
Friday, July 26, 2019

What I'm Reading This Week #30

Happy Friday everyone!  It's the last one of July, so enjoy it.  I seriously don't know where this summer is going and I'm not complaining.  You know the first day over 85 degrees, I am counting down the days until Fall.  (59 days)  We did want to take some summer road trips and stuff but with the days swirling down the toilet, I don't want to keep putting off making progress on the basement.  We're still able to work out but it's overwhelming thinking of all we still have to do and then hoping more life grenades aren't thrown into our laps.

But enough of that stuff, let's jump into...

How Much Added Sugar Should You Limit Yourself to a Day?  (One of the best guidelines I've seen.)

Are vitamins a waste of money? A new study says yes   (To their "bottom line"...blow it out your butt.  Some of us eat VERY healthy and are still deficient because it would take an insane amount of certain foods to bump up specific nutrients, I've tried.   Track your nutrients, see what you're consistently deficient in and supplement accordingly as long as they don't interfere with any meds you could be on.)

Skin Repair Reduces ‘Inflamm-Aging’ Factors Linked to Chronic Disease   (Make a point to take care of the largest organ you've got!)

The 9 Best-Kept Aldi Secrets You Didn’t Know About   (Spilling the tea)

New breast cancer drug found to boost survival rates by 30%  (Pass it along if you know anyone going through it.)

New Research Finds A Big Link Between Physical Exercise & Alzheimer's  (It's a little unnerving to know what we're doing isn't enough.)

How to Stop Catastrophizing: An Expert’s Guide  (VERY good tips)

4 Steps For Clearing Your Head & Staying Calm During An Argument  (A good outline to try to memorize.  Sometimes you need to take a step back.  (But also, sometimes people know better and don't care to do better so....) )

Flight attendant union calls cramped airplane seats 'torture'   (Yes they are and I have a $2000 doctor bill to prove it and am now leery about flying.  So what's going to be done about it?)

You Can’t Solve Other People’s Problems: How to Stop Trying to Change Others  (Stop cutting so close to the bone, will ya?)

Life is Fragile: Say “I Love You” a Lot  (I make sure to do this too.  The last thing the Mr will ever hear me say when we part ways for work or a grocery run is "I love you.")

It's grocery weekend.

wait for it

There's a carnival going on this weekend so the Mr and I are going to get our annual fill of carnival eats.   We do it once a year without guilt and I'll be rubbing my Buddha belly when we're done.  After that, we'll need to make sure we get into the basement to make some progress of some sort.

What are y'all getting into this weekend?  What's your favorite festival food?

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  1. Happy Friday!
    Heading to my friend's annual white elephant party, always a great time!

  2. Wow I didn't even stop to think about how this is the last Friday in July. The back to school promotions should be in full swing now. That dreaded feeling you'd get as a kid when you'd say to yourself "I still have most of August left!" just to feel better.

  3. Like the Mr. said, that dreaded feeling as a kid...the hubs and I always feel bad for kids this time of year when they start seeing school supplies popping up in the stores. That was always SUCH a bummer and would bring on anxiety when we were younger.
    I agree about the supplementation. My doc just had a whole conversation with me about how even if we ate the 7-10 servings of fruits and vegetables a day that we're supposed to, the quality of them isn't nearly what it used to be because of depleted nutrients in soil over the past couple hundred years. And with things being shipped to stores before they are ripe, you lose those nutrients as well because they haven't developed with the early pluckings. Antioxidants don't get enough attention for how much they can help our bodies.
    This weekend is lawn cutting this morning and then going to one grocery store to buy things I can only get from there. The rest of the weekend will be laundry and continuing to clean rooms and get stuff packed for donations. My goal is to get all the boxes and bags I have already packed out the door and to their destinations, plus any additional ones I can do, which should be quite a bit. I feel really motivated to get this stuff out of here with the windows coming soon, and because there are bins upon bins of clothes, etc, that I haven't opened in years, so I'm just taking them (and the bins) and putting them in my care to donate. Not even going to open them because all's I'll do is end up putting them in another "maybe" bin. Nope, byebye now. LOL
    Have a blast at the carnival! There's a few games I love to stand there and play. My favorite food at a carnival is absolutely the funnel cakes with ridiculous amounts of powdered sugar! YUM!!!!


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