Friday, September 15, 2023

What I'm Reading This Week #37

Good Friday morning to you all!  We're halfway through September.  I should be fully decorated for Fall but am nowhere close.  The days are slipping away from me so I'll need to get on that soon since it's my favorite cozy looking time of year even if we still have the A/C on full blast.  The Mr has had class all week so that has given us the ability to walk when it's cooler out in the morning which has been nice.  I'm happy to report we've walked every day this week (M-F) and this is my reminder to myself that even if it's 55 degrees when you start, don't wear a sweatshirt if the sun is out.  Fool.  It also feels weird to have our stuff done for the day when he gets off class.  That's a one week special though.  Sigh.  I really liked how life felt starting our day with a walk but I'm not getting up at the ass crack of dawn to do it.

Now let's crack into:

5 Myths About Calories That Could Prevent You From Losing Weight (I am so far off track I feel like a newbie.)

The Best Ways to Stay Awake Without Caffeine  (Come 3pm- I'm useless.  We don't get any kind of jolt from coffee but we'll have to try these.)

How a Narcissist Conducts Psychological Warfare (No offense Mr but you know who this is!!)

How People Can Gaslight Themselves (I am on fire every second of every day.  Just ask my Mr and bestie.  Mom's passing has amplified it, if that was even possible.)

10 secrets to a nice-smelling bedroom, according to experts  (Also, shellacking the stank ass boards that have been leeching into my lungs for the past year might have something to do with it.  Mr- REAAALLY need to do this!)

You Can Procrastinate Later—Here’s How to Get Things Done Now  (Procrastination has cost me so much more than just not getting things done.  This is a pretty serious list of articles for any of my fellow procrastinators)

Will a Revocable Trust Protect My Assets From a Nursing Home?  (I can't begin to tell you how bad the gov't tries to f**k you with Medicaid.  God forbid you survive whatever your medical issue is because you will literally be broke if you had to use Medicaid.  This article is also eye opening.)

Keep Your Expensive Items Safe While Traveling With This Clever Duct Tape Hack (This is actually a pretty good idea if you travel with these things!)

I don't know that we have any plans for the weekend other than playing "what are you in the mood for?" "I don't know, what do you want?"  
"How about X?"  
"No...not that."

I know REALLY soon, I need to finish the end of that hand railing so we can stain it and if I'm not going to do that, we need to just paint it white and call ourselves defeated.  I fear the banister project we have everything for is probably never going to get done.  Sure as hell don't want to start it now and have the house in further shambles.  Do we?

Anything poppin' your way this weekend?

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  1. It has been nice walking first thing in the morning and experiencing some ethat retirement life. One week special but glad we managed to stick with it.

  2. So glad you walked when it was cooler outside and got a bit of a boost from getting it done first thing. Even if you do it in the evenings now the weather will start to get cooler too so it'll still feel mighty nice to get that fresh air.
    No major plans other than house stuff that needs to get done, and lots of errand-type stuff. It's been a squirrely week so I need to get re-focused and my head out of the mind-fluff.
    I hope you have a good weekend with getting some stuff done, but also enjoying some relaxation. xoxoxo


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