My boobs are gone (from a DD to a B), my feet, which were impossible to shoe in the first place being a 5 1/2, are now a little girls size 4, WTF?!? Have you ever seen a heal in a size 4 that didn't have Cinderella on the side? NEITHER HAVE I!!! OH, AND, my shoulders are boney. REALLY?!? Yah, and my wedding rings haven't fit in more than a year.

    1. ROFL...I'm sure no one rocks Cinderella shoes like you do girl!

    2. Hahaha!!! Actually, more of a Beauty and the Beast girl = )

  5. I understand the blog and the comments above. I too have had the ring sliding syndrome and I absolutely love wearing my rings. I did notice that they make clear, plastic ring spacers. I've decided that I will be using those until I reach goal (if they work) and then I'll splurge on professional resizing. Here's a link for the spacers.

    As for the boobie comment above. I understand that a lot girls are really wanting to keep their volumptuous breasts but as for me....BE GONE!! Just as your previous blog entry stated how the girls get sore from bouncin' around during exercise and so forth...I'm totally ok with having nubs!! ;) Bring on the training bra!!! (never wore one of those) lol

    1. Thanks so much for the link!! You can bet I bookmarked those babies! We tried metal spacers from jewelers and they break after a week or two. It's ridiculous.

  6. I always lose from the same place first - my chest. Of course. Not a huge issue from me, but I'd much rather be able to get into a smaller size pant than a smaller bra.

    The have ring sizers. Basically the same thing as yarn, but less noticeable. I've seen them as WalMart/Target type places, but I bet a reputable jeweler would have something better that might get you through until you get to your goal and your fingers stop shrinking.

  7. When I was losing weight, the first place to get slimmer/more toned was my ankles and calves. I've never had large ankles to begin with, so that was frustrating. Nothing on my thighs or hips moved for quite a while. You never lose it where you want to lose it! hahaha.

  8. Oh so get the finger size. I mean mine were only size 7 to begin with now a 5. I have the smalles fingers. People always comment about that.

    Would love to lose some in the boobies. I mean come on I don't neet to go through life as a size F on top and a 12 on the bottom so I?

    1. My grandma always said I had long elegant fingers and I'd be a piano player. I'm not exactly uh...insert famous piano player here...but having something that resembles fingers over canned sausages are pretty cool.

  9. Well its nice ur seeing changes but I agree with the pear shaped comments..I keep losing in the arms and all..I dont mind it but if wud be nice if my ass comes

  10. Funny where the weight comes off, isn't it? I had a fat ass from the time puberty hit. I hated it with a passion. As I gained weight, my ass just got bigger, but eventually was kind of over-taken by the all the other fatness surrounding it and my ass wasn't quite as obviously huge as when I was NOT as fat. I have also always had short fat legs, which I also hate. What I would give for long, model-slim gams!!! Oh well, it wasn't in the gene cards I was dealt.

    But when I lost the weight, I also lost my ASS! It's gone. I wear a size 10 in jeans and can fit into an 8 in slacks. I realize sizes are bigger now than when I was young, but my wedding dress was a 12, and I was smaller than, so a single-digit size is incomprehensible to me. Sometimes I look at my back side in the full-length mirror in the bathroom here at work and am truly amazed. NO ASS! However, the fat legs have remained. Oh they're not as fat as 180 lbs. ago, but they're still not long and lean. I don't know why I thought my legs would grow longer as I lost weight? But I hoped.....

    I finally had my wedding rings made smaller last Christmas. Like you, I was wearing them on my middle finger for quite a while. I'm now a size 6 1/2! (I had my ring made bigger 25-30 years ago, I think it started out as a 7 back in 1970, then probably increased to about a 10. They had to cut them off my finger when I had them made bigger!) My class ring was a 7, so maybe my fingers are smaller than when I was in high school, or have ring sizes gotten bigger too?

    1. You and the Mr should have a contest. The man's butt has always been as flat as a pancake!

    2. I'm afraid your Mister would win. Men are blessed with small asses and women are NOT. Since I have put back on about 15 pounds from my lowest weight (but still below my 160 lbs. goal), I think I see my ass growing a little bigger gain. I'm working on it, I'm working on it.

  11. I am amazed at how much a persons' fingers can actually change in this journey. I don't recall what ring size I am now and have no idea what I was at 455 but I know I've had at least 2 resizes already and sense that another one is on the horizon. I want to wait until the last possible moment next time though. I will do what you plan to do and use the felt for a bit until I hit goal because otherwise it's just a frustrating and expensive routine.

    1. Me too! I want to say you're a 10 now. The first resize was from 13 to 11.5 then down a size and a half this time. Me too. I want to wait until we're at goal so we don't ever have to get them resized again!

  12. Boy, I wish I could say I have one particular spot, but I'm not noticing it from any one area. Mine has been a very slooooow loss, so many that's why. I'm one of the few women who would be so happy to lose it in my chest considering I'm a J cup. Even at my smallest years and years ago at 160 lbs I was still a DD, so me thinks I won't lose it there, but still continue to sag instead. =o)

    1. Trust me, it'll come off the most inconvenient/least desired places. LOL

  13. I'm pear-shaped, so my C/D cups have gone to a freaking B. Most of my weight loss is showing in my face, neck, shoulders, chest, and (of all the places) my ankles and feet.

    I'm going to look like a bowling pin if my ass doesn't catch up soon. Even my thighs are trimmer (no complaints there, though).

    I've noticed my rings are starting to get a teeny bit looser. The claddagh ring on my left hand comes off with soap now, but my birthstone on my right hand is still stuck. It's just not as tight as it used to be. While I would LOVE if my boyfriend gave me an engagement ring - and I'm pretty sure it's coming in the next few months - part of me doesn't want him to plunk down all that money, only to have the ring resized in several months. Not that I'd say no if it happened, though. ;)

    1. ROFL...bowling pin. Me too girl! Fingers crossed (no matter what the size) for a purty new ring!

  14. The first place I noticed the difference was in my face and chest. I do notice a difference now in my legs and my belly. My fingers do also hog the attention. I went from placing them on my middle finger to my pointer in the last 4 months. I kind of wish my feet would lose some weight! I only notice a small difference there. But I guess I'll take it anywhere! Keep up the good work Mr. & Mrs.!

    1. Ugh, doesn't it suck having them on the pointer? I was snagging everything and I kept scratching my forehead!

      Thanks! Will do!

  15. I have always had nice legs, its my middle that's awful. I just told my sister today that my belly is like a just opened can of refrigerator biscuits! Too doughy for me.

    I know I need to up my strength training, just cardio is never going to cut it.

    1. I'll take them thar legs. Mine are a heinous disaster. Definitely get that strength training in, I can't believe the difference it's made in my shape even if that shape makes people want to ring me. (Bell)

  16. Oh how I get you on this one!!! My fingers are much smaller now and I'm wearing my wedding ring on my middle finger for oh...the past year or more. I'm kinda holding off until I'm at goal, or at least closer to goal.

    But right now I think I'm losing all my weight from my


    1. I think that's a good idea. We're holding out as long as possible. I've got another 120 to go so I can't imagine how much smaller they could get!

  17. I have really big fingers with wide knuckles, like my dad, so at my highest weight of 325 my ring size was an 11. It was getting too tight to wear. After losing 145 lbs, my ring size is now 7.5. My body likes to take weight from my boobs and my shoulder area. My collarbones stick way out and from there up I look like a thin person, even though I still weigh 180 pounds and am only 5'4". Shirts are always falling off my shoulders, and I constantly need new bras. I was a 46DDD and am now a 38D and those bras are getting too loose. I wish my stomach would shrink! My legs and butt are doing ok, but my gut is huge! I can wear a size 14 now and can stuff myself into 12s, which would fit great in the legs, but not in the waist. I picked up a pair of shorts at ON in the summer that said size 14 and when I went to put them on I couldn't get them close to being buttoned, then I looked at the size and they were an 8! Someone had put them on the wrong hanger.

    1. Doesn't it stink the way shirts don't fit properly. It's like I don't want to have all of my clothes altered, ya know? Aww man, I hate it when the tag doesn't match the size. I suppose you could look at em as a goal to get in to? I do that all the time. I still have an OLD SCHOOL pair of Gitano jeans (remember those!??!) that are 12's back then so I'll be interested to see what those translate to in today's sizes.

  18. I will take a loss wherever I can get it right now. Fingers included. :D But when I was at my lowest weight, I lost much more weight on top than I did on bottom. My clavicles were jutting out, but I still couldn't get boots over my calves. Gah!

  19. "I would really prefer not to have a size 4 finger with a size 24 ass."

    Thank you, I needed to LOL today!

  20. "I would really prefer not to have a size 4 finger with a size 24 ass."

    Oh, that's the line that made me laugh out loud too! Thanks!!

  21. My boobs. Lord, if you could leave them alone it would be wonderful. My hubby likes them, my clothes fit better with them and if the rest of me gets smaller they will be quite nice. Anyway, that's my prayer for today. lol

  22. Just wanted to stop by and say I found your blog during a search and I love it :)! Congrats on everything so far and I like your approach to avoid denial..which totally does me in every time I try to cut anything bad "cold turkey!"

  23. Hi Jessica! So happy to have you aboard! Absolutely...everything in balance. Hope the see ya around the blog.

  24. I'm finally getting the scale moving again. If things go as usual it will show mostly in my face before it shows anywhere else. Le sigh.

  25. When I was in losing phase, I was astounded at how fast my breasts abandoned me. And after I'd toted those things around for all those years!

  26. I'm losing around my face and neck but it's causing weird wrinkles at the bottom of my neck. But I really wish I could lose more around the boobs. They still are massive!

  27. Believe it or not, my hips. My waist-to-hip ratio hasn't changed a bit despite losing 40 pounds, and it's getting irritating to see my pants sag around my hips and butt but still be too snug in the waist!

  28. I know I'm so far behind in catching up. Sorry about that. Life goes a little nuts sometimes. I just love these kinds of victory stories. *APPLAUSE*


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