Friday, March 10, 2023

What I'm Reading This Week #10

Happy Friday all!  It's been quite the year week in our parts.  Drywall is going into next week, of course.  We are holding off judgment just yet because it takes 10 days for improvement of sound and 45 days for full curing of the green glue.  What I can tell you is 5/8" drywall is not the impenetrable force 967 online articles and posts claimed it to be.  I'll write more about it when we're done with this portion.  At this point I just want everyone out of the house but we're a lonnnng way from getting back to normal and it feels like one big, long, bad day.

I got the all clear from yesterday's mammogram and can breathe my yearly sigh of relief on that front.  It got a little scary at one point where it looked like more dense area than usual and she said she wanted a nip shot of that area and would do the other too.   I had her use 32 lbs of pressure the whole time and she's like "I remember you!!" 😆 I said I cannot tolerate unnecessary callbacks so pancake those babies!!" I could see from the second scans they looked clear to my eye so I was pretty hopeful but was glad to have the results within 3 hours.  So please, I know it's scary but it's better to find something sooner than too late.  Also, if you have dense breasts make sure you request the 3D mammogram and as much pressure as you can stand for that 4 minutes of your life.  If you don't feel like you had a thorough job done or your instinct is telling you something is off after a self exam and mammogram despite getting an all clear, get a second opinion.  YOU know your body and how it normally feels.

Now let's feel:

The Only 8 Exercises You Need to Be Strong for Life (You'll be shelling walnuts with your thighs in no time!)

5 Exercise Mistakes That Can Actually Halt Weight Loss (Nobody wants to put in all of that work just to do it wrong)

Gua Sha Helps Relieve Facial Tension—But Did You Know It Can Help With Foot Pain, Too?  (Y'all know I love all things gua shua and my little tool has been used on my feet almost as much as my face)

These 3 Gut Bacteria Could Contribute To Dementia Risk, New Study Finds  (I'll do whatever I need to keep that crap at bay.)

Stop Using Cheap Plastic Drywall Anchors  (Glad I found this.  Since we have to relocate our coat rack to a shadier wall, these will help tremendously!)

16 Signs of Being Raised by a Highly Critical Parent (Wow.  I wanted to cry reading this as every single one applies to me.  Thanks Dad.  You weren't around long but just long enough to do a crap ton of damage)

Stop Eating Cold, Rubbery Pancakes  (I was about to scoff at it based on the title alone but it makes total sense and I'mma try it!!)

Macaroon vs. Macaron: What’s the Difference?  (The Mr will tell you, this is one of my big pet peeves.  If someone on a show that should know better calls those elegant, delicate little bebes a MACAROOOON, I will turn off the show after throwing the remote.  It's the equivalent of nails on a chalkboard to my ears...second to hearing our neighbors.)

Well, we're not quite sure if he's going for broke today because he said he was getting here early and planned to stay until 5pm.  So who knows if he just wants to knock it out or what.  That would be nice.  I could use a break next week.  Still haven't finished the closet and the Mr kindly offered to do so but I'm not holding us to anything.  It just needs the back wall sanded down and then paint but we'll be so in the thick of drywall dust today we may be totally over it and say eff dat.  So, who knows what today holds which means we don't quite know yet what the weekend holds.  I thought it would be priming and painting last week when we had hope but if we're going to push forward with the other wall sooner than later, it doesn't make sense to put everything back to together just to tear it right back apart.  Hopefully the Mr can get him to take his quick measurement of the wall today and he can work on a quote this weekend and procuring the drywall in a SMALLER truck because we'd only need about 6 sheets since we have two left over.

Edit: He hasn't shown up yet (almost 10am) so we're definitely going into next week.  Not cool given we rearranged our whole morning routine and rushed around like mad people only to still be waiting.  They always start out on time the first day then it slowly goes to crap, without fail.  🙄

Edit to the edit:  Yeah that 8- 5 or 6pm day went to 10am-3:30pm real quick.  Time to start making the list of things he's going to fix before he thinks he's gonna blow in here and sand then take his check.  Never fails.

You got any plans this weekend that are putting a spring in your step?

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  1. So glad you got your test results and can breathe happy about that! I'm very thankful that my mammogram place only does 3D mammograms now. I've always gotten them since they came out due to my history, but now they are the standard, which is awesome.
    Weekend will be a lot of catch up chores from this week that got put on the back burner, plus grocery shopping. I don't like shopping on the weekends, but that's going to be the norm for the foreseeable future, and that's okay. I'm going to try to get the laundry done after work because I loathe doing laundry on the weekends. Here's hoping anyway.
    I hope it's a very productive day for the drywalling and maybe he'll finish up ahead of schedule!

  2. I am so relieved for the test results and glad you didn't have to wait long for them. Hopefully we get the weekend we need and squeeze out whatever normalcy we can get so we can be ready for some of the work we have ahead of us. Have a great weekend everyone!


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