Friday, January 14, 2022

What I'm Reading This Week #2

Hello all!  I hope you're all doing well, staying healthy and are ready for the weekend!  Whether that means kicking back, jumping into a project or binging a show, I hope there's some good stuff coming up for you!

It's been a comfort food week over here.  I threw together a tuna noodle casserole which I haven't made in decades then the next night we had skillet chicken pot pie.  Subbed in low sodium chicken broth, 1/3 less fat cream cheese and used I Can't Believe It's Not Butter.  Highly recommended if you need a hug from the inside.

Now let's get into...

You Don't Need Dumbbells to Lift Weights — Use These Everyday Items as Alternatives  (Great ideas!  Lifting weights is SUPER important!  Resistance bands are incredibly helpful and great for travel.)

Can you think yourself young?  (Courtesy of the Mr.  Amazing study and I'll take 1982 please.)

5 Mindless Habits That Are Making You More Irritable  (I'm looking at you This is Us!  I may have to make that a next day watch.  It doesn't matter that I know what's happening but when you've had a family member go through dementia, a show like that will bring every horrible emotion to the surface.)

4 Habits of ALL Successful Relationships (One of the videos for our Workshop Wednesday.  Applies to all of humanity, not just marriage.)

Model says a stranger used an Apple AirTag to track her  (**This is not the first story like this since these came out!**  You NEED to be aware and take action to try to protect yourself.  Of course the company just claims they 'take privacy seriously' with ZERO ACTION to back it up!)

No plans for the weekend.  We've still got Christmas stuff up but I'm not sure if I feel like taking it all down just yet.  We'll see if the mood strikes.  There's a squinty chance of snow that'll likely be gone by the time you read this.  I really don't like to take it down until there's been a decent snowfall but that seems less and less every year.


Anything going on this weekend?

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  1. I may take the lights down if the weather allows for it. I hate taking them down if it's too cold not just because it sucks to do it in the cold but also because the wires tend to be stiffer and can actually get damaged with too much handling while frozen. Other than getting a few things like that done around the house, I got nothing in terms of what to do for the weekend. Anyone got any good movie recommendations?

  2. We grocery shopped today for next week and the hubs took down the Christmas stuff in the bay window so we can see out again. It's super cold out with the wind, so we threw on the new grill cover and the hubs really liked it with the air vent. We take one of the pooches swimming tomorrow, then it's house stuff until I go to work. The other pooch has a birthday on Monday so he'll get some extra lovin' this weekend. I had a colonoscopy planned for the end of the month and cancelled that due to the massive outbreak here. The scheduler whispered into the phone that it was a good idea not to come to the hospital right now because it was really, really bad. Poor girl. I recorded the figure skating from last weekend so I'm finally down to the last one to watch with the men's long program. I'll do that after the hubs goes to bed and I can sprawl out and hit replay as many times as I want. LOL I hope you guys have a good weekend and there is construction silence for you for a few days!!

  3. I'm test driving a car this afternoon. I've been looking for something inexpensive with a manual transmission to teach the kid on for a long time, and I found something I think will work. It's older than I hoped for, but low mileage makes up for that. Wish me luck. Other than that, nothing exciting. Some housework, grocery shopping, and some Dr. Who from the marathon I recorded.
    Our school is on remote learning this next week so at some point I need to redo all of my lesson plans to make them remote friendly. I think the admin made a good call, but we didn't find out until Thursday at lunch (4 day week) and I'd already done all my plans once. I wish we had known Wednesday or even Thursday morning.


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