How to Make Sound Absorbing Artwork Under $50

*** If you followed our soundproofing journey , you know we dropped a LOT of money to get very little results. Over the last several years reading articles, blog posts and forums about soundproofing, a lot of attached living peeps are losing a lot of sleep, having physical health issues or declining mental health from their neighbors. There have been studies done that impact noises from neighbors can actually give you cardiovascular issues and sleep issues. (I can vouch for the sleep and given I'm in a constant state of brace, I'm sure the heart stuff isn't far off either.) Every little bit you can do to make your home as peaceful as possible is worth trying in our book. When throwing 5/8" 'soundproof' drywall, viscous soundproofing with caulking, puttying and the like at the problem, it created a different problem...echo. Not only did the viscous material mentioned in the soundproofing posts not really work for us, it isolated the impact noise...