Tuesday, June 12, 2018

My new favorite strength workout

On one of my Friday links recently, I included this Burn Fat Faster link from LiveStrong.  It looked like a good workout and boy, is it!  When it comes to strength training, it's easier for me if I do a video/gif workout because I just can't put together something on the fly very well. 

While I do refer back to that page when we do it, I thought it'd be nice for me to have a printed version if we don't feel like looking it up.  I thought maybe you guys might like it too, so here it is!

For proper form, make sure you refer to their original post which has gifs that show you how to do each move.  Be prepared to be sore in that good way when you're done.   It's a great full body workout and doubles as cardio because I know my heart rate always gets up there especially the second two rounds!

What are your favorite strength workouts?

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1 comment:

  1. It is a good workout in that you walk away glad that you're done but also feeling highly accomplished. Those are traits of a good workout in my book. It's also a great thing that you've put it all on a reference sheet like this because it was a pain in the arse trying to scroll my phone in between each set only to have my screen dim and even lock some times in between. This was so much easier to follow!


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