Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Hump Day Poll: Whose Zoomin' Who?

While that is quite a catchy Aretha Franklin song from back in the day, that's probably not what you think of when you hear that phrase nowadays.  Zoom was all the rage at the beginning of the pandemic and then you started hearing about "Zoom fatigue."  People were over it and preferred to not see their coworkers if that was an option.  Some stopped using it altogether and just went back to conference calls.

So here's today's hump day poll, do you still use Zoom (or similar service) as much as you did 8 months ago?

I've never used it once. I wouldn't know how to if I tried and honestly, no one has asked as far as like family or friends so I figure they don't give a crap to do it either.  I remember thinking at the beginning maybe we'd do a virtual game night with friends or something but then I saw a squirrel and that thought passed like a fart after (insert gassy food here.)  

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  1. A lot of places I have to have videoconferences with now are using Cisco Webex because of all the Zoom related security issues. However there is one company that still uses Zoom with the updated security fixes in place so it has almost become a good way to tell which companies are on the ball from a security standpoint - but also which ones are being cheap, because Cisco Webex is the gold standard but it is also the most expensive to use.

  2. We zoomed like twice in our family at the beginning of Covid, then never again. We use teams at work and only the Europeans turn their cameras on. I don't like being on camera

  3. We are still using Zoom for team meetings and my group of girlfriends has a regular Zoom call which has been great. Our in person dinners were local only but some friends that have moved away have join the Zoom calls. I enjoy the Zoom calls for work as I use the time to work on crochet projects. I find it helps me focus better on the topic at hand vs the in office meetings when my mind would wonder.

  4. My employer uses Cisco WebEx, but we've been using it for years for remote conferencing. We use it as our conferencing platform, even conference calls. At the start of the pandemic we were told to keep our webcams off, as they required too much bandwith over the corporate VPN for the amount meetings that were happening. Things got upgraded but it has been my habit to still keep my webcam off. I have to change my whole work setup if I want to use my webcam, as my laptop sits closed in a docking station and I use two large monitors instead as a screen. I would say my work related use has remained constant. However, my personal use of video chatting has reduced as the pandemic restrictions got lifted and we have been able to expand our social bubbles.

  5. Heh heh and technology -- like oil and vinegar (but not as tasty). I just recently found a video calling option on my phone with a pretty gray button that I considered sliding over to the orange color, but then I saw your same squirrel and we laughed and laughed and that was the end of that. I just told my husband that if we ever divorced I'd be living in a cabin with electricity and water and that's about it. I wouldn't have a clue how to set up anything like a tv or computer if it's more involved than plugging into a wall. It's a wonder I've barely squeaked by all these years being completely clueless about technology in general. My brain just can't grasp it!


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