Friday, December 1, 2017

What I'm Reading This Week #48

Good Lord, that number means we have about 4 weeks left this year.  WHERE has 2017 gone!?!  Are we the only ones that feel like it has rocketed by?  It's December 1st!  *faints*

Those of you who do advent calendars, don't forget to open your window!  ;-)

Enough of my end of year babbling, let's rocket into...

8 Simple Hacks So You Don't Overeat During the Holidays  (So feeling like a manatee in a food coma isn't the point?)

11 Ways to Embrace the "Hygge" Lifestyle and Find More Joy  (Basically candles, blankets and lots of baked goods with hot beverages.  Isn't that called the holidays?)

This Man Who Can’t See Past His Girlfriend’s Weight Needs To Take Several Seats  (I can see both sides because we like what we like but grow a pair and end it.  If she loses weight "for him" then she will be a prisoner feeling like he's constantly food policing her (if he doesn't do it already) and then she'll either be miserable or develop an eating disorder by sneaking food when he's not there.  No sympathy for you dude.)

10 Ways to Practice Self-Care This Weekend (That Don't Involve Spas)  (Does curling up under the blanket with tea and binge-watching Hallmark Christmas movies count?)

What Does Magnesium Really Do For You?  (I take Natural Calm for leg cramps and I don't know if it helps for that but sometimes it helps get things 'moving' if you get my drift.)

Cinnamon Has a Surprising Health Benefit  (This is good news...LOVE it!)

Show Your Girlfriends Some Love This Christmas Pampering Mason Jars  (This is SO cute and such a fun thing to have on hand for unexpected guests too!)

How to Paint Kitchen Cabinets  (Just the title of that post probably made the color drain from the Mr's face.)

We're going a-wassailing this weekend so not super sure what all that will entail, I'll be sure to fill you in Monday.

Any plans for the first weekend of December?

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