Friday, December 15, 2017

What I'm Reading This Week #50

Well, that number means we're down to the last two full weeks of the year.  Sigh.  We've been lucky enough to get a few bits of flurries here but I have to say our hearts are really aching to go on those trails at Trapp Lodge after seeing their snow this week.  12 inches!  Waaaaahhhhh!

Enough of my snow envy, let's get to...

A Holiday Visit to Stowe, Vermont  (Okay, so maybe we'll dwell on my snow envy a little.  Our countdown to next year begins now!)

People In Canada Are Doing Yoga with Bunnies  (Yeah and probably peeling "milk duds" off of their feet when it's over)

Get Rid of Neck Pain With These Physical-Therapist Approved Moves  (I can vouch for the chin tucks)

Cover Collection: The Best Santas Ever  (SEP has some of the most iconic Santas ever.  Love!)

Psychologists Explain The Benefits Of Baking For Other People  (Yep, this is me.  I'm baking today!)

Why We Get Depressed At The Holidays, And How To Deal  (I totally relate to some of these particularly the doing too much part.  I may have to re-evaluate.)

Why Some Of Us Dread Opening Gifts In Front Of Other People  (I think I'm pretty good about faking it without going overboard if someone goes rogue.  Just smile and in your head say "note to self: look up nearest Goodwill location.")

11 Brilliant Ways Therapists Control Their Holiday Stress  (Excellent tips this time of year!)

23 Signs You’re Secretly An Introvert  (Well, that settles it once and for all.  Total introvert)

As you can see by the links, mental health has been piquing my interest more.  I am in the midst of "that time" coupled with walking the edge of burnout/panic since Christmas is basically next weekend and I haven't even thought about what I'm making for Christmas Eve, dealing with a binge monster that is trying to wreck me for emotional eating.  I've won some battles and I've lost some.  Nothing over the top but I feel like that could change any moment.  Friggin' cycle man.  (On all fronts)

This weekend I'm dropping off cookies to my friend who will have 73 individual treats, which he refuses to share with his S.O.  Literally.  Like he will put a bear trap around them which bolsters my baking confidence but won't win him any participation ribbons for sharing.  We have a Christmas gathering, one that we look forward to so I hope all goes well there.  The Mr is looking forward to seeing Star Wars, of course and I'm looking forward to him taking my cousin as has been their tradition so I don't have to go.  I know he will buy it and I will have to sit through it, I don't need to pay theater money for a movie I wouldn't personally watch for free.

What are you getting into this weekend?

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1 comment:

  1. I am the epitome of introvert so I could totally relate to the article. While the hubs was off yesterday waiting for his car to be repaired he put up our little tree and did it all in blue lights, which looks really cute. I put out a few decorations, but I've decided that that's all I'm doing this year. It's just too late and time got away -- as usual -- so the "less is more" concept is the theme this year (and one I may need to consider in all areas of my life, I'm thinking).

    One of the pooches is at the groomer's since 7am, then I'm off to work in 45 minutes. Tomorrow is a meeting, hub's dental appointment, some baking, grocery shopping, and house cleaning. Next weekend I go to see my uncle so I need to do some recon on a restaurant he wants me to pick lunch up for him.

    Enjoy your Christmas get-together!!


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