Monday, January 10, 2022

The Early Grind of 2022

Is it 2023 yet?  😆

Let's start with the good stuff.  We got in some good walks. 

I was very happy to see a bit of the white stuff floating down on occasion though it left us without much to stick.  Despite it being 22 degrees outside, we strapped on the thermals, mittens and big coats and walked in the little bit we were granted.

We were thankfully the only ones on the trail and enjoyed the flurries as we trudged in our snow sneakers which definitely give good ankle support.  We had a bunch of rain the few days before so any squishy, deep shoeprints froze and made walking more hairy than usual.  When we got back, we warmed up with tea, jalapeno shrimp and grits and colored in some coloring books to unwind.

Saturday we grabbed some lunch curbside and were close to my friend who is also high risk so I texted him to look down off of his balcony and we did a drive by hi and waved to him.  It was so nice to see him even if from a few floors away.  We went for a 4 hour long drive in the country until my butt was numb then headed home.  We activated a Netflix gift card I got for my birthday so we could watch Cobra Kai from 6-12am when the Dexter finale was available.  The Mr said it was okay but a lot of missed opportunities which I agree with but I feel ultimately they should've let sleeping lumberjacks lie.  We called it from episode two and sadly, I didn't feel Clancy Brown was given the right stuff to be a proper 'big bad' even though he clearly has the chops.  Sigh.  But it was nice to see MCH again and now time to promptly cancel Showtime.  

Sunday we grabbed the Fresh delivery off of the porch and started the last few episodes of Cobra Kai.  Anything season three on is basically the same thing with new people but the constant is William Zabka is gold.  Then we watched Jim Gaffigan Comedy Monster which was hilarious.  Recommended for some good, much needed laughs.  

The Mr was doing laundry and when he started the dryer, I heard a weird noise.  It almost sounded like wind blowing.  He kept starting and stopping it but the noise got worse.  A quick internet search showed it was likely a problem where metal was now grinding on metal and we're just waiting to start a fire.  


If you think we're having two delivery people come in here during Omicron, you're high.  

I needed to get out of the house so we walked and I caught a nice sunset on the way home.

Then we flipped around the clothes on hangers in the basement that had the fans going on them while we were gone so the other side could get dry-ish and flipped on the fireplace to get some stuff on 'speed dry' for the coming days.

(This is our life now)

We're going to try to hold out for a Presidents Day sale because we just had to drop a buttload on some other stuff too and I'm trying to keep my twitching under control.  We knew this was coming with the washer but the dryer was a fun twist so we'll keep an eye on cases and go pioneer style on drying stuff for a bit.  It's not a travesty but not ideal either.  

How was your weekend?

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  1. I am glad we got those walks in, especially when we had some snow. It's like all we get outside so I'll take it. As for the dryer I guess I'm glad we got 13ish years out of it but those things never die at a convenient time do they?

  2. There never is a convenient time for an appliance to go out. My water heater went out the 4th of July a few years ago and we were leaving for Yellowstone on the 5th. That was fun - but my plumbers were amazing and shuffled some other stuff and came that morning. The next year my fridge went out right before my vacation. And summer of 2020 my dryer went out and I had to have a new one delivered and installed. Appliances seem to have a sense about those things. Given the choice though, the dryer is probably the best one to go out. It's easy enough to hang dry clothes (at least in my super dry climate, maybe it's more humid where you are and harder there).

  3. What a rat fink way to start the year! We had to buy two new fridges last year, all the while knowing our dryer was limping along and our washing machine is just as old and probably ready to retire. But with all the other stuff, it has to be done in increments. Blech. The walks you got in were awesome though and you got to romp in a bit of snow and see some amazing sunsets, so that's very cool. I've always said I think winter sunsets are spectacular in color. I hope this week is far less aggravating than last week. It's Jan 10th and already we want to yell DO OVER!!


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