Saturday, July 2, 2011

181 lbs lost! - Weigh In

Down 2 more lbs today bringing me to a total of 181 lbs lost! 
Not much more to say than YEEEEE HAAAAA!!!!!!!!

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  1. That is so wonderful!! I'm delighted for you!!!!!


  2. Wahoooooooooooo!!!!! I am so very happy for you!!!! You've come a long way, baby!!!

  3. WooHoo! That's awesome, well done!

  4. WowwowwowwowwowWOW!! *happydance* I am SO proud of you!!

  5. YEEE HAAA indeed--that is wonderful! Congratulations; I am doing a happy dance for you!!

  6. Fantastic!!! I knew you could bust through that plateau!

  7. So awesome!!! You worked hard for it and soooooo deserved that loss!! Yay!!!

  8. 181! My gosh you are in the homestretch for 200 now. Holy Crow!!! I admire you so much - I know you don't want to hear it but I DO! WAY TO GO!!!! ~Annie

  9. Sorry I'm so behind! YAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm so happy for you!

  10. You are a ROCK STAR! No way around it...I just realized today (someone said DAYUM and I immediately thought of you of course! LOL) that you have actually lost a little more than I weight Right NOW. Holy freaking shize (That's the only German I know, but I absolutely LOVE the word! LOL)

    Good job girlie! You are SO close to 200 lbs lost!


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