
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Poll: Your Grocery Habits

The Mr and I were laughing about this encounter we had with his late father right after we were first married.  He was an everyday shopper.  On the way home, it was picking up this and that.  I was raised to go every other week and that's how we've always done it.  We lived in the same neighborhood for a few months before they moved and we ran into him at the grocery.  We had a huge cart full of stuff when we passed Dad with his load, no more than his hands could carry.  He looked at our cart in horror and was like "what's with all of that!?"  We said we go every 2 weeks (refreshing produce weekly as needed) and he thought we were freaks.  I said "picking up something you forgot?"  he said no that he was there every day.  We looked at him like he was a freak.  We had a good laugh remembering that.  15 years later we still go every other week with a produce refresher on the "off" weekend.

When do you go to the grocery store?  Every day?  Every week?  Every other week?  When the smell from the fridge forces you out of the house?

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  1. Every two weeks for the "big" stuff, meats, frozen stuff, and shelf staples. Every week for fruits, veggies, milk, and whatnot.

  2. I shop every Saturday; however, I always forget at least one item and need to make a short return trip during the week. I would love to shop once a month with just a weekly trip to replenish perishibles. One of these days I will get there.

  3. I must say grocery shopping has become a "bonding time" for my husband and I. For three years now we go every single Friday, together, after work. We walk up and down every single aisle, he carries a calculator, and we get everything that we need. If we forget something, we usually just skip it for the week - as we are on a tight budget. We have tried a few times to do the, get it as you go, method... but that just turns out into getting a pizza or a sub and seeing how we are both trying to lose weight- not a good idea!

  4. We used to go every other week too but got out of the habit. Now we go every week seems to be easier for us. Plus usually mid week we have to get another gallon of milk.

  5. We go every Sunday morning. It's nice and quiet then. We used to shop every other week and I'd love to get back to that. I do have to go to a grocery store near my work during the week to get veggies and fruit because the produce is crap at both grocery stores in my podunk little town. That irks me big time because the two stores in my town are chain stores...we have sorry produce while next county over has much better stuff.

    My mom is one of those every day shoppers. That would drive me crazy!

  6. I try to go once a week, stocking up whenever there are good sales. I usually end up with a heavier week alternated with a couple lighter weeks. I do end up a the store mid week most of the time for milk and the occasional odd item.

  7. Every other week for us. If we stock up enough within our budget, I can stretch meals to 3 weeks, but I would have to stop during that time to refresh a few items here and there. I wonder how much gas your late father in law spent on the grocery store everyday! If he walked, at least it was good exercise :)

  8. We go once a week for a big run. The toddler absolutely loves riding in the cart and helping grocery shop. If given the choice, he asks for it to be just mommy and me time.

    Regardless, we ALWAYS need to stop at least once during the week for more milk. My DH is a BIG milk drinker.

  9. Once a week for me but a trip every 3 days or so for produce. The longer you leave produce in the fridge the more vitamins are leached out. And for me..the fresher the better.

  10. Every week, and then again in the middle of the week to resupply produce and lunch meat.

  11. I'm married to an executive chef and when he's home (out four weeks, home two) we shop strictly by the sale ads. I generally go when my grocery list gets too big or I need whatever it is I've run out of.

  12. I like to go every other week for a big haul. Then I'll do a small trip for the bare essentials maybe once a week - Milk, bananas etc.

    I think going every DAY would drive me absolutely batty! I get about as crabby in a busy grocery store as I do going into a Walmart which is not a pleasant experience :)

  13. I try to go weekly. With our big family it is easier to do it on a weekly basis.

  14. We shop every weekend. We have the "cheaper" grocery store that is huge and do most of our shopping there. But there are two others in town that have double coupons and very good sales on meat and other products that the main store doesn't, so depending on what's on sale, we'll visit those stores as well.

  15. ususally every other week for a "bigger grocery run" or even only once a month - 1st Tuesday of the month gets 10% off at Sobeys and Safeway - then ocne a week or so we fill in with fresh fruit/veggies and some dairy

    soon though we will have zucchini from our garden - and tomorrow I get to pick the snow peas & broccoli from our garden for supper

  16. I'm and every weeker (shop on saturday or sunday). And if I forget something (or run out due to funky planning) I live only 3 blocks from a grocery store so I can get a nice little walk going to fetch it.

  17. I go every week most of the time with a bigger run every other week. What's on sale can determine when I go. Usually I go on Monday or Tuesday evenings, sometimes early Sunday morning. Your father-in-law shopped like they do in Europe, daily trips, usually on the way home. I tried that once and only ended up spending a lot more than I do when I go less frequently (impulse shopping - BAD IDEA!).

  18. Oh my gosh - I couldn't imagine going every day! That would wear me out! LOL

    I go every Saturday, but in the last couple of months I buy all the non-perishables in bulk only once a month. That has been working well and it allows me to buy some of the stuff in bulk and save some $.

    The reason I shop every week is because I have a house full of people so if I went every two weeks there's no way I would have enough room to store all the food! I would need a couple fridge/freezers! LOL

  19. I normally go every week unless I need something for a "Oops! Forgot about X coming up". I try to get everything needed that day so I don't have to go again. That is also the day I try to run all of my errands, so it's a one trip kinda thing.
    In Germany (a couple friends live there), it's the custom to go everyday. One of the biggest reasons is that here in Europe (Italy) the fridges are a lot smaller than in America. The freezers? Tiny because they don't keep hardly any frozen foods...they eat local and in-season fruits and veggies. Ice? Ha! Only "American-ized" restaurants have them for the most part. Bottled water is kept in the fridges, while tap soda is straight from the tap...iceless.


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