
Monday, October 1, 2012

Hot light, food follies and long awaited premieres

Howdy y'all.  How is it the first day of October?

I swear I am in need of a mental vacation soon.  I feel like I'm being stretched really thin lately and am so tired.  I got the bright idea of adding another project to the Mr's b-day decorations after looking at pics of the venue and feeling like the front wall needed something.  So I did a bunting project and it turned out well, I'll get pics in a few weeks when I've decorated and it's all pulled together.  I've got several projects all coming due at the same time plus making sure we stay on top of our program.  I was soo close to wanting to skip last night but I felt much better after our workout.

Saturday morning (high cal day) my craving had been chosen for me.  You're going to think I made this up but I swear I didn't.  I woke up with Neil Diamond singing..."turn  on your...

That's right.  I literally heard "turn on your hot light" as I woke up.  I have not heard Neil Diamond in years and we listen to a playlist at night so there was no ear worm.  I think this would make an excellent campaign for Krispy Kreme and have Neil holding a hot off the conveyor glazed donut in one of his sparkly outfits.  Man those little effers are good.

After that, we shopped all morning including scooping up EIGHT bottles of Trader Joe's spiced cider.  That's right.  Of course seven of them are for the Mr's birthday party but we enjoyed some with lunch and it was heaven.  Then we came home for some football, rest and projects.  I would've loved to have slept in Sunday morning but we had some grocery shopping to do.  Sigh.  Everything was really catching up to me by then and my attitude was souring.  When we got back, we had to take a nap, there was no avoiding it.  I wish I could say I slept right through but I didn't.  Um...2 hours later, I woke up stressed because I had stuff we needed to get done.  Plus we were starving so I made some lunch in a hurry which included a new to us dish from Trader Joe's...

I put it in my microwaveable rice cooker and in 4 minutes it was ready.  I microwaved then grilled the chicken apple sausage we bought from TJ's that morning and it made for a good quick meal coming in at 390 calories.

Would I get it again?  Probably.  You definitely couldn't have it without some kind of accompaniment or at least we couldn't because about 2-3 hours later I was ravenous again.  I was really feeling like I didn't want to work out the later it got.  Of course we did.  Total Trainer and Turbo Fire HIIT 30.  Then I was ready to eat my hand but instead I ate something much better...chicken tacos with arugula and cheddar chipotle mini potato bites.

Then it was time to settle in for the premiere of one of my surprise likes from last year...

I was bawling like an idiot 5 minutes in.  What a dork.  Of course the Mr had to say "the last time we saw this show..." which means we were somewhere Volcano, Hawaii.  That was a great night.  We got really sh*tty food from a convenience store because they don't have many restaurant options especially when you're indecisive and wait too long.  The oven was completely not accurate and I burned the pizza (nay, super well done) and I think had a candy bar or something.  Super nutritious yo.  But it was a fun night after a lot of days of go go go and involved in a hit and run the day before and rental fiascos.  Yeesh.

Then it was time for the REAL premiere we were waiting for...

It was a good start to the new season.  This is the second to last season from what I read so they'd better make these them count.  I must say my heart was racing the whole time and the last 3 minutes made me gasp more than once until I almost passed out at the last line.  Weird how you can root for him but Michael C. Hall has always been an amazing actor.  If you haven't seen Six Feet Under, it's time to get a-rentin'!

Lots of stuff I have no choice but to get done this week.  If I am not clinically insane by the weekend, it'll be a miracle.

Did you watch any good premieres this weekend?  Any premieres you're looking forward to?

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  1. I'm under enthused by network t.v. (I don't have cable). There were no series I was dieing to see come back and only one or two new shows that blipped my radar(and of those, only ONE that I managed to stay awake for but still can't say it was great--just ok).

    I did get all caught up on "Breaking Bad", which I do enjoy. I'm looking forward for this current season (its last--which is good since teh premise is wearing quite thin) to hit dvd so I can wrap up that show.

    I've found I much prefer to watch t.v. series on dvd where I can have a lost weekend and just watch a season start to finish. Yes, it's a big bite of time at once but I like not having to wait (and I'm not one of those folks who worries about spoilers and such).

    1. The only new show I like this season on network tv is The New Normal. I rarely laugh out loud on shows but that one does it for me.

  2. In 2 weeks, "The Walking Dead" is coming back on. I really like that show. Also, on the 17th, "American Horror Story" comes on. That was my surprise like from last season. I REALLY enjoyed it, and am looking forward to this year. Neat thing about that show is, you don't have to watch the prior season. It's completely different. Last year was about a house in LA. This year it's about an asylum on the east coast. Just interestingly enough, they're using pretty much the same cast, to tell a different story. So we'll see how this season goes. Another good show is "Justified". I know the season finale had me going HOLY SCHNEIKIE! at the end of it.

    1. I cannot WAIT for AHS!!! It has nothing to do with the fact Adam Levine is on it but it doesn't hurt either. Last season was AMAZING. I wish they were bringing back Dylan and Connie but I'm glad to see Jessica Lange is back. She was flawless in that role!

  3. I was waiting for "Revenge" and then I fell asleep halfway through! Oh, well . . . .

  4. I really like Once Upon a Time too - I didn't have time to watch live last night, but it's on my dvr for my viewing pleasure. I don't get Showtime (or any other premium channel) but I really wish I did. I had a free preview a while back and got hooked on Dexter, and now I can't get my fix. I don't have a place to rent the dvd's locally, so I may have to break down and buy the seasons but that's awfully expensive.

    I'm anxiously waiting for the return of Walking Dead and I've got a new one called "Elementary" recorded from last week that I want to check out.

  5. My best friend is a bit of a Neil Diamond freak, so I have a bit of an aversion to him... I LOVE Once Upon a TIme, and was so excited last night. I also enjoyed the hour long recap before the premier, I think it summed things up nicely.

  6. Hey! We were watching TV together last night! ;) I tried to stick through the premiere of Homeland as well, but I didn't make it and Hubs woke me up from a dead sleep on the couch around midnight to tell me I might want to go to bed. *lol* Looking forward to Walking Dead as well.

  7. Dexter and Homeland were recorded because I was visiting a relative out of town. I've started liking the Pbs masterpiece mystery Wallender and their Sherlock Holmes is fantastic. I did watch Cbc's Elementary and will watch it --just crumbs compared to the PBS version. Can't wait for : AHS, Walking Dead, Downton Abbey in 2013. addict..And today I turned 50.

  8. Once Upon a Time was REALLY good! Super enjoyed it. Love how they kept Wicked Queen relevant to the plot, mmhhm. Nothing is moving me to excitement this year. Maybe I just need the second episode. Even Grimm has lost some luster for me. Fall season ender of Dr. Who got me though, oh my goodness that was a rough episode, can't wait to see where it goes now.

  9. We caught the mid season ender of Dr. Who...I didn't get weepy but it was a heart tugger for sure. Packing up for a work road trip so will check in later in the week! Have a good one.

  10. I just finished season 5 of Dexter and got season 6. I have no idea how he gets away with it everytime! I saw the previews for this season and it looks really exciting. I'm getting hooked! I can't wait to start Mad Men, I heard that was great as well. Have a nice day!

  11. I was a bit disappointed by Once Upon a Time, but love, love, love Dexter, and I'm getting hooked on Homeland as well - Claire Danes is amazing! Someone else posted about Dr. Who - I'm going to have to find that one again, I've been missing it!

  12. The season premiere of "Dexter" was really good. My friends and I were pretty much freaking out because we have NO idea where this season is going to go now. I can't wait for next Sunday!

    I've been meaning to check out "Once Upon a Time" and "Grimm". Someone told me I'd like them since I used to watch "Buffy" and "Angel". I love supernatural stuff, as long as it isn't too campy/cheesy. "Buffy" started out that way, but then it got into a more serious mythos, and I was hooked.

  13. I was REALLY into Dexter for the first 2 seasons, and then I stopped watching it, for some unknown reason. I really need to get back into it. I was excited for Modern Family, which premiered last week, and it feels good to have it back.

  14. I only watch a couple of series: Major Crimes and Psych. Psych's S7 premiere date keeps getting pushed back. I think I have to wait until January now. :(

  15. I'm a big fan of apple chicken sausage and anything from Trader Joe's - your lunch sounds fantastic. We are big fans of Once Upon a Time in our house. Loved the premiere myself. :)

  16. Ah, so funny, I dragged my husband into Krispy Kreme this weekend after I realized we hadn't been there for a year. I was hoping they had the Caramel Apple doughnuts, but alas, they did not. I'm lame & I only watch reality shows, Breaking Bad, & Mad Men. But mostly reality shows. :)


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