Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Two! Two noises...ah ah ahhhh

Congrats if you automatically read that title in The Count's voice from Sesame Street.

Good Tuesday morning.

When you have record temps and its not even in summer yet, I do not get good time summer vibes.  It feels like it'll be a three paddle summer and us locked inside in the A/C trying not to melt.  Speaking of the A/C, we had problems with ours, of course.  Every time it shut off, the vent wall would pop with a big metal BOOM!  It got to the point we both dreaded it coming on.  We called them to come out and fix it, and the dude put straps around the vent, and they tested it twice, and it didn't make the noise, so he left.  Well, about an hour later when it came on again on its own...BOOM!...CLINK.  Great...now we had two noises!  Now we were moving into mild PTSD territory because we would both cringe when it came on and shut off.  The Mr emailed and called, and we weren't getting any response which is the whole reason we use Home Depot as a middleman.  If we aren't satisfied, HD basically tells them to fix it, or they'll yank their contract.  (As confirmed by a friend who used to work with them.)  We weren't going to play that card yet but when we did get a call, the Mr was basically given a list of things that didn't include fixing the problem, and one of them was to basically run the fan all day since it only happened when the A/C was on.  In our eyes, this is the equivalent of having a less than a week old new car and being told to turn up the radio to cover up the noise.  The Mr let him know that wasn't happening and they came out last Friday and seem to have fixed it with extra straps and weights that are now holding down the door in the filter compartment that was clinking.  It figures we go from a 22-year-old furnace that was just fine and never made a peep to a brand new one that sounded 35 years old.  Fingers crossed that solution works because we've got a year for HD to be able to put the smack down on them on our behalf and that is the route we're taking if there are any other problems.

My Lord, that leg workout we did Sunday really crippled me yesterday!  My legs were obviously sore so since it was already 75 degrees at 8am with high humidity, I kept my walking indoors with Leslie Sansone for the same step count.  I didn't think my legs could take the elevation changes and since it was my solo day, I didn't want to risk cramping in the wild with no one to punch my leg muscle while I screamed.  (I initially typed crapping instead of cramping...that would've been a whole other situation.)  Oddly, the places that hurt me most were actually my back.  We've been consciously lifting heavier, and even when you're working the legs, the act of just holding the weights pulls your back and shoulders down more than normal.  It doesn't help I've got all of that scar tissue on both elbows in one place or another so especially my left one is weaker right now, and I have to modify a bit on some or risk dropping the weight.  25 lbs on the foot would be no bueno.

On the upside, I fixed a nice breakfast when I got back.

My water sucked last week for some reason and I need to make it a priority to help aid recovery for these muscles or else they're going to hold on to every last bit of water I give it if I don't.  I also decided to give my collagen peptides another go round.  (Affiliate link)  So many people swear by it and I just didn't feel much but I was also only doing one scoop over two because I didn't want to be consuming an extra 70 calories for nothing.  That'll give me an extra 18g of protein so that's good.  I figured I would try the suggested serving size since my muscles have a hard time recovering and see if it makes a difference or not.  If not, I'm cutting it because I'm not paying $43 every time if I'm one of the people it does nothing for.

As I type this, Island in the Sun by Weezer is on.  It immediately takes me back to shopping in Corolla, NC on our first full day at this typical beach town souvenir shop and the song came on.  No idea why it stuck in my head.  I think I hadn't heard it in years and since we were kind of on an island(ish), it just felt appropriate and made me really happy.   Any time I hear it, I immediately chill out, and it puts a smile on my face.

Share a song that stuck with you in an ordinary moment and what you think of when you hear it.

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  1. Glad that we can now say so far so good on the noises after their recent visit. As for a song. Every Morning by Sugar Ray always makes me think about driving the Hana Highway on Maui with the morning dew on the greenery and the sun peeking through the clouds for a beautiful day. I highly recommend it!

  2. My song is Crazy Beautiful Life by Thomas Hein. That song never fails to make me smile and reminds me of Colorado mountains and little towns deep in the valleys of the wilderness. Love it.


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