Friday, June 22, 2018

What I'm Reading This Week #25

Happy First Friday of summer, all!  Or what I like to call...93 days until Fall!

It's been a stinker of a week for morning walks so Monday - Wednesday was done indoors between Leslie Sansone and Jessica Smith.  But when the weather cooled down yesterday and today, I was glad to get back out in the fresh air.

Speaking of fresh, let's get right to...

The 7 Mobility Exercises You Should Do Before Every Workout  (Yeah, these should help fo' sho')

A Trainer Says Do These 7 Things to Get the Most Out of Your Workout   (Good tips)

7 Self-Care Tips That Will Make You Happier This Summer  (Dive's the first full day after all!)

Sorry to Be a Killjoy, but the Afterburn Effect Doesn't Last as Long as You Think It Does  (Uh, did anyone seriously think it lasted 24+ hours!?!?!)

The Only 40+ Bodyweight Ab Exercises You'll Ever Need, and You Can Do Them Anywhere   (I feel an ab workout comin' on!)

Responding to Messages Immediately Is Hurting You in the Long Run  (This is all true which is why I respond to messages on my time.  Trust me, people adjust.)

Why 'Motivation Is Garbage' and What You Need Instead    (Totally true!)

Being "Dumped on a Romantic Weekend Getaway" Sparked Sian's 87-Pound Weight Loss  (Good for her!)

This Couple Started Working Out Together in Their 40s—But Had Completely Different Results  (Of course.)

The Weather Channel's mixed reality tornado lesson was actually fun  (Courtesy of the Mr.  Us weather geeks loved it!)

Here’s How We Traveled Across America For A Year Without Telling Our Bosses  ( down?)

Easy homemade salad dressing  (Makes a great chicken or steak marinade too!)

We're watching the spinning dartboard also known as a weather forecast for tomorrow before we decide on any plans.  It's looking like showers but it looked like that 2 weeks ago when we wanted to paddle, didn't and it didn't rain like they said it would.  How is it that 20 years ago we could more accurately predict the weather and now you might as well have one of these and be just more accurate...

What are you guys up to this weekend?

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  1. This week went by pretty fast for me. Looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend. Maybe we'll have to hang a coconut on the patio - that weather station works!

  2. Happy Friday! Heading to Iowa again for an anniversary party, can't wait to see the clan! Have a great weekend!

  3. I've been bailing water for a week out at the sump pump (put a kiddie pool under it to help with all the ground saturation) and it will continue this weekend as more rain is expected. Roads were wiped out, cars set adrift in a local grocery parking lot, etc. Crazy. So I did some bailing this morning and we'll be at it again in a little while. Beyond that, meeting, grocery shopping, and house stuff. Oh yeah, and cutting the lawn twice (once with the deck high because it's so long now and then lowered back down to the normal length). So I'll be burning some serious calories all weekend. LOL The hubs has a nasty cold so he'll be down for the count most of the weekend.
    Hope the weather holds out for you and you can get out and enjoy the outdoors! xoxo


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