Monday, July 31, 2023

Happy Birthday to the Best


I will have a weekend recap tomorrow but today, I celebrate my bestie's birthday.  You see her, along with the Mr, regularly commenting here.  I cannot praise her enough for the ways she has made my life better since we met up through Sparkpeople.  She always has a wonderful perspective and truly the kindest heart of anyone I know.  She has been through crap that would make 90% of us bitter and cold hearted to others yet there she is, giving of herself and thinking of others consistently.  She has cheered my victories, been a shoulder an embarrassing amount of times, politely told me if I might be misreading a situation, gets fired up on my behalf which is too stinking cute and has been a pillar of support this past month with Mom's health crisis to both the Mr and I.  

So today, dear friend, as I still curse the skies we don't live close enough to each other to take your pup for a walk together or do retail therapy, I am with you in the highest of spirits celebrating the wonderful person you are.  I am wishing you every good thing as you start your next year and raise my water bottle to you!  Thank you for being the absolute best!  

Now, go open your presents! 🥳 🎁

Give my bestie a birthday shout out and/or comment how long you've been friends with your best friend or share a funny story about your favorite shenanigans!  

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Friday, July 28, 2023

What I'm Reading This Week #30

Hello hello and happy Friday to you all!  I hope you crammed a ton of what you had to do into the week so you can spend the weekend doing what you want to do!  The Mr had some excitement Wednesday in the form of his first of four vein procedures for varicose veins.  He had them treated by an RF procedure back in 2002 and while it seemed to do the trick for the most part, it never fully took.  When he finally asked the vein guy at our dermatologist office about it after seeing similar treated pics, he recoiled and was like "you need your veins stripped."  After looking up potential side effects on that procedure, we assumed there was nothing we could do.  The next day I was looking for something on a Google map and smack in the middle was a vein center up the street.  I had him call, they did a consultation and said they do RF WAY different now and it has to be done in stages, scans to make sure it did it's thing and then move to the next one...none of which was done 20 years ago.  So he goes in for round two next week and I'm sure even though he was getting a procedure done, it was still a nice respite from the rest of our lives right now.

Now let's jump into:

3 Exercises That Will Help You Build a Strong Spine. (I never really thought about this until my lower back started sounding like one of those 80's burple accordion containers!😆)

5 Healthy Foods That Can Be Sneakily High in Sodium  (Why does it feel like everything is blatantly high in sodium much less sneaky!)

Protein Before a Workout or After? Here's What a Dietitian Says (Skip to the bottom article to get past their pussy footin' around.  Wouldn't that be funny though if articles had titles like that and you'd open it to a one word or sentence response and go about your life?  "Is it safe to eat Schnauzberries?"  *open article*  "Yes.")

7 Things You Should Never Do on an Empty Stomach. (I can tell you grocery shopping is never a great idea!  "Oh, how did the ingredients for s'mores end up in there while I'm dealing with a mental crisis.)

Are Artificial Sweeteners Actually Bad For You?  (I really struggle with this.  I have about two packets of stevia and two packets (down from four) of sweet and low a day.  I'm more worried about the potential gut effects than anything and really want to try to wean off and see if I can get to a point I can do 2 tsp of sugar a day in coffee/tea.)

How to Treat and Prevent Sunburn Blisters, According to a Doctor (Look what they have listed is fine but if you want actual relief, use the salve of my people from back in the day: Noxema. I had a wicked case of sun poisoning back in the day and that was the only stuff that moisturized and soothed the sting.)

Why Does My Stomach Growl, and What’s Normal? Doctors Explain  (Also known around these parts as "howlin' bowels.")

This Facial Claims to Ease Chronic TMJ Pain; Here's My Honest Review. (I remember getting a massage a few years ago and she worked on my TMJ muscles and holy shite balls was that uncomfortable!  But I imagine with some YouTube videos and consistency I might actually be able to get relief on the cheap.  I'm definitely considering one of the metal reflexology tools in the article though with some education on how to use it.)

Why Is TV Called the ‘Boob Tube’?  (I was born in the 70's, I thought there was more of a Benny Hill type connotation! 😂)

Miss a post here this week?  If you're in the mood to cry or say "thank God that isn't us", click below:

This weekend will be like any weekend in July, spending what time we have left with Mom.  She is in a facility now and it is our absolute worst nightmare.  ZERO care for 4 hours and it wasn't until the Mr raised polite hell after 3 hours with no oxygen that he said "she's STAGE FOUR, she needs oxygen!!"  Her nurse isn't even on the same side as her and sure as hell never came in to check on her.  If I thought my stress and anxiety was high before?!  Who knew there is actually something worse than being told terminal?  We're there.

Please share some normalcy with us!  What do you have going on this weekend?

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Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Greetings From Hell- Hump Day Update

First off, thanks so much to those who have commented, sent messages, reached out on FB and even those who have mentally given the Mr and I hugs.  Your support means everything.  I'm going to have to apologize up front as the blog may get a little morose in the coming months as the Mr and I deal with the inevitable and sort through the life lessons we are supposed to learn.  I can't even begin to describe the pain because so much has happened.  So much was mishandled throughout this entire process which added a heap of stress we didn't need to go through.  Hard decisions had to be made spur of the moment to provide care.  So many things I want to talk about I probably shouldn't as we're considering our options to try to get policies changed so that other families don't have to go through what we are.  The message is the same as I've always told you many times here...say it with me your own advocate (or your parents.)  A glaring, likely life saving (definitely life extending) simple test result almost a year ago should've raised a huge red flag and if it had been followed up on I am fairly certain we wouldn't be here.  She could've had years left.  

We never even got a chance to get to chemo or even consult with an oncologist during these last 3 weeks.  I remember when we were excited when her oncology appointment got moved up.  In the end, it didn't matter for various reasons.  If you don't have access to your parents medical portals, get it even if they are perfectly capable people like my mom is as it's always good to have an extra set of eyes.  If you want to promise to only look at blood work results and they don't want you involved in anything else, fine.  If you see ANY measure of your or their bloodwork is outside of the normal range on routine blood tests, Google it for potential causes and ask for further testing.  If they say it's not needed, get a second opinion and/or switch doctors!!  There's no time to piss around with bureaucracy and ego.  These stories are so frequent it's not even funny.  If you are over 55, you may have a loyalty to your doctor they don't deserve that was passed down to you by your parents.  Even "good" 5 star rated doctors make life altering decisions because they dismiss something that should've been looked into more.  The poor Mr lost his father, a wonderful man, because his new cancer doc didn't want to check a box on a blood test form because "your daughter in law didn't go to medical school and stop consulting Dr. Google."  He literally had an 85% chance that his relapse was a 90% treatable refracted form of his cancer and *I* was right and the doctor didn't run that test until his platelets were too low to accept treatment.  He paid with his life.  Here we are, in a somewhat similar situation with my mother.

You never know what you're walking into each day no matter how much you read the portal and get stat/note updates before going in.  Each day brings some new heartbreak you didn't see coming when you get there.  Bittersweet moments of fleeting lucidity, weak smiles of love between us, visits from people who want to see her before she goes, and of course the dreaded 'rally' where you know the end may be closer than you're ready to accept.   All of your attention goes into trying to decipher and understand what she is trying to communicate so it doesn't frustrate her or trying to hear her weak little voice.  You don't realize how much brain power/energy that takes just listening and trying to put on brave faces for people so as not to make them uncomfortable when your brain is screaming fuck that!  Some days you know your game face is in the shop and your tolerance for BS is lower than low and you show that too.  Every night we come home and say "today was a long week."  Every day does indeed feel like a week.   We usually fix whatever is easiest, like a bowl of oatmeal, intend to distract ourselves with a show but are an intertwined heap of exhaustion passed out within 10 minutes.  I find myself up from 1-3am writing update emails for friends who have been nothing but an amazing support, a few who have been down this road themselves.  

I've been warned by several I will change.  I already am but I also have made heartbreaking realizations which is how much I apologize and don't want to be a burden come from her.  I always thought it was a defense mechanism because of my parents divorce but I think it was a learned behavior.  That tears me apart to think that she ever felt the way I did because those thoughts are consuming for me.  I have had people the past week or so politely yell to STOP apologizing for thinking I will retraumatize them.  I have apologized for crying to so many people, it's not funny.  Apologize for my thought processes.  It's a hard realization to have and something I wish I'd seen sooner so we could've talked about it and maybe found our way out of that together.  My best friend has told me before I apologize for my very existence and she's right and I wonder if mom felt the same.  I also get my manners from her.  While I may seem a surly lot, I am very polite to servers, people who do things for or give me things and the like.  Every time I give her a sip of a drink, she says thank you even when her cognitive abilities are not there otherwise.  If she belches, she still gives me the wide eyes and "excuse me!" that she has given my whole life.  I will rip a belch that tears the fabric of space and time and but still say 'pardon' after.  😆

Now I'm going to say something not high on Miss Manners list.  FUCK THIS SITUATION!!!  ALL of it.  Every last bit of everything she's having to go through.  Everything we have to watch and not be able to help her.  The frantic panicked calls to family asking "are you sure we've done everything??"  The funeral plans of that impending day when a visit to the hospital isn't on our daily list of to dos anymore.  Of knowing the last time I tuck her in for the night or feed her her favorite foods could be the last time.  Of scrambling to think of where we're going to put her stuff or not forgetting "oh I want that!"  The guilt and regret that comes when the person is far too young to be going anywhere and the concept of time is suddenly chucked at you saying "sorry...your procrastination and good intentions of getting together more is really going to cost you now."  

Obviously, because that is going on means life continues to happen so let's throw in my favorite uncle dying, a friend from high school dying the other day and you know, my laptop decides "you don't need a cursor or functioning N and M keys, right?"  Everyone gets to go about their daily lives while we just sit here in hell with blank stares, tears and a lifetime more living that will never get to happen.

For those of you who have been through losing your closest parent, I am so very sorry for the pain you went and may still be going through.  For those who haven't been through it yet, nothing will ever prepare you.  

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Monday, July 24, 2023

The Last Batch

Mom's favorite cookie is the same as her mom's...Butter Ball Cookies.  Since she's been moved to hospice care, they've unrestricted her diet.  Friday as we were waiting for her to be moved to the palliative wing, she was drowsy.  The last conversation she was awake for was with her sisters talking about pizza.  When she woke up, she picked up in the conversation about pizza.  We told her they said they were out of pizza in the cafeteria and she just looked like "yeah, not my problem woman!"  😆  We asked where she wanted it from and after a few minutes of struggling, she said her favorite pizza place.  The Mr said "I'll get your pizza, Mom!" and off he went on a 35 minute round trip to get mom's favorite pizza.  It was the most she'd eaten in one meal in weeks.  I cut up the pieces for her as she would grab them and follow with a swish of water.  It made her thirsty which is good because she doesn't drink as much as she should.  The Mr warmed it up for her later and we got some more in her.  She requested a local burger shop for Saturday so we said we'd bring her some.

Saturday morning, I thought I'd bring her likely her last batch of butter ball cookies.  It was something she always said she and her mom enjoyed together.  They're not my favorite but the Mr likes them too so I'd always make a batch for her every year for Christmas since they never got into rotation for her once Grandma got sick.  She was always so happy to get them and sometimes couldn't wait to get home before opening the tin and sneaking one after Christmas Eve dinner.  I thought this could bring her a taste of something she and her mom loved and with that, comfort.  As I pulled out my grandma's recipe and started mixing the butter and sugar, I burst into tears realizing this was the last time I would be making these for her.  Tears streamed down my face and my legs became unsteady almost buckling under the immense pain of the past week.  I screamed "mommmyyyyyyyyyy!" like she was going to somehow come and save me and comfort me from this pain as any good mom does.  But I won't get that anymore.  No more strokes on my forehead or big smile when she sees me or little sayings that are uniquely her.  Now all I can do is feed her her favorite foods, stroke her forehead as she falls asleep when fighting so hard to stay awake so as not to miss soaking in her loved ones to take us with her.  

I'm about to pack them up for the last time hoping to see her face light up if she is able to eat today.  My heart is broken.  My hope is gone.  All we have left is watching this woman who became a single mom at 26 and gave everything to make sure I wanted for nothing slowly leave me.  It has been 3 weeks from normal to terminal.

I am broken.  

I am exhausted.  

I'm not ready.

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Friday, July 21, 2023

What I'm Reading This Week #29

Happy Friday everyone!  I hope you had a wonderful week and are ready for your weekend.  I...yeah.  So, I started this month as any other and will end it likely being an orphan.  Within three weeks we've gone from suspected stroke or maybe UTI that went to the kidneys to terminal cancer and palliative care.  I am drowning.  I knew I would be hard like 10 years.  But to have a bomb dropped and be out of hope in less than a month is just too much to bear.

I really tried but this is all I could get to for:

Tired of Waking Up to Pee at Night? Do This One Yoga Pose Before Bed (I do this while brushing my teeth in the morning.  I don't know why I didn't think to do it when brushing them at night.)

Crystallization Happens Honey!  (How to enjoy or 'fix' crystallized honey.  I think some crystallized honey on some soft bread could be quite the treat!)

How to Thrive When Everything Feels Terrible  (Thrive?  Hell, survive is the name of the game!)

Please excuse any typos.  I literally am doing this at 5:30am with no sleep after a sob session that has left me with extreme face pain and my proofreader is sawing logs beside me.  Our plan for the weekend is spending as much time with Mom while she's still here.  I can feel my body electrified with cortisol and inflammation.  I am terrified, angry, sad, hopeless, but most of all loved.  The sweet, weak smile Mom gives when I see her fills my heart.  She told the Mr and I to sit at the end of her bed so she could see us both.  It was like if she was going to die, she wanted us to be the last thing she saw.  Sorry... going to go to the bathroom and bawl again.

I hope you have a great weekend and if they're still around, call your Mom.

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Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Hump Day Healthcare PSA

Should you find yourself in a situation where you or a loved one is receiving poor or negligent treatment at a hospital, aside from hiring a lawyer, what can you do?  A friend with healthcare experience told me a few years ago about the Joint Commission.

So what is that?

To quote their website:

Our Mission and Vision

The mission of The Joint Commission is to continuously improve health care for the public, in collaboration with other stakeholders, by evaluating health care organizations and inspiring them to excel in providing safe and effective care of the highest quality and value.  Our vision is that all people always experience the safest, highest quality, best-value health care across all settings.  We do this by setting quality standards, evaluating an organization’s performance, and providing an interactive educative experience that provides innovative solutions and resources to support continuous improvement.

Hospitals who have Joint Commission accreditation are required to uphold certain standards of care.  Sometimes just the mention of the joint commission to a doctor or higher up when care is inept is enough to get results.  If patients or family members feel the level of care is not up to par or even so negligent it is life threatening, they can file a complaint here on their website.   (You should look up the name of the hospital in a search with the words 'joint commission' after it to make sure the hospital system is accredited or else they can't help you.  I have to assume all hospitals have to be but maybe I'm wrong.)

From what several people have told me, once a complaint is filed there will be an investigation which makes everyone in the system be on their best behavior.  I've just filed one and hope that it gets my mom the care she deserves and desperately needs.  I hope none of you ever have to deal with "care" that could potentially cost you or your loved ones their lives.  Just know that you do have options and you don't have to be intimidated by a corporation.  

Advocate for yourself and your family!!

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Monday, July 17, 2023

That Didn't Go As Planned Weekend Recap

Monday already, eh?  I hope you were able to squeeze in a copious amount of fun and productivity!  Or sat on your butts if that's what you required.  We required a bit of a mental break but that's not what we got and I have a feeling that will be the case for the foreseeable future.

We started out trying to do normal stuff like, you know, adding water arrestors to the back of a brand new washer because it sounded like the house was shaking every time water was dispensed during the spin cycle.  A lovely thing that could eventually eff up the newly replaced pipes and probably would've been catastrophic with the old ones.  

Ahh the joys of adulthood.

Then came all of the other stuff.  First off, how do people survive when they need to go to the hospital?  We are stunned at the doctors and incompetence we have encountered since the beginning of the month.  I should not have to call EIGHT people for biopsy results that have been sitting for a week all to still never get that answer.  Yes, I can (and did) interpret those results for myself and another family member but it is NOT my responsibility to give my impression of those results to my mother who would have questions and then hope what I was saying was right and not upsetting her unnecessarily.   We finally got someone who was not happy with when she had her first oncologist appointment either and got that moved up to this week so we were all overjoyed it looked like she could get a plan together two weeks sooner than originally told.  Now she's in the hospital with pneumonia (which most sites say she may have picked up at the hospital the first time.  Yes, let's stick someone in a hospital/ER with a suspected lung issue then not put a mask on her to protect her.)  I was not expecting to go to pneumonia so quickly.  We thought that came with chemo which who knows when that will happen now.  One of the initial doctors was an absolute bitch and actually hurt her on an exam that still hurts days later.  If I see her again, she will not be smiling after I give her a piece of my mind, that's for sure.  

I read other results that sent me into a tailspin as I was researching and I updated some people who would be treating her in case they needed to know those numbers ahead of time to prepare a better treatment plan for her.  When the Mr and I went to the hospital Saturday, we walked in on her finally, after a FULL WEEK of the results sitting there, getting her official diagnosis from a doctor.  An actual good doctor who said that their medical system failed her which, thank you, but still not acceptable.  He told her that it's not a death sentence and has end stage patients living 5-10 years.  I hope he plans on her being one of them!   He gave some other not great news and she had to have some procedures done which we left for and came back after.  He said they would look for the original source of the cancer so that would be what is treated and he gave the unfortunate hypothetical of the cancer that took a family member.  I made a mental note because I knew she was going to interpret that as that's what he said she had and when we were alone, she did say that.  We explained it was a hypothetical and he should've used air quotes and without knowing our family history, chose a bad example.  I told her there was nothing noted so far at the organ mentioned that showed that to be true, not that it couldn't be, but the likelihood was smaller so I hope that put her at ease.  Some bittersweet moments ensued, some tears were shed and I think we helped take her mind off of the pain of the procedure she had.  These are not the memories I want to make with her but still mean a lot nonetheless.  

Sunday was pretty much a long haul day for us since some people were unable to make it to be with her. Well, we'll say everything went to shit and I've never had 7 hours feel like seven days.  You know when you sign a waiver before a procedure to say "I know bad crap can happen but you're making me sign this paper so....". Well, a bad thing happened and let's just say at this point almost everything she's being treated for are things they've done and mistakes made.  At this point, I pretty much wonder if every time I see her will be the last and I dread every day because just when you think it can't get worse, it does.  Any prayers would be appreciated.  Sorry to be a bummer but that's where we're at right now.

What did you do this weekend?  I need to hear normal stuff!

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Friday, July 14, 2023

What I'm Reading This Week #28

It's finally Friday, all!  I hope you've had a good week and have some top rate shenanigans on tap for your weekend!  It's been a long, emotional week here.  The first of many irritations with our healthcare system that seems to fail people at every turn.  I'm surprised at this point they don't just expect people to schedule their own appointments then scan and diagnose themselves.  Anyhoo.  It's so hot out.  We did one walk Monday and it was disgusting.  My skin felt like it was on fire for a good 90 minutes after despite sunscreen.  Is it Fall yet?  Not the beginning of it either, like November like Fall when temps actually start to dip.  

Now let's dip into:

New Research Says Exercising Without Enough Sleep Diminishes Workout Benefits  (I really don't know how to change this.  I have been a 5-6 hour sleeper my entire life.  Melatonin is a hard no because I feel groggy the next day.  Sigh.)

Dietitians Caution Against 'What I Eat In A Day' Videos  (It's nice for inspiration but not much more than that.)

10 Toxically Positive Statements That Hurt Your Mental Health  (Yeah, these are some pretty flick-worthy statements and I have a feeling we're going to be hearing a lot more of them soon.)

Are Granite Countertops Outdated?  (ROFL...they said 'look like meat.')

The Breakfast Club Deleted Scenes - Part 1  (Stumbled on this in our feed and a must watch for any fan of the movie.  Very interesting what was cut and Carl was particularly brutal to the kids midway through.)

The Breakfast Club Deleted Scenes Part 2  (I always find these so interesting to see if we agree with what the director cut or not!)

I don't feel like we can really make plans for anything right now yet I also feel like there's nothing we can do so I'm just in this weird numb limbo while we wait for any answers.  I've researched myself into vertigo so I guess we'll just see where the next few days take us.  

Where are the next few days taking you?  Anything planned?

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Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Hump Day Poll: What Do We Need to Ask

Okay, so we're bracing up for the beginning of yet another cancer journey.  We're talking late stage.

Anyone who has been through it or gone on the journey with others, what do we need to make sure we ask?  

The big ones I can think of are 1) what is the goal of the treatment they are selecting  2) will she be tested for immunotherapy  3) are clinical trials an option and at what point do we decide that needs to be pursued?

If you can think of anything else that specifically needs to be asked of late stage on the first appointment, please let me know.  Also any tips/tricks for dealing with a "healthcare" system that has zero interest in getting patients/families information in a timely manner.

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Monday, July 10, 2023

Lazy Then Crazy Weekend Recap

Howdy do all!  I hope you had a relaxing weekend!  We had plans to maybe go on a drive but the Mr woke up with a headache and I was still just kind of decompressing from all of the events of last week.  He got some of our favorite pastries from a café to surprise me with upon waking so that was a lovely thing to enjoy with morning coffee and finishing up the episode of Project Fear we fell asleep on the night before.  She was released from the hospital Friday and was staying with family who have a same level bathroom and such.  One of the meds for a secondary condition is working well and some smaller things are improving which is all we can ask for right now.  We talked about all of things you usually discuss when awaiting results like this and ended up staying in bed until 1pm!!  I think we just needed it and to be able to take a breath because I have a feeling that's going to be one of the last times we can for a while.  

We grabbed lunch and then decided to get a few geocaches as well.  A couple of park and grabs and a swing and a miss because if you think I'm trudging through poison ivy into the woods, you don't know me but thankfully there was another one at that cemetery so it wasn't a total waste.

(WHY do places do that with coloring the water like that?!  Looks so weird!)

(The Mr bridge trolling it for a smiley.)

We did see a deer at one of them though which was kind of cool.

(How do?  (Anyone else have a Pixel phone and when it's zoomed all the way, it looks like you put some shitty photoshop filter on it from the 90's?)

Then we chilled the rest of the night.

Yesterday we had grocery pick ups, much of which was for Mom's freezer.  She doesn't cook for herself so it's always that high sodium restaurant food and that needs to change.  She was worried since her freezer was purged, she wasn't going to have ready made food.  I told her I could cook her up some stuff and she took me up on it.  I'm cautious though.  I've been down this road before having filled her freezer several other times in the past after spending hours of hobble inducing time only to see it's still there a year later and ended up having to get purged in a clean out.  We'll see if she actually eats this stuff.  We're waiting on her Hot Logic Mini to arrive and figure once she starts treatment that in the mornings she can throw whatever premade meal in there and it'll be ready when she is.  Then if she can't finish it or gets queasy and doesn't want to go to the fridge to put it away, she can stick it back in there until she's ready for more.  When I say our freezer is full, it's FULL.

I had those prep containers left over from the last chemo patient, my second mom from childhood a few years ago went through this and she unfortunately did not win her fight.  I shed a tear having to break those out and hoping for a better result.  

I've got 12 meals, a batch of wrapped banana muffins, a box of turkey sausage/egg white breakfast sandwiches and 3 pouches of cubed chicken to dump into something else for more protein like salads, etc.  That pretty much broke me for the rest of the day.  The Mr was kind enough to get three pictures ready for hanging so they aren't sitting around waiting to get damaged and not doing their jobs of absorbing eau de' douche from our earholes.  The Mr basically blacked out on the couch.  I rolled my legs as best I could but I was not going to be able to do a workout or basically stand.  I'm not proud but we got dinner out too because we were both just friggin' exhausted, everything was a mess and getting to the food was going to be irritating.  I assume we'll be dropping the food off today so hopefully I can get back to everything and workout and try to undo the damage I did this weekend because the vacation weight is not coming off and I cannot afford to add on.

How was your weekend?  Anything exciting?

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Friday, July 7, 2023

What I'm Reading This Week #27

Happy weekend eve everyone!  I hope the week treated you well, you were able to enjoy the holiday if you celebrate and you are ready for whatever tomfoolery lies ahead for your weekend.  Thanks for the messages of support to those who sent them.  We really appreciate it.  I don't know how people are expected to actually heal in hospitals given the constant interruptions.  She has not gotten to eat a hot meal one time from what I've seen and the constant beeping and noise is ridiculous.  I brought her earplugs which appeared to be unopened but I'm not going to shove them in her ears.  We don't even have any kind of definitive diagnosis with certainty so hopefully that's coming in the next few days.

Now here comes:

12 Stretches to Get Rid of Shoulder Tension  (My shoulder has been in a constant state of tension since adding strength back into the equation.)

7 Easy Ways To Reset Your Metabolism & Enhance Whole-Body Health  (It'd be nice if this was true.  I remember getting a BodPod done and having my metabolism diagnosed as slow so I pretty much gave up after that.)

The Best Stretches Before Running  (or after or before bed.  I have a feeling it can loosen up quite a bit!)

3 Sneaky Ways Cortisol Causes Weight Gain & How To Actually Manage It  (I swear I feel like a total cortisol factory 24/7!)

9 Breathing Exercises To Relieve Anxiety  (Oddly enough, reading out loud got me through what was going to be night two of a mouth full of bile from an old school anxiety issue for me.  It forced my diaphragm open in a way that deep breathing was not helping with.)

Brain scans of coffee drinkers suggest there's more to feeling alert than just the caffeine  (Very interesting study especially if you need to cut back, you can still get the same effect.)

Why streaming services are dumping shows left and right  (This was not the future we were promised!  People laugh when they see I still ask for DVD's but sorry, it's the only way I can ensure I still have access to certain entertainment.)

What's the Problem With Using the Thumbs-Up Emoji?  (Oh FFS!  If you're going to get your thong in a knot over your interpretation of a friggin' emoji then buh bye!)

Memes From The 80s Giving Off The Biggest Nostalgia Vibes  (I needed this...except Bon Jovi unless he's there for me to throat punch then I'm down.)

Miss some posts this week?  Catch up below:

I'm really hoping hospital visits are coming to an end soon because you don't realize until you leave how friggin' draining they are.  I have never slept so hard in my usual 5-6 hours because I am overstimulated to the point I would normally need 3 days to recover from one visit.  Then right back to it with the 5 different doctors, constant beeping of 2 different machines in addition to the beeping going on in the halls, 3-5 nurse visits, listening to people screaming and/or coughing up a lung across the hall, big personalities to be dealt with on top of it all and that's okay visitors, don't mask up or anything- she just has cancer.  😣  The Mr and I word barf on the way home, eat, word barf more as we try to de-adrenalize of all of the info but zero answers and do it all again the next day. 

Do you have anything going on this weekend?  Let us live vicariously through you!

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Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Hump Day request


Hello all!

Just a note asking for some prayers/good thoughts/however you choose to phrase it, for my mom.  We're dealing with a serious health issue with her and have been thrown a lot of info but none of it feels like answers yet.  

All I can tell you is the same thing I've said countless times in the your own advocate.  No one else lives in your body.  If something feels wrong that is a big warning sign and if it is dismissed by your doctor and still doesn't sit well, get a second opinion.  You will not hurt their feelings no matter how long you've been going to them.  You have to put your health first, no one can force you to do it.  Please don't potentially deprive people who love you of the gift of your presence in their lives because you ignored something that could've been treatable earlier.

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Monday, July 3, 2023

Hanging in There Weekend Recap

Happy 3rd of July!  What does that mean?  To quote Dark Helmet...absolutely nothing.

(source    Spaceballs-the affiliate link)

We ran out and grabbed lunch Saturday.  We tried a few caches and inevitably some were blocked by people (not cachers) so we couldn't get them and one was in a patch of poison ivy but we finally got one in a cemetery to break the frustrating streak and a park and grab in a weird location.  (A dealership parking lot!)   I finally got around to opening up some pics I ordered only to find the company SERIOUSLY has cheaped out since my last order a few weeks ago going to cheaper backing, brackets and a frame.  One of them was unacceptable and damaged and we were planning on hanging it this weekend so instead I had to open a ticket telling them it needed to be reprinted and shipped at their expense.  If I don't hear from them then I'm going to have to put a dispute on the credit card which is a pain in the ass.  We didn't really do a ton Saturday.

Sunday we chilled in the morning then I made cookout vittles of Beyond Sausage for a brat, some chips and corn on the cob.  Then it was time to work on yet another soundproofing project that is our Hail Mary for the stairwell.  To say we were nervous about this part is an understatement.  It's very dangerous using a ladder in a stairwell but it was that or pay a few hundred bucks anyway to have yet another contractor come in and hang it.  We got this stair leveler for the straight ladder we bought similar to this one.  Then it was time to get a-hangin'.

As you can see, we fancily taped some bubble wrap around the ladder ends so it didn't damage the newish paint job in the hall.  We did some math on the back and right side wall to line those up and got three pics hung and the wall buddy up for the 4th pic that is being made.

We both noticed a TREMENDOUS difference in the amount of echo after getting those hung up.  Before it sounded like an echo tube when we clapped which sent the echo throughout the whole second floor.  We also used to hear horrible echo just talking at the top of the stairs.  It'll be a week before we have all of the pictures up but the effort seems worth it so far.  I'm crossing everything I have two of that it will make some kind of difference in what I hear in the middle of the night.  (3am edit: Nope.  No difference in thuds 🙄).   Then it was time for a strength session even though it was late and we did Turbo Fire Sculpt with resistance bands and I swear every time we are totally wiped after that!

Then it was just trying to wind down after that and ready ourselves for the new week.

How was your weekend?  Did you take today off for an extended weekend?

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