Friday, June 1, 2018

What I'm Reading This Week #22

Happy Friday all!  How is it June 1st, the 2018??

Why do "short" weeks always feel just as long as a regular week?  (Sometimes longer but this one feels equally as long.)  I think it's because of the God-awful heat.  Every morning we've walked has been us getting smacked with a wall of humidity and zero breezes.  As if sticking to my new goal wasn't hard enough, let's throw me being a sweaty beast on top of it.

Enough about my sweat glands, let's get to...

4 Things You DON'T Have to Do to Get In Shape  (Good to know)

5 Strategies to Cultivate Body Respect in a Thin-Privileged World  (Some helpful hints)

The Unexpected Habits Making You Moody, Anxious & Depressed  (Duly noted)

Drinking baking soda could be an inexpensive, safe way to combat autoimmune disease  (Well bust my buttons!)

Here's What's Actually Going On When You (Or Someone In Your Life) Can't Stop Complaining  ("I am firmly but compassionately telling you to STFU!")

What Will Happen to Your Body If You Walk Every Day  (Helped reinforce my walks in the morning and some surprising benefits if this stuff is true and not clickbait.)

23 Things People Didn't Realize They Were Doing as a Kid Because of Anxiety    ( Recognize a few of these.)

Amazon responds to story that couple's private conversation was sent to random contact  (Whoops!  Reason #5,312 I won't have a device like that in my house.)

Postal Service Adds First Scratch-And-Sniff Stamps  (How fun!!)

Peek Inside a 312-Square-Foot Home in the Woods—Built on Stilts!  (Yes please!)

Well, I thought I was going to be jamming to The 1975's new album this weekend but apparently, they were only counting down to a single release and frankly, I'm not over the moon for it.  For 25 years, I've been telling the Mr to get the distortion off of his guitar playing because it masks ability and they go and release a song that is all distortion.  My ears involuntarily shut when it's on like when you're awaiting the pop of a balloon.  I'm a sad lady because no actual album until October.  Now I need to find other weekend cleaning our basement for the AC guys next week. 

*pulls blanket over head*

What you are you doing this weekend?

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  1. It's so true that when you start with a holiday on Monday the week still seems to feel longer. But now it's June! Happy Friday and happy June everybody!

  2. I can't wait to read these articles when I get home -- several popped out as must read for me. Today I'll be cutting the lawn when I get home from work. Tomorrow I have a meeting and laundry. Sunday I'm going to a garden show and hope to find the right size pots for my little bridge planter for out front. It's very hard to find 3 1/2 inch pots apparently. And with it being cooler, the doggies will get their walks in again so they'll be happy, tired pups.

    Have a super weekend!


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