Thursday, November 19, 2020

Thursday Check In

Howdy all.  It was a pretty quiet weekend for the most part.  The biggest thing we did was last Friday we went to a vintage shop so I could pick up an order and the dog let me scratch her booty while we talked to her mommy.   We found out they went to Stowe, VT for their honeymoon at the Trapp Lodge and she asked if we had ever been to Maine.  So we nerded out for a bit over New England before hitting the road.  Just the night before I was looking for a vintage looking Santa mug but did one better with something similar so I got our new Santa in his spot.

I'm going to see what I've got downstairs to put in his sack since he just needs a little something.  Not sure if I'm done with that area or not.  We'll see.

My soul needed to watch Labyrinth for almost two hours to get my mind off general crap and it was exactly what the good doctor ordered.    After the Mr went to bed, I thought I'd get a jump on some Monday prep I needed to do which required me using a mandoline for citrus.  Can you guess where this is going?  Despite being as careful as I could be, I sliced off about 1/4 of my thumbnail on my right hand from top to bottom.  It was one of those moments you make sure an ER visit isn't necessary.  While I was woozy from the appearance, there was no blood and the citrus wasn't stinging so I thought I was good.  As I headed upstairs to get it tended to, the gushing started.  I had to treat it without waking the Mr from the sound of my passing out since I was getting sweaty and wobbly looking at it.  Nothing would stop the bleeding except for a blob of Neosporin on it while I put a waterproof band aid over it.  I went back to the task at hand and then I grabbed a silicone toe sleeve I use for not getting blisters when we walk to keep the band aid in place all night or my Charlie Brown sheets would be goners.  When I went up, the band aid was soaked through so I changed the band aid and it stopped bleeding.  I cleaned it up, put on another one and put the finger condom back on for a restless night's sleep.   You can imagine using weights, putting on and taking off a bra and showering have been super fun.

2020 is the gift that keeps on giving.

We did have quite a few windy days this week to put our new glass bulbs to the test on the gutters.  It happens every single year but this time it gave the Mr about 4 extra days before the derecho showed up.  If we make it to Christmas without a broken bulb or two, it'll be a miracle.  Oh, I did get a little crafty and made some rustic tiebacks for the slider curtains for the holidays.

No sew, I just used Fabric Fusion and some well placed heavier objects while it dried because hand sewing wasn't on the top of my list along with teaching myself how to use the sewing machine.  If they fall apart, I'll hand sew them but they seem to be okay for now.

I was happy Tuesday to watch the snow roll into Stowe, VT and pretend I was virtually rolling in it.

We did make a Trader Joe's run Tuesday 30 minutes before closing when there were like 15 people there.  I was hoping it would be the last run but they were out of sweet potato gnocchi and I can't go without that until the end of the year...I'm not an animal.  We'll have to call ahead and have them hold like four of them but we got everything else, I think.  Super disappointing they're never gone the curbside pickup route during this crap show but I guess you have to potentially risk your life if you want their eats.  😠

Other than that, just watching Marc Maron's Instagram lives almost every day depending on my mood.  He's pretty raw some days and I have to decide if I'm going to let it in or not or wait until he posts it so I can enjoy it at my leisure.

How's your week been?

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  1. I am really surprised Trader Joe's doesn't do any kind of curbside service. You would think they would have to offer something like that during a pandemic but they have stated pretty adamantly that they were not going to do it. Glad we got most of what we need though. Things are looking bleak again so we can lock down if necessary.

  2. Your Christmas corner and tiebacks look fantastic! Beautifully made and look so good!
    I just came back from Walgreens and have discovered when I have my Air Tamer on that you gave me, if I keep it on the outside of my jacket and casually hang on to it, people think it's a Life Alert button and stay far away from me. ROFL Apparently they are not interested in helping me if I've fallen and can't get up. Snort! I was chuckling through the store as I got out as fast as I could. Week's been long insanely long and frustrating, but that's been the norm so not unusual. Ha!

  3. It must be something in the season, because this month both I AND my husband earned ourselves some finger injuries! Wishing you non-stick gauze (yes, it's a thing!) And medical tape as your finger recovers!


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