Friday, December 8, 2017

What I'm Reading This Week #49

Happy Friday all!  I can't believe it's the 2nd weekend in December!  No more freebies for us on the weekend front as I'm sure is the same with a lot of you.   I didn't have a chance to read too much this week so excuse the randomness of the links.

Now, let's dive right into:

The Age When People Feel Most Confident Is Way Older Than You Think  (We're definitely feeling that 9.2%.  I'd actually say closer to 33.8%)

8 Easy Ways to Up Your Entertaining Game  (I had to crack up at #6.  Do you know how hard it is to make "casually dropping a throw" on a chair or couch look?  I've tried and failed.)

20 Ways to Beat Post-Holiday Weight Gain  (There's part of me that wants to wire my mouth shut but I'm pretty sure I'd just puree cookies with egg nog ice cream and sip it anyway so I'm saving ice cream calories.)

A timeless debate: how do you pronounce caramel?  (I've always said "car-muhl" because cara-mel sounds like you're trying too hard to my ears.  LOL  I'm guessing it's more of a regional thing though.)

The Art of the Post: The Rockwell Cover that Led to a Marriage  (What a sweet backstory!)

Hollywood’s New Maestros: The Rock Stars Who Are Composing Film Scores  (Awesome read for those who grew up in the 80's!)

Your Weekly Checkup: How Much Water Should I Drink?  (I think my happy spot is actually my 40 ounce bottle along with my mug of morning/evening tea and whatever water comes from my garden at lunch time)

Hop on the Meal Train (This is perfect for new moms, those who are ill or have a family member recently passed and need one less thing to worry about.)

The Progression of Alzheimer's Through My Mom's Crocheting  (Try not to reduce to a heap when you see the physical evidence of what this horrid disease does to a person's mind.  She mentions her mom grinding her teeth incessantly.  Grandma has gotten to this stage and the sound has been compared to her "chewing a bag of rocks."  No dental devices are accepted by her but some anti-anxiety meds they gave her seemed to have taken care of the issue in case anyone else experiences this.)

This Woman's Hallmark Christmas Movie Drinking Game Wins the Holidays  (In case you're looking to 1) get your spouse to watch the movies with you and 2) make sure you're both blitzed out of your friggin' minds within 20 minutes and comatose by the end which you will undoubtedly miss!)

It's our last semi-free weekend of the season.  I decided to invite my mom and aunt over for dinner and to go out looking at Christmas lights.  I wanted to take them out of the usual setting and actually do something fun and merry.  I'm not going to promise to do it every year but while I was feeling the spirit, I figure I'd better strike and they need the break.  The Mr's co-workers dad passed so I'll be spending some time making her a few meals so she doesn't have to worry about it.  I've already got a batch of chicken and rosemary dumplings made and frozen and will probably make either meatloaf and/or spaghetti.  Comfort food shall reign.

Oh and I'll need any Christmas decor submissions by December 17th at the very latest.  Facebook message me or email:  mrs(at)successalongtheweigh(dot)com.

What are you guys doing this weekend?

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  1. Starting the dreaded shopping this weekend. I limit myself to 2 stores a day to maintain my sanity. Have a great weekend!

  2. It has been a long week, even with a day off at the beginning, but TGIF! Everyone have a great weekend!

  3. I'll be doing all my wrapping this weekend so I can mail out boxes and packages on Monday. We're due for some snow overnight and I have a meeting to get to and grocery shopping as the hubs is working tomorrow. So it's going to be a busy weekend for sure!

    Have a great time with your mom and aunt!

  4. I need to finish my online shopping, make some cookie dough, put up lights, clean the house, organize the bedroom closets...basically work on list I haven't been able to touch due to the toxic crud. If I get ONE of those items done this weekend I'll be pleased.

    Am I totally weird that I pronounce it cara-mel or car-mel depending on context? It's car-mel topping or color but the individual candy is a cara-mel. I think it's because the Caramello TV jingle played a lot when I was a kid.

    Have fun this weekend! I hope the holiday season continues to deliver you more cheer than jeer.


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