Friday, December 22, 2017

What I'm Reading This Week #51

Well, it's here!  The time of year you either love, dread or tolerate.  HA!   Obviously, I'm in the love camp (okay, maybe tempered with a little dread and tolerance in there on a few things.)  I hope you all have all of your shopping done and your lists checked twice.

Let's sled right into...

Stress Is No Joke: An Expert Explains How It Affects Your Physical Fitness    (This makes a lot of sense)

Keep These Diet-Busting Ingredients Out of Your Smoothie If You Want to Lose Weight  (Good info for smoothie drinkers)

Older Adults' Forgetfulness Tied To Faulty Brain Rhythms In Sleep  (I really need to make a regular sleep schedule a priority in the coming year)

4 Signs You Need to Increase the Weights in Your Strength-Training Program    (Good tips to know when to lift more)

10 Habits for a Blissful Morning, Every Morning  (Am I the only person lemon water doesn't do squat for?)

Your Toothpaste or Mouthwash Might Actually Be Staining Your Teeth  (I noticed that after using Crest 3D that my toothbrush cap was starting to yellow and wondered what it was doing to my teeth.  So I now "re-brush" my teeth with water (swishing doesn't work) and there hasn't been a problem.)

Christmas at Pop’s  (In case you wanted to know what a real Norman Rockwell Christmas was like)

Eating What You Want Over the Holidays Like...  (Such a crack up as the Mr just told me "I'm at the point I don't give a f___ ... give me all the cookies")

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.  Lots of busy work and getting the house together but I'm hoping for a chill day tomorrow for our 26 year dating anniversary.   Try to take a moment to savor the next few days.  It all goes so quickly.  Take an hour and drive around to look at Christmas lights, heck even bring along some hot chocolate or pick some up.   Plug in the tree and get lost in the twinkle of the lights.  Watch your favorite Christmas movie that you can recite dialogue along with it.  Most of all, remember the reason for the season.  Be nice to people who are cranky on the roads or in stores...they can't help it they're not as together as you are.  ;-)

I plan to post some next week but I've got company coming so I may not be around until mid-week.  We'll see!   Have a very happy holiday - whatever you celebrate.

What do you have planned this weekend?

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  1. It was a long day today so I'm glad for the weekend. Tomorrow morning I have a meeting that I'm leading so I need to get to the church early. Then it's off to the 'burbs to see my uncle, then home to do laundry and finish making my lasagna for Sunday. The meatballs are done and in the fridge so I just need to crumble them up tomorrow for the sauce. Phew! So glad to have that part done. I'll be doing a bit of baking on Christmas and that's it.

    I hope you guys have a wonderful visit with your friend and the merriest of Christmases! Enjoy the together time and the down time!

  2. Happy Anniversary baby and everyone have a Merry Christmas!


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