Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Midweek Madness

It's hump dayyyyyyyyy.  Time for a check in.


Priming began Sunday and went into Monday.  At that point, we saw what I consider extensive fixes will need to be made.  You can see the seams on 70% of what they did.  For those not in the know, that ain't right.  If I wanted to see seams, *I* would've done the work!!  Seams are what show either after 1) years of your house settling or 2) shoddy installation.  



Those are just two of I think 5 seams he needs to redo.  

I want my damn living room back and we can't even get on that road until he comes out to fix stuff which after telling him we weren't available today is obviously the only day he has available.  Because of all of the ways I had to twist, contort and push on the rollers while priming, my hands were of zero use to me later.  How do I always forget how badly everything hurts after one day of painting?  Monday, the plumber lady came to do an estimate.  She said $1600 for the hot water tank install (that was before mentioning the expansion tank that the previous 5 star rated company didn't replace and according to a quick search, is code.)  Since we have a leak and she was much nicer and cheaper, the Mr booked her for today so that'll at least be done and given it's the only day schmuck boy can come out then fine- trip all over each other.  The Mr feared he was going to try to ditch us and he was pressing hard for the repipe to be done through him once we asked him to come fix his mistakes.  You've heard the phrase 'jack of all trades, master of none.'  Well, I'm not having master of none touching our pipes!


She looked at our PolyB pipes and was the first one to say...'actually, these don't need replaced.'  She said they would turn colors and get brittle and at that point they would need replaced but she understood if we were still thinking about doing it.  She also said if we were replacing with PEX that she didn't think they would need to cut a wall at all, just snake it through as long as there were no weird spots.  She also said she's old school and would probably recommend copper which given how expensive the PEX adapters are would actually not be much more expensive.  She saw a clip she didn't like that the water filter people installed called a 'shark bite' and said they'd replace that.  The Mr asked why because she was the second person (drywall dude was the first) to poo poo those.  She said they're notorious for failing/leaking so they would just take care of that so we wouldn't have a point of failure.  She said either one would be recommended though so it was up to us.  

The Mr came in yesterday afternoon for a 'gut check' and are we just wasting our money replacing these now that we've had two plumbers that we have a little more trust in over the years say 'eh, these are fine.'  After a little research on both and some talking, we decided based on the potential for a 'surprise' denial of insurance claims that alone would be worth some peace of mind.  We also feel like there aren't any really good options for piping as both have pros and cons but copper is more prone to pinhole leaks that could potentially be an issue.  The leaching of both pipes is obviously a con but supposedly after 30 days the PEX leaches far less and we use hot water ALL the time and that can be a big con with copper because that causes it to leach more??  It's all maddening the research you have to do on crap you don't give two squirts about.  We have a whole house filter and a filter in our fridge water which is where all of our potable water comes out of anyway so we've decided the PEX is probably the way to go for us.  It will mean less work for her too but we do appreciate her honesty in that the pipes may be fine.  What we do know is even if PolyB feels soft on the outside, it scales and erodes from the inside which is the issue.  This is more than I ever wanted to know and more than you ever wanted to hear me ramble about!  😄

So once again, we've got a house full of people that we didn't want and now we just have to pray that he does a good enough job that we can be done with his sorry butt and she said she could get us scheduled within the week for the re-piping.  I told the Mr to tell her not to mention it in front of drywall dude because he thinks he's got skin in a game he's unaware he's not playing with the pipes.  He already seemed irked that we are having the hot water tank replaced by someone else and it's like mofo, I don't know WHO you think you are but do the friggin' job we hired you to do and leave.  Like he said he could replace the carpet on our stairs.  Oh, you mean the carpet you RUINED!?!?!  Unless you're replacing it for free due to your asshattery, then 


Seriously, I'm so d-o-n-e.

So say a little prayer we get through today unscathed and can move on to the next poop bomb.


How's your week going so far?  Anything fun going on or counting down to the weekend?

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  1. I do hope we can just be done with the drywall guy today once and for all. I've reached that point where I just don't want to see our have to text him anymore but we need that stuff fixed first. So please please please let today be it for that!

    1. You and me both. I never want to see his face or hear his name again.

  2. Are you noticing an improvement with sound?

    1. Honestly we haven't spent enough time down there to be able to objectively tell but I can tell you the main noise we did it for is actually worse. 🙄

  3. This plumber sounds like she's on the up and up and is giving you options instead of saying you *have* to do it this way. And she sounds thorough, too, so you know she's looking at all areas to see any potential issues that can be fixed at the same time. Now, you just need the other guy to come in and do his fixing and scram. Even though the house will still be a wreck by the weekend because of all the post wall stuff you'll need to work on, just having people out of your house will feel like such a relief. Hang tight my friend!

    1. I just wish she'd give us the dang estimate for the pipe job. It's been two full days and we'd like to not stroke out in front of her if she drops the number while installing the tank. I'm praying things look okay tomorrow so we can move ahead with the walls. Of course he had to put down our primer choice and said the one he would've used (Sherwin) would've smoothed out a lot of that. Uh, or perhaps you could do a good job and not rely on a crutch to attempt to coat your screw ups and trust me, nothing but joint compound could've helped that hot mess.


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