
Friday, May 31, 2019

What I'm Reading This Week #22

Happy Friday all!  As usual, the short week proves the most irritating of them all.  I'm ready for a restful weekend but sadly, that won't be this one.

So let's just get to...

This Is What Happens to Your Body When You Sit All Day   (Yep, all of these.)

6 Cognitive Distortions That Could Be Fueling Your Anxious Thoughts  (Be gone, mind traps!)

50 Worst Ways to Lose Weight   (True dat)

I Was Fit, Ate Healthy, and Still Had a Stroke at 41. Here's What I Wish I Had Known 
(And now you can.)

Dear 'Fat' Mom/Friend/Family Member: It's Time to Go to the Doctor   (We had one of those and with each new doc we see, feel the compulsive need to tell them upfront about our weight loss because we need them to know we're not your 'stereotypical fat person.')

50 Health Tips That Will Make You Feel 20 Years Younger  (My personal favorite is streaking.)

I Tried a 30-Minute Stretch Class, and Let Me Tell You, You're Not Stretching Enough 
(It's true.  We stretch for 10-15 minutes after each workout and it's still not enough.)

All the Ways Google Tracks You—And How to Stop It  (Word)

AACK!  Cathy Guisewite made a wildly successful comic strip by and for women but...  (Really interesting article for Cathy comic fans.  I think, as usual, these days, the criticisms take it too far.  I grew up with it and it didn't affect me more than the women around me saying the same things did.)

This couple's secret to a 79-year marriage? Sharing a...  (Aww, how sweet!)

Monday we've got some workers coming to do a job on the patio so we need to find a way to get things out of their way.  We've got some medical crap we're trying to get squared away and it's just all irritating but fingers crossed when it's all straightened out we've got a better situation than we had 2 1/2 months ago.  Sunday we start our Transform 20/LIIFT4 hybrid for the month of June.  Yay.  😬

What do y'all have planned for the weekend?

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  1. Ahhh, this particular Friday is sooo welcome! But then again I think I said roughly the same thing last Friday. Have a great weekend everybody!

  2. Happy Friday, I love the short weeks! Getting my little this afternoon for some biking. Grad party tomorrow followed by pool setup and then planting my garden finally!
    Have a great weekend!

  3. The hubs has to work tomorrow so I believe I'll be grocery shopping after a meeting. Then I need to work on my little flower patch out front (if the rain allows!) and get the dogs out and about too, weather permitting. I have some house stuff I need to do, and FINALLY bag up the stacks of clothes I have everywhere for the shelter. That will make a huge difference in the spare room.
    Have a super weekend!


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