
Friday, September 25, 2020

What I'm Reading (and Eating) This Week #39

Howdy do all?  

(I like to write that because when the Mr. proofreads it, he reads it like Kevin McAlister's TalkBoy on slo-mo in Home Alone 2 making the reservation.  Watch, this will be the only time he doesn't.)  It's been another good week of meals around here.  

Sunday was the grilled cheese and tomato soup I showed Monday.  On Monday, we had a "quick microwave dinner."

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That is 10 month old turkey from the Food Saver which was just as tasty and moist as the day I sealed it baby!  So glad I found my final packet.  Also nuked some russets in the microwave and made a quick batch of mashed potatoes and I snapped some green beans we picked up from the farm market the day before.  The Mr laughed and said "your idea of "throwing a microwave meal together" is different from most people, I'm sure.  Lucky me!"

On Tuesday, it had been a long day and the meal I planned on us making together wasn't in the cards so I threw together a BBQ chicken pita pizza with Brussels.

Wednesday, was another day of fighting everything and everyone for the Mr and he didn't feel well.  So, I made this Pasta with Pumpkin Sauce.  Perfect fall dish!

Crispy sage...fancy pants.

Last night we had five TJ's Beef Bolognese ravioli and a salad 

I gave the Mr the week off from cooking since he'd been killing himself with the kitchen sink flange replacement and dealing with computer issues.  

Lets get to...

How To Politely Decline Social Invitations Amid The Pandemic  (So laughing in their face and saying "are you SERIOUS!?" is discouraged?)

The Best Cholesterol-Lowering Foods   (Yum! Pass the dark chocolate please.  Trader Joe's 72% pound plus bar is the best!)

This Is How You're Messing Up Your Metabolism   (I'm surprised breathing isn't on here.)

6 Ways to Calm Down an Out-of-Control Partner  (Good tips)

13 Lessons to Make You Really, Truly Happy. Maybe.  (Blissed monkeys and greased boars...oh my!)

How To Sew by Hand: 6 Basic Stitches  (I always find hand stitching relaxing.  Still don't know if the sewing machine I bought last year works.)

DIY French Recycled Tins/Containers  (Oooh, winter project!)
50 Thanksgiving Vegetables That Will Totally Steal the Show  (Screw Thanksgiving, I'm making these leading up to it!)

Dog Is Too Polite To Kick Occupant Out Of His Bed   ("Mom, you're the alpha here, get it out please!")

No leaf changes around yet so I'm sure we'll stick close to home.  Yay.

How was your week?  Anything going on this weekend?

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  1. Got new wifi routers coming and I hope they work out for us cause I'm tired of dealing with internet issues. I plan to basically redo the network this weekend which will take some time but will hopefully stabilize things for us. Other than that, I got nothin'.

  2. It's been an okay week. It's a birthday/anniversary weekend so I'm looking forward to that. The only changes I see color wise right now are the cornfields that were planted early are starting to turn. We have lots of squirrels running around shucking the paper off of corn cobs and eating them in their little hands. It's been quite entertaining to watch. Have a great weekend!


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