Wednesday, March 8, 2023

In the Stew Midweek Update


We're still in the thick of everything.  The drywall is hung, the guy came yesterday to fill gaps with sealant and will be back today to finish that and then prep for mudding and taping.  Tomorrow the family will be coming back to complete mudding and taping and Friday to sand which could potentially throw us into Monday depending on how it goes.  Not quite how I thought I'd be spending the weekend since I hoped to be at least priming but you know what, hopefully all of the corners and ceiling stuff looks smooth as a babies butt and I'll wait the extra time for that if need be.   I don't know why I never anticipate contractor jobs taking a week for this kind of thing.  (Not that we've had our walls essentially rebuilt before but you know what I mean.)  

A funny side story.  We've got a very international team and the owner is from the Middle East.  Super nice guy and seems to know what he's talking about.  He and the Mr got to chatting and he said that he has to explain what he does to his family back home because they don't have drywall there.  Everything is built from brick and concrete so everything is strong.  Someone from the Middle East had a house built and called him to install new 5/8" drywall over the existing brand new drywall.  He tried to tell them it was strong even though it was wood and drywall and the guy wasn't buying it so he had him install 300 sheets of 5/8" drywall over everything that was just constructed for strength!   An interesting story and always funny what standards people have in other countries compared to our crap standards here.  

It's been a week.  You know there are stories to tell and we're still hoping against hope that we didn't light thousands on fire.  I wish I could say I'm not eating my stress but it's happened.  

I've got my mammogram tomorrow so if you could throw out some good vibes for that, I'll do the same for y'all because you're making sure yours are being squished, yes??  I'll walk in, tell her 32 lbs of pressure and to flatten those mofos until they pop.  I always seem to get super nervous about it.  Not the procedure like at all but the whole reason it's being done.  I did some poking around and I don't feel anything weird so that's at least a plus but leave it to be scheduled this week in addition to the rest of the fun.

Do you have your mammies grammied?  Any midweek updates you'd like to share?

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1 comment:

  1. I totally get what you mean by it not being the procedure but the reason. I'm just glad you don't let that get in the way of actually getting checked because it does make you safer and that's the most important thing. Thank you for being proactive!


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