
Showing posts from October, 2023

How to Make Sound Absorbing Artwork Under $50

*** If you followed our soundproofing journey , you know we dropped a LOT of money to get very little results.  Over the last several years reading articles, blog posts and forums about soundproofing, a lot of attached living peeps are losing a lot of sleep, having physical health issues or declining mental health from their neighbors.  There have been studies done that impact noises from neighbors can actually give you cardiovascular issues and sleep issues.  (I can vouch for the sleep and given I'm in a constant state of brace, I'm sure the heart stuff isn't far off either.)   Every little bit you can do to make your home as peaceful as possible is worth trying in our book.  When throwing 5/8" 'soundproof' drywall, viscous soundproofing with caulking, puttying and the like at the problem, it created a different problem...echo.  Not only did the viscous material mentioned in the soundproofing posts not really work for us, it isolated the impact noise...

What I'm Reading This Week #43

Happy final Friday of October.  Not even going to say it anymore.  You know it.  We've slowly but surely been getting the house back into some kind of order.  We had to end up ordering a slim shelving unit with wheels to do some rearranging of stuff in the basement.  Part of my overwhelm with cleaning and getting the odds and ends of Mom's stuff along with our own into their new homes is that nothing felt like it had a home anymore.  The clean basement of a few years ago is a friggin' disaster area since the reno in March and then adding on someone else's belongings you had no intention of adding to the mix and well, there ya go.  So I think I have it about arranged the way I want it but still have a long way to go basement wise.  We have a lot of piles and BS to go through around the house as well so it's a lot mentally to deal with on top of everything else.  We did get this over the door organizer for our linen closet when we saw the muc...

Halloweenie Hump Day Poll

source Do you get any trick or treaters and if not, how long has it been and do you think it's a societal shift? We haven't gotten trick or treaters in about 20 years.  I know there are a few kids in this area too but they have just never done it around here.  I hear this in a lot of neighborhoods all over the country so what gives?  Are mom's now just so paranoid they don't let their kids do anything anymore or are kids so connected to their screens that something fun and creative IRL seems stupid to them? Old ass minds want to know. ==================== Follow me on Bloglovin . Some posts may contain affiliate links that help keep this blog running at no cost to you.  See the Disclaimer page for more info. All posts copyright Success Along the Weigh. All rights reserved.

Landmine Weekend Recap

Tis Monday again just like that.  Anyone else feel like they're living groundhog day? We started the weekend by watching spooky movies.  I originally selected Happy Death Day which is equal parts low grade horror but also comedy and time travel.  Then I remembered why she was avoiding answering her phone the whole movie within 2 minutes...her Mom died.  (That's a side note not a spoiler)  Nope not going there, so both that and the sequel are a no go this year... especially the sequel which would level me.  So I picked the Amazon prime movie Totally Killer which was set in the 80's, involved time travel for the Mr so off we went.   Mom dies.   source We still watched it and it was ehh but apparently I won't be able to escape that or TV shows talking about stage 4 cancer which most of the time I forget she even had since that wasn't even what ended up taking her.  It's one thing when something small and unexpected pops up like you're...

What I'm Reading This Week #42

Happiest of Fridays to you, my lovelies!  I hope life has been good to you this week and you are geared up for some festive Fall shenanigans.  🍁🍂 I'll be honest as usual, this week has been particularly bad.  In addition to full throttle Mom grief, Grandma's death, the extreme childhood emotions and complete lack of give-a-shittedness from my father to STILL not ask me how I'm doing since losing Mom when notifying me about losing his has been debilitating.  You know how someone disappoints you your whole life but there's always that little kid in you that hopes that in your worst days they will step up for you in literally the smallest of ways to show that they care about you at ALL?  Then when they don't, it's like every horrible way they ever made you feel throughout your life just floods you.  I have to give a massive shout out to the Mr for being there for me as usual as well as my two besties who are dealing with their own personal hell with their h...

How to Do an Interment Ceremony

The following is a post on what has become a series.  If you have been through an illness or death of a parent/loved one, consider this what the young'uns call a 'trigger warning' as it deals with the raw emotions of an unexpected death which may include cursing, dark humor and not holding back my feelings about my experience.  If that's offensive, go elsewhere as this post isn't likely going to benefit you.  If you are new here and want to see the posts leading up to this one, you can start with posts on July 7th and go forward. *** That was the search term I used after Mom's memorial/visitation which was four days after she passed.   I thought that funeral home deal was all you did and then the cemetery took care of doing a burial ceremony asking what readings you wanted and all that jazz.  HA!!  Nope.  Sorry, you get to plan a second funeral and unless you have a truly amazing cemetery who will give you guidance, it's just you and Google...and ...

What To Expect With Cremation

source The following is a post on what has become a series.  If you have been through an illness or death of a parent/loved one, consider this what the young'uns call a 'trigger warning' as it deals with the raw emotions of an unexpected death which may include cursing, dark humor and not holding back my feelings about my experience.  If that's offensive, go elsewhere as this post isn't likely going to benefit you.  If you are new here and want to see the posts leading up to this one, you can start with posts on July 7th and go forward. *** We've always been a traditional family when it comes to funerals.  Viewing, burial, grieve.  For the longest time, I thought Mom would be the same as she had an aversion to the cremation process like many of us have if you were born around mid century.  It's just how many of them grew up and in turn that viewpoint was passed down and accepted by many Gen X children like me.  About two years ago, Mom said she changed...

Celebration Interruptus Weekend Recap

Howdy do all?  I hope you had a wonderful weekend and got in some rest, relaxation and got your chore list all checked off.   The Mr's birthday was last week but we celebrated Saturday.  My friend got me a $100 Goldbelly gift card when Mom passed and I used it last week to order Pequod's deep dish from Chicago. I know, it looks's not.  You can read about it here if you ever want to try real deep dish that hasn't been super commercialized. Grocery cakes have been horrible the past few years but they weren't as bad as this atrocity I made for the Mr.  😬 I attempted to use the Russian frosting tips the Mr got me a few years ago for the first time hence the pathetic pseudo flowers.  I only had Imperial over butter and asked the Mr if he wanted butter for his homemade frosting and he assured me it was good.  (Note:  Never use margarine...BLECK.  He said he thought it was good, all I could taste was oil.)  I got M&M's (h...