Monday, November 30, 2020

Post Holiday Weekend Recap

Happy last day of November all.  I hope my American peeps had a lovely holiday weekend.  Maybe you put up your tree and/or lights or laid around in a food coma all weekend.  Whatever it was, I hope it brought you some joy!

Wednesday, I was pretty burnt by the end of the day after throwing myself into Thanksgiving prep.  That night we met my mom at the cemetery parking lot so we could exchange our Christmas gifts to have under the tree since that was the last time we had available schedule wise.  She had a rough week so I made her Grandma's butterballs which are her favorite.  

She asked me to make them my apple crumb pie so I got to it that morning so it was as fresh as could be.

One thing I learned is I utterly hate my peeler and apple corer/slicer so I ordered new ones.  Also, our ice cream scoop broke so I had to order one of those too.  Never get one with plastic parts.

It was time to roll out Grandma's noodles with her rolling pin that I swiped years ago.

I was kind of bummed because I can usually feel her with me when I make them but I didn't feel that this year.  I did tell her though to go visit my aunt who desperately needed her so if that meant she couldn't make it to our house this year, that's fine.  

Of course, there was no way I was making an apple pie for the rest of the family without making one for us or the Mr would've started a mutiny.

The only thing I'll never do again is use a crappy pre-made pie crust for it.  I almost made my own pie crust a day before but didn't because I already had the other ones.  That pie is friggin' amazing and deserves more respect than the bland, disgusting top rated brand I threw in my online shopping cart in a fit of "I have zero f**ks left to give" state.  Didn't stop us from eating it though.  😕

We both woke up with headaches on Thanksgiving so we had a little breakfast then went to the park and walked for an hour.  Then we came back and it was time to heat up what was already ready to roll and cook the important stuff like Grandma's noodles and stuffing.

We were in a carb coma the rest of the night and I needed a pink chaser by the end of it.  It certainly wasn't perfect.  The noodles were too salty even though the consistency was finally almost right.  I think I might've salted the broth when I made the turkey and then I re-salted it when I boiled it without tasting and then I had to add a little turkey broth from a box and after checking that was 800mg of sodium which I never would've used had I checked it first.  I swear sometimes I feel Grandma giggling behind all of our backs when we try and fail to get them just like she made them.  I forgot to add more broth to the stuffing so it wasn't as wet as I like it.  Then the Mr's drumstick (which I forgot the day of... #fail) was like out of a Griswold turkey so I threw in the towel on not being a glutton on Friday because that makes sense.  The leftovers were out of the house but in our bellies so yeah...didn't even bother weighing in Saturday because I didn't need the mental anvil.  Other than that, just getting the house in the Christmas spirit and cramming in some stuff we had to get done.

Last night, I loaded up some hot chocolate and gingersnaps to take on the road...

We drove around and looked at some Christmas lights while listening to our holiday playlists to round out the weekend.

How was your weekend/holiday?

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  1. What a weekend! We got a lot done and still managed to go out a bit and have some fun too, so a good mix. Last day of November already which is hard to fathom but that has been the entire year.

  2. Sounds like a pretty nice turkey day for you! It was a quiet peaceful one for us. For the first time ever, no guests. Well, that took all the timing anxiety away. I leisurely performed the prep the night before. The hardest part was cutting the recipes down since I'm used to planning for lots of leftovers. The fairly warm weather allowed for me to Griswold the house outside. This year I decorated more than in years. Had the time and thought it might lift our spirits a bit. Got the tree up and the lights done so far. Like you, we took a ride around town to check out the displays. I will say our neighborhood really showed up this year! Have a great week!!

  3. No holiday weekend for me but we did check out some holiday lights on our drive home from the kid's hockey game. Our neighbour sold her house and was moving out this weekend, so we dogsitted for her all weekend. All of the moving activities and strangers around the house was really stressing out the dog, so she sent him to us. It was nice feeling like we were dog owners again.

  4. The food pics looks great and the houses look so pretty! I've seen some houses around here done up but not like that. Maybe more will be lit up this coming week/weekend. It's so windy out right now and in the 20's with snowflakes here and there. Definitely feels like winter. Just yesterday one of the pooches was laying on her outdoor bed in the sunshine! LOL It was a most relaxing Thanksgiving and I suspect we may go that route again next year with ordering locally. Got a lot accomplished this weekend but paid the price physically. I have one errand to do this morning and then I'll be tucked inside hopefully taking a nap so I can return to work tonight. I have to say I walked into my kitchen and while ignoring the corner with all the piled up empty boxes, appreciated the two huge boxes being gone. And I DID have to point it out to the hubs...he's about as observant as I am! ROFL!


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