Friday, January 21, 2022

What I'm Reading This Week #3

Revenge of the short week.   This week felt 10 days long and that's always how it seems to go.  Our snow was gone as quick as it came thanks to the irritants of sun one day then 40 degrees the next.  I hate the sun in the winter time not only because it blinds me but because even on a 17 degree day it can still melt the precious little snow we get.  Pffft.

I got the burst of motivation to transition some spots to winter décor over Christmas stuff.  Apparently that burst didn't translate to hitting post on this after I found out (well after the fact) that several family members are/were sick with Covid or "colds" with the exact same symptoms but they didn't bother to test and my 90 year old grandma is probably going to die from pneumonia now.  So forgive the late post and likely typos.

Enough of that crap, let's get to...

How to Order Your Free At-Home COVID Tests From the Government  (Good because you sure as heck can't find them in the wild right now and if you have a "cold" please friggin TEST)

Olive oil linked to lower death risks from Alzheimer's disease, all causes  (Good to know!  I'll have to grab an extra bottle!)

Flaxseeds vs. Chia Seeds: Which Is Healthier? (Annnd now as a regular chia eater, I'm looking at flax seeds after reading this!)

4 Small Things Husbands Stop Doing Once They're Married— From A Guy Whose Wife Divorced Him  (Don't read into this, I'm not saying these describe the Mr (though the walking thing resonates. LOL)  But for any of you that may need to discuss 'an interesting article I read today' with your spouse.  The little things are the big things.) 

5 Symptoms of Repressed Anger (Hence the article above)

Why we hold onto things we don’t need — and how to let them go  (For those looking to dig in to cleaning soon)

How to Deal With Movies That Bounce From Too Quiet to Too Loud  (Mr, we MUST try this!  I know we're tired of the constant back and forth.)

What to Do If You Find an Unknown Apple AirTag With You  (Keep your guard up.  Oh and you DON'T need an Apple product to be tracked!  There's this app that you can use to scan your Android device.   Unfortunately it's manual but it's a good idea to do a manual scan before heading home.  Should you have to do that?  No.  But it's something to help safeguard against a not well thought out release.)

Design FAILs that will 100% lead to catastrophe  (Oh my Lord, some real dim bulbs in the box on this one.)

Probably taking down Christmas stuff this weekend.  Other than that, just trying not to lose it.

Any plans for you this weekend?

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  1. It was some devastating news regarding the family and I hope everything turns out okay. I do think taking down the Christmas stuff and some cleaning up will help both our moods so that is a good priority this weekend. Time to get out of the funk!

  2. It's a working weekend and not much else, aside from doing laundry today and possibly napping by the dryer just to save time. ROFL


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