Friday, November 13, 2020

What I'm Reading This Week #46

Another Friday is upon us, friends.  I hope you've had a good week and are ready for some shenanigans, whatever that means to you.  

Here are some of our eats this week.

Monday we had homemade beef and veggie soup and a salad.

Tuesday was Maple Glazed Salmon over Quinoa Duo.

Workout was Powerstrike.

Wednesday I phoned it in with a Caulipower Veggie Pizza.

Workout was Turbo Fire HIIT 25 and dancing around since the Mr burned his washing his car for 2 hours.

Thursday was BBQ Shrimp and Cheese Grits.

Workout was upper body strength.

Now let's work into...

Stair Workout for Beginners  (Great way to get a boost of cardio inside or out!)

How to Arrange a Cheese Platter  (I love doing charcuterie boards when we're on vacation.  I'll have to do more this winter here and there.)

One Thing You Shouldn't Say to a Bereaved Person Right Now  (We're all curious but its not the point)

My Boyfriend Gave Me a Brazilian Wax at Home, and It Was an Experience We'll Never Forget  (I don't know who this sadist lady is but it kinda feels like her BF was being "tested" given all of the other things she had going on down there in addition to the act of doing the waxing.  Rude.)

21 Festive Quarantine Christmas Ideas for a Holly Jolly Holiday  (Use cinnamon ornament dough for #8, roll it into a log like fashion and call it a day.)

My focus is to get a menu together for Thanksgiving and start working on things I can do ahead.  I really want to get crap on the first floor together since it feels like its been in a state of limbo for a few weeks which only overwhelms me and makes me procrastinate more.  No real plans otherwise.

You got anything going on this weekend?

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  1. Time to get your car washed and wax this weekend so both cars have a layer of protection from the coming salt fest that winter brings with it. Probably should get the hose bibs all covered up after that and we can cover up plants for the winter. I guess it's winterize weekend in a sense.

  2. Have to go to the bank to get a new card (grrr), grocery shop tomorrow while the hubs is at work, and then work the weekend. No great shakes but that's been the norm. At some point I'll be able to actually get stuff done in my house but this weekend isn't it. Hope it's a good weekend for you and you enjoy getting that Thanksgiving menu all written out and ready!

  3. A masked baby shower then chill

  4. That's a big nope on the waxing. It seems like the boyfriend is a keeper if he was willing to do all of that.

    Nothing exciting here over the weekend. At all. Ugh. I'm so boring these days.


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