Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas!

Right about now, the Mr and I are probably both in a half in and out of it state knowing it's too early to get up it's Christmas morning so ya know.  One of us will finally be the one to move, look over at the other one and say...

Then all bets are off.  He'll do the fastest bathroom run in history while I try to straighten my bod out to get moving for the day.  He'll go down and turn on the lights and Christmas music (my childhood music of 1965's Pickwick's Living Voices The Little Drummer Boy that was taped over from an 8 track so the warbles are in all of the right places.  You can listen with us if you have Amazon streaming)  We'll eat too much crap from our stockings that every year we say we're not going to fill as high but always do, tear through presents within 10 minutes and that'll be that before it's time to head off to the fam later in the day.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and hope your day is filled with your favorite things, people and traditions old and new!

Enjoy your holiday or if you're not in the US or don't celebrate...Happy Monday!

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1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas to you and the Mr!! You always boost my Christmas spirit, I hope you have a wonderful day!!


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