Friday, January 28, 2022

What I'm Reading This Week #4

Howdy do Friday boo's?  I hope your week was bitchin' and you got the business done.  My allergies let me know in no uncertain terms it was past time for me to sweep and mop the floors so I got to it.  Then the next day it was like nothing was ever touched with shoe prints and every crumb was like "hey, let's jump on the floor!"  I remembered a $50 gift card for Sur La Table I had sitting around for 4 years and got a long vinyl runner to go across the front and garage door entries because I'm over it.  I wanted something I could sweep with the hand vac and easily swiffer and move on.  Did you know hand vacs have this thing called a filter and apparently you're supposed to change them and stuff.  😋  So I felt like I made decent steps in cleaning only to feel back at square one the next day.  I did manage to paint the wall gash where the delivery idiots left their marks.  Only took 20 months.  As you see, when I procrastinate, I go all in.

Enough procrastinating, let's get to:

The Best 30-Day Dinner Plan to Help Lower Cholesterol  (Sounds like a yummy way to get shizz done!)

Surefire Ways to Boost Immunity Right Now, Say Dietitians  (Lord knows we all need it right now)

Clean your water bottle correctly so you don't put your health at risk from mold  (No one wants a mold party in their bottle!  This is the one I use and the dishwasher does good at getting it spic and span)

The Right Amount Of Time To Steep Herbal Tea, From An Herbalist  (Gotta say, I tried this with my tea infuser balls and it worked like a charm!)

Pandemic Blues: Lessons from Psychotherapy for Everyday Life (We're all struggling in some form whether we choose to admit it or not.)

Getting Stuck in Negative Emotions and Relationship Patterns  (Really interesting and how I wish I could be one of the "30 minutes later" people)

Why Do Clothes Feel Soft Coming Out Of The Dryer, But Crunchy When They’re Air-Dried?  (The article that gave me the push to tear apart our dryer.)

24 Food And Snack Hacks That'll Make You Say, "You Know, That's Actually Really Smart"  (I'm going to remember the teepee toast for sure and #10 is pretty cool for any straight outta the pint eaters!)

Jeff Goldblum Reviews Impressions of Himself  (OMG, I can't stop laughing.  I know you either love him or hate him but the Mr and I are firmly in the love camp!)

I don't think we've got anything going on.  I wouldn't mind this push of productivity continuing but who knows.  I do know Mt. Amazon Box needs to be conquered but I peeled off the labels so my work is done here.  HA!

Anything exciting on your end for the weekend?

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  1. I am all for the ongoing productivity push too. What else can we get into. I am glad I got the Christmas lights down off the house and boxed up for next year. I usually wait for a mild day but I am actually happy we have had more snow days lately so it was just fine taking things down in stages so I could warm up in between. Happy Friday everybody!

    1. Of course I woke up today like "" That walk around the cemetery took it out of me yesterday for some reason.

  2. I am a long time member of the Procrastinators Club. When I finally accomplish something that's been niggling, wowza. I cleaned out and organized the freezer this week, because I KNEW there were chops in there, but where? Now everything has a place, and I know what we have, feels great. I swept and mopped, then made a perfect cup of pour over coffee...opened the cupboard to put the coffee filters away, and a jar of peanut butter jumped out, landed on my coffee, and dang it, why right after I mopped the floor?

    1. I'm glad to see I'm not the only member of the club! You're giving me ideas with the freezer. I wonder what I would find in mine!? Awww, you poor nugget! That is exactly the kind of thing that would happen to me. Then you just kind of break the fourth wall of the camera that is shooting the show of your life and are like "really?"

  3. Just finished grocery shopping, so now it's finishing up the two load of laundry that are left and continuing to pitch crap that I don't need or want anymore. Then it's work the rest of the weekend. Enjoy a nice productive weekend and some good walks outside!

    1. Hooray for groceries and laundry being taken care of! I need to follow your lead on pitching things but I feel like I'd pitch the whole house if I got in the right mood! I hope your work is much better than the previous 10 days and you can breathe a little better.

  4. No big plans this weekend. I might go see a movie this evening since my local theater just reopened and Id like to support them. Or I might just stay home because it'll be dark and cold and my couch will be soft and warm. Yesterday was my one Friday a month that I have to work so my weekend is already 1/3 shorter.


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