Monday, November 9, 2020

Burr in the Butt Weekend Recap

Happy Monday everyone!  Did you have a good weekend?  I hoped to do more but alas, it was not in the cards.  The only Christmas stuff I could muster was my greens and vintage spice tins over the cupboards.

We fully intended to enthusiastically start decorating on November 1st but I just don't have it in me and am not ready to lose living room space.  I start thinking about the fact that Thanksgiving is 2 1/2 weeks away and begin a mass freak out.  Not really because of the holiday but it's going to trigger a lot of other "to-do's" and my mind needs some time to unravel not having constant election stress.  I'm not ready to replace that with holiday stress.

I had already reluctantly planned to make Chi Chi's Chicken El Paso Saturday for lunch.

I love it but it's a pain in the butt if your heart's not in it and you add that Domino's hosed us for dinner by giving us a raw dough pizza that I then had to cook and I basically got no break from cooking this weekend.  The Mr was supposed to do the Christmas lights Saturday but that got pushed to Sunday so my plan to go paddling Sunday and watch a Christmas light show from the car was chucked in the crapper.  That was likely our last shot for paddling but I didn't want to put pressure on us to have to do it if we weren't feeling it so I never brought it up.  That means we've gone out once this year, just like last year.  Also makes me question why we have all of this gear taking up so much space we don't have, to only do it once a year now.  If that's the case next year too, I'm going to have to do some serious thinking.


I was at least productive enough to get the Christmas cards finished yesterday.

All addressed, stamped and ready to roll on Thanksgiving Eve.  

The Mr got the Christmas lights up after realizing the crappy ones we got 3 years ago were not going to make it this year.  We spent an hour looking for replacements that didn't get great reviews and finally just went with solid warm white for the gutters because I don't really care.  My grandparents had the same set of big ass C9's (you know, the opaque multi-color ones) for like 25 years, just replacing bulbs here or there.  The ones now are designed to fail every other year.  If you think I'm reinvesting in these friggin' things every other year, the answer is no.  I also shouldn't have to spend $150 on a commercial grade strand just to hope I might get 5 years out of them if I'm lucky.  (Plus they don't have the color scheme we used anyway.)  I don't know if I've got a Grinch up my butt or what but I hope I can snap out of it soon.

Nothing real Earth shattering going on, as promised.

How was your weekend?

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  1. Paddling would have been nice to do yesterday. I don't think I would have even been half as exhausted as I got. Usually doing the xmas lights doesn't task me so much but for some reason I was pretty well spent after that. Then an hour long turbofire workout pretty much cooked me the rest of the way. Nothing a good night's sleep couldn't fix though.

  2. You'll be glad you got the outside lights up, but giving up a paddling session to do so is a bummer.

  3. Greenery is very pretty! I'm sorry about the lack of paddling. The hubs hasn't been out on his kayak in two years so he can commiserate with you. Hopefully this will be a better week, if not exactly jolly yet. We're at least closer to this insane year being over!


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