Friday, March 3, 2023

What I'm Reading This Week #9

Happy Friday party people!  I know you're ready for some shenanigans.   The inexhaustible well of excitement continues as you saw in my midweek update.  Throw in a visit from the extended warranty peeps for the microwave yesterday and bulk pick up today to remove said fried microwave and it's been a whirlwind of people-y 'goodness' that I think we both could do without.  On the upside, they did approve our claim or whatever but gave us a $400 we have to use at the store.  They said we could use it to get it back on our new microwave purchase since we're within the return window.  Do you think that worked?  Nope.  The Mr went through the 13 circles of Hell talking to people all over the Earth except however someone at ANY of our local stores because they all put their phones on forward now.  So we're just going to wait for the other gift card to come for the refund of the install charge and we'll have $550 toward a new dryer or something.  So yes, always get the extended warranty when you buy.

Now let's buy into:

Study: Extra 20 Minutes of Daily Physical Activity Helps Prevent Hospitalizations  (Interesting and hopeful so you don't have to toil away all day long for the benefits.)

This Popular Workout Move Is Practically Useless, According to an Exercise Physiologist  (There are actually several.  Very good tips and I'll be adjusting a few.)

Regular laxative use may be linked to dementia risk, study says  (WHY THIS IS IMPORTANT:  If you take a magnesium supplement, it is considered an osmotic laxative as well.  This also includes stool softeners.)

A Supplement Company 'Hijacked' Its Amazon Reviews to Boost Sales, According to the FTC  (Great, I just got some calcium supps from them.  I'll be switching brands once those are done though.  Total BS)

Yes, You Do Get to Grieve Your Lost Childhood  (Good because it still hits me out of nowhere sometimes.)

Why You Need to Stop Clicking Sponsored Google Links  (Because it's always something, isn't it?)

“Living Journaling” Is the New Scrapbooking — But Way Easier  (ROFLMAO.  I was trying to envision what mine would look like lately and this is what I came up with.  Click to enlarge)

Miss a post here this week?  Click below to catch up!

Well, this weekend is full of mayhem.  The drywallers start next week and it did not fill me with confidence when the Mr said one of the dudes was an old man who could barely walk. 😑 I mean good for him and I'm sure he's been doing it a long time but it's just been too little time to deal with what we dealt with in July for that observation to not fill me with dread.  (A drywall sheet is 4x10 and 4x heavier than a regular sheet so I'm just trying to wrap my head around how one young dude and an old couple are going to be able to get everything done based on weight alone.)  On Wednesday I started pulling off baseboards and putting acoustic sealant in the massive gaps.  I had to put backer rod in a lot of it to build up some spots to be able to caulk because the gaps were so massive.  If you ever feel like you hear your neighbors in your townhome, start with the baseboards and outlets because there's some horrific crap going on back there.  The rest of the weekend is us trying to figure out how to get stuff off the walls and filled and moved, etc.  For some reason the dude won't do the painting estimate until the job is done which I do not understand given the square footage is not going to change.  We're figuring he has to bring in yet another subcontractor for that.  I don't know that I have the energy for that.  Not that painting is my jam, I don't mind it like some people do (Mr) but to save a grand or more (from my research), then yeah...pass me the roller.

What's rollin' for you this weekend?

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  1. Yep it's that weekend before a big project again. Stay tuned is all I can say if you know our history. Have a great weekend everyone!

  2. Well, this answers my question on how the project is going! lol
    Maybe you can use the gift cards towards a new water heater when the time comes? It sounds like you've been busy doing a ton of prep work and that will go through the weekend. When we got our deck done one of the men was the dad, and a very arthritic and old looking one at that. But I'll tell you what, I watched that guy for hours and he was stronger than the young pups! He was very precise with his work and he was hauling wood all over the place. The hubs and I talked about how impressive it was to see because we sure didn't think that would be the case. Here's hoping this old man will be the surprising workerbee.

    Busy weekend with grocery shopping, some banking I need to go in to the bank for, and finishing up the office clean out/clear out, and hopefully getting to the spare room (which received quite a bit of the office stuff, but some is for donating). Lots of hauling up and down the stairs to finish this stuff up.
    Good luck this weekend with getting everything prepped and ready to go!


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