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What I'm Reading This Week #13

Friday is finally here!  Can I get a woot woot?!  (Cheers to those who actually did it.)  The week felt long to start but then before we knew it...blam!  Friday.  We had the countertop dude out to measure and template Tuesday.  The lady who made the appointment said it would be 2-3 weeks after so I'm hoping for sooner than later so I can FINALLY reveal the bathroom to you guys!  Kind of stinks though because we were told they would take the sink/faucet with them and that was a big fat no.  We were looking forward to getting that big azz box out of the house.  Soon enough I guess.   You may have noticed a little zhuzh to the site (probably more for those on laptops) but I figured it was time and I think they retired my previous theme anyway.  So it's a little minimalistic but there wasn't a ton to choose from on the free side so I took what I could get.  Enjoy. šŸ˜„ I sat down and did a spreadsheet of my seeds, when they were...

Food Review: Beyond Meat Beast Burger

I started eating veggie burgers on occasion probably about five or six years ago.  I started with Boca Burgers for lunch.  They are a soy-based burger and while you'd never mistake them for the real thing, they were good to throw in every now and then for something different.  Then I moved on to Trader Joe's Thai Sweet Chili Veggies Burgers.  I didn't taste anything particularly thai about them but they are like crack patties.  They taste like Thanksgiving stuffing to me and I love me some stuffing, yo!  The only problem with those is they don't keep me very full for long.  They are soy based also which isn't a huge issue but depending on the media cycle soy is either a-okay or the devil that will bring you down.

I started hearing a lot from Whole Foods about the soy free Beyond Meat and how amazing they were.  The hype was that they actually cook like a real burger...juicy and even blood drip with some beet trickery.  "Balderdash!  I must try them for myself!" 

So we did and here is our review.

23g of protein!?!  Yes, please! 

Here are the nutritional facts:

The sodium is a little higher than I'd like but given the size, it's actually pretty good and not too high over the Boca sodium for a lot more product.  The fat is higher but it's the good fats.  I was happy to see 60% Vitamin D, 40% on some B vitamins and 45% on Vitamin A.

Here's a look at the ingredients.

This is their mission in case you're interested.

Out of the box, they kind of looked like real burgers.

Heck, even when you do the flip after three minutes, it really started looking like a burger.

There's that juiciness and a minute or so later the "rare" look of blood that I called balderdash on! 

You just slap it together as you would a regular burger.  (Obviously, using lettuce leaves if cutting carbs is your objective.)

But how did it taste?

Honestly, its probably the best veggie burger I've ever had.  Flavorful, not too salty and substantial at 4 ounces.  If you like Boca burgers, these are very similar in taste but the beast burger is a lot bigger.  It has a nice, big burger appearance so the veggie eaters can still get in on the cookout action and not feel like they have some wimpy entree compared to everyone else.  You can see, it fully encompasses a brioche bun.  I'm actually going to offer these up to a friend who cut out meat the past year due to a fatty liver.  I think she's going to love them.  I added a slice of lacy cheese after I tasted it initially only because we wanted a lot of protein that night after a hard workout but with 23g of protein, it doesn't need it. 

Can you pull a switcheroo on Uncle Jim at the 4th of July grill fest and try to fake him out?  No.  You will never mistake this for actual beef even if their wizardry makes it look like beef while it's cooking.  But I will tell you this, it actually kept us both full for about an hour and a half after eating it.  I can't even say that after eating actual beef so that was really impressive for us.  After we finished, the Mr said he would definitely get that again and I agree.  They also have slider versions as well as another Beyond Meat burger that is supposed to be in the meat section as well as crumbles, brats (which I'm dying to try!), and chicken strips.

Have you tried Beyond Meat products?

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  1. I don't believe I've ever tried any type of meatless burger, although something is in the back of my mind from a couple of decades ago when the veggie burger first came out. The pics definitely had this looking like a true burger and the fact you can use the same condiments is a big plus. I'll have to see if the stores out here carry these.

    1. I remember when they first came out too and it was like...yeah, I'll pass. LOL But they have come a long way baby. If you go here: you can see who carries them close to you and which products they have. I just saw Whole Foods has the brats. *runs to car*

  2. I have to say I was skeptical because I don't really care for the boca burgers at all. This very nearly could have fooled me if I hadn't known what it was. It's that close and the texture is right. I would eat it again and fully enjoy it and that is saying a lot - trust me!

    1. Yeah I remember having you try a Boca Burger and you never asked for one again. LOL Well now I'm going to sneak this in sometime to see if I can fool you! :D

  3. I have tried the beyond brand chicken, and that will be a hard pass from now on. The burger option seems doable though, since I am not opposed to Boca Burger. However, I would be run out of the state if I tried a non brat. We make Johnsonville right here in Wisconsin, and since those are an actual food group right next to cheese, I have to pass. But I do look forward to the review.

    1. me, I'm going in with hard skepticism on the brats. I've had Quorn (sp?) chicken before and I didn't care for it so that would probably be my last option. But if the brats are good, I might put them on the list. If they're good, you might have to try them at underground veggie fight club and of course, never talk about it.


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