Monday, March 13, 2023

All Over the Place Weekend Recap

Happy happy Monday!  Are you ready for your one hour less sleep week where everyone is basically a zombie before 11am?  

We are getting ready for what we think (pray) is the final day for this wall.  There are several things we're not super happy with that we want fixed before he starts sanding.  I asked the Mr if I have unreasonable expectations and he said no, we have expectations.  A wall should look like a wall which is why we hired people and didn't try to do this ourselves.  (Trust me, we couldn't have at ALL on that wall with all of the angles and places we don't have a way to reach in the stairwell.)  So much muck everywhere.  I can't even convey.  The part that stinks the most is not being able to have a place to sit that isn't covered in drop cloths, drywall dust (and sanding hasn't even begun yet) and there's nowhere to eat but the cold, cold basement sharing a wood stool for a 'table.'

So we really needed the weekend to have a few chill days.  We got some lunch and the Mr drove around like a LOT because neither of us wanted to be home.  We drove around what I consider my "childhood" home even though it represents two school years out of my life and I just cried most of the time.  The area is expanding rather close to it and I know there is going to be a day in the not too distant future that my home will no longer be my home.  Then come 5:30pm Saturday, our drywall dude (DD) shoots over the estimate for the other wall and says he can start Wednesday.  Okay so Saturday is basically shot because we can't start making a bunch of noise popping off baseboards and such so that leaves us Sunday to do as much as we can moving everything off of the wall that we'll BE doing and having to move it all back that night so he can hopefully finish the other wall he's currently working on.  Then have only Tuesday (of which the Mr is working) to clean up all of the shite he leaves behind from sanding (and believe me when I tell you that apparently any drywall workers job is to leave the rest of your house in utter shambles) to somehow move all of that furniture (love seat and couch, 6' table and two armoires to the other side of the room that has about 2/3 less room to work with.  What's that saying of trying to fit ten lbs of flour in a five lb bag?  That would be about right.  As the Mr was telling DD this, he's like "oh, you can just move that to the middle of the room, it will be fine.


Perhaps you did not see how you and your crew treated our home on original drywall day?  Big ass glops of green glue ALL over the place that we don't even know if we're going to be able to get out of the carpet we had no plans of replacing just yet, all over every door handle that has not come off with 5 cleaning wipes yet and just the general mess left behind.  You would like me to just scooch everything to the middle of the room because you're going to suddenly be delicate with our white couches and all belongings?  I think not.  The prospect of all of this with practically zero warning in the scheme of things sent me into a tailspin.  We agreed that we wanted the other wall done sooner than later but we also said we needed a week away from this guy too so the prospect of getting no break in addition to having that huge drywall truck here the week they are also doing siding repair and crap with landscaping stuff means the gestapo of the homeowners association will be out and about and we can't sneak it in like we did last time.  I shot off a quick note to my friend in the midst of my swirl and she suggested we tell him Thursday.  I know that may sound like something we should've easily thought of but the Mr and I were both dug into our personal stances on this and I think we tend to think just because someone says they can start at X time doesn't mean you are obligated to agree to it.  I really wanted to wait until Monday to sign the new contract anyway because I want to see if this guy leaves us with a crap fest that we are not happy with.  (So far, there are a few things we need addressed.)

So Sunday we had a big breakfast to get us started, let it settle for a little then got to it.  I took everything off the wall and was left with a buffet of molly screw holes.

Time to grab the acoustic caulk and start fillin'.

Well, first time to throw on the GenX Amazon music station to make the tasks at hand more tolerable and this was about the only tolerable hip hop song I could stand of the ones they were throwing at me.

I shook my Oakland booty and got to work.  We took down the curtain rod overhead and I had my work cut out for me there too.

I will say I will NOT be sad to see that be covered because over almost 30 years we've hung a lot of curtains and repatched holes and I clearly suck at it if you can't tell by the spot just above the left set of holes.  There's also a horrible patch in the corner that kind of dips in and is wonky but has always been covered by furniture so out of sight, out of mind but I will be glad for that not to be the main part of the wall or worry about it caving in or something.  

The Mr popped off the trim around the patio door to reveal the gems of contractors past.

I took a boxcutter and took the 45 seconds they couldn't be bothered with to make it straight so I could start caulking.  I backfilled quite a bit with as much caulk as it would take because the witch neighbor who has full on conversations with her dog to the point you think she's on the phone with someone took to sitting outside in the fall and oh hell no are we listening to that crap if we don't have to.  (Yes, we talked to our dog when she was alive but I assure you, this is something completely different and perhaps only a small step below David Berkowitz dog level stuff.)  So anything we can do to not hear her canine conversations is a major plus for our sanity.  I think everything is pretty much done on that wall as far as what can be removed and filled in.  I feel better about where we are and that we'll have an extra day so perhaps one full day of not having to rush around next week before the next project starts?

We felt like there was no sense in priming and painting and doing the ceiling in bits and pieces and wanted to be able to do it all in one swipe.  BUT before we can do that, we have to replace the hot water tank too.  Yep.  It feels like it's at a critical point and unfortunately Best Buy doesn't sell them so we don't have $550 to go toward one.  So now we research those and call a plumber to install it and do it while the stair rails are still off and everything is out of the way and looks like a construction zone.  My goal is within the month to be back to pre-contractor looks.  I guess the only thing that'll be different is we're going to strip and sand the rails to stain them since we're not sure staining the stairs is going to be a possibility like we hoped.  Then I know what that means as far as the staircase is concerned but I'm not even thinking about that right now because there's a matter in the master/primary/main/your preferred adjective bedrrom that will need to be addressed soon as well.

How was your weekend?  Do anything fun?

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  1. I so want another weekend day right now. Either that or another hour of sleep. Happy Monday everyone!

  2. I hope you have a good conversation with the contractor about the issues that need fixing and he's open to doing that without any guff. You'll feel much better about signing the contract for the other wall if you see he's fixing misses and errors.
    Weekend was busy with office stuff and getting it cleaned out. I did not feel good yesterday so I stayed home from church and napped in the morning and again in the afternoon. The fatigue lifted after that. We got another 3.4 inches of snow so a total of 10.8 in two days, and now the wind chills are in the teens. Ack!

  3. Was looking for the update 🙃


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