Friday, August 7, 2020

What I'm Reading This Week #32

Happy Friday everyone!  I hope you've had a good, productive week and are ready for a good, productive (or lazy) weekend...whichever you need.  We've enjoyed the not as hot temps for a few days but we're on the uptick back to the 90's.  Yay.   I've been exhausted all week so I'm hoping a good night's sleep is somewhere on the horizon.

Let's jump into...

This CEO has flown 33 times and spent 160 nights away this year. Here’s his safety routine  (For those who need to travel on a plane)

IKEA Is Offering “Vacations in a Box” for People Who Want to Create an in-Home Getaway  (Pretty cool idea)

6 Easy Things to Do Every Afternoon to Lose More Weight   (Good stuff.)

If Eyes Are a Window to the Soul, Our Pupils May Reveal PTSD  (Wow, interesting read!)

Hip Pain During Squats? Here’s What Your Body Is Trying to Tell You   (Do tell.)

20 Foods That Can Help Lower Your Blood Pressure   (Some good stuff on this list.)

5 Resistance Band Arm Exercises That Are More Effective Than Weight Machines   (Bands are no joke.)

Google "accidentally" enables Home smart speakers to listen in to everyday house sounds   (Precisely one of the reasons you won't find any "smart" devices in our home.)

Marc Maron Opens Up About Girlfriend Lynn Shelton's 'Devastating' Death: 'I Cry Every Day'  (My heart breaks for Marc.  On top of that, his beloved 16 year old cat Monkey died Monday.  I'm sure Lynn was waiting for him with open arms.)

Inspiring ideas for productive home offices  (When the couch or dining room table just won't do anymore.)

Transitional Style Is the Most Popular Kitchen Design—Here's How to Ace the Look   (Swoon)

5 Simple Ways to Start Budgeting for Christmas Now  (The year TP and a container of Lysol wipes were the most coveted gifts they could open.)

Dog Can't Understand Why Man Won't Throw The Ball For Him  (Seriously the best 91 seconds ever for your soul.  "'re supposed to throw it!")

No real plans for the weekend, as usual.  I plan to make up for the lack of last weekend's sanity drive.

Anything on your end?

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  1. I am happy to see that kitchen transitional style has a lot of the elements in our new kitchen remodel. Glad to be on the front of a trend instead of at the tail end. That dog was so cute. Poor guy just wants to teach new people how to play his game. I do want to get out this weekend. Time for a change of scenery!

    1. The look on your face when you were proofreading was pretty "uh, we're just wrapping that up sistah!" YES...must get out of this place especially now that the Dbag is back from the workhouse.

  2. These are great articles! I read something yesterday that was very interesting and took the little quiz to see where I stood. Very honest (and humbling) assessment.

    No plans for the weekend other than grocery shopping, cleaning, and working. It's going to be hot and sticky here too so we'll be closed up like Fort Knox again until the temps and humidity go back down.

    1. Thanks! I took that too and I think if anyone doesn't have a bit of narcissism, they're lying. LOL Try to stay cool, baby!

  3. Look forward to this list every week! (no pressure!)

    1. I'm so glad to hear that! You never know if people actually read it or not!


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