Tuesday, October 18, 2016


I've been keeping a secret for about 4 months.  The Mr thought we were going on one trip but I had planned another.  He's been saying for 25 years that he wanted to someday take me to Shenandoah, where his parents took him as a kid.  I don't know why but it was always something I kept putting off because it wasn't high on my list of vacation hot spots.  But...mama ain't gettin' any younger and given the way my legs are, who knows when they're going to give out completely on me so I figured no time like the present.  I didn't tell him until we were ready to leave after our breakfast on vacation departure morning.  I gave him a hint or two and he guessed and off we went!

Once we got to Shenandoah National Park, it was time to drive to Skyland and some of the turn outs showing the great views.

The beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains.

On our way on the trails!

Sadly, this was the most color we saw, everything was still green.

In Sperryville, we made a stop at Cooter's in the Country from Dukes of Hazzard.

We made a stop in Washington which is a beautiful small town.

Our s'more game was strong at the cabin.

We had a nice time walking the Luray greenway.

Dream lake at the Luray Caverns.

Yep, the back of the nickel looks the same in person, just less shiny.  (Monticello)

On our way out of VA, we made a side trip to Roanoke to Black Dog Salvage...the TV show.

It was a nice week away and I'm glad I was able to cross off his final vacation spot on his wish list for me to see.  He seemed to really love the surprise and I can say with all confidence that I will never plan another "surprise" vacation again!  While it was all fine and good, there was just way too much stress, pressure and wondering if he was going to be mad thinking he was going one place and going elsewhere to put myself through it again.  I'm glad I got the opportunity to do it once in my life and almost pulled it off as planned but yeah...I can cross plan a surprise vacation off of my bucket list!  HA!

Oh and if I may, I have a great audio book recommendation.  A Little Thing Called Life: On Loving Elvis Presley, Bruce Jenner, and Songs in Between  (affiliate link) is what we listened to for almost 8 solid hours and we're only just halfway through it!  It is a great listen and while I wanted to wait until our next trip to finish it, we're listening to it as I type.  It's fascinating!  (Oh and if she is half as full of kindness and integrity as she portrays (she was always my favorite Hee Haw girl), then we need more people like her.  Wow!)  But if you should get the audio book, beware while driving because her voice will soothe you to sleep!  Whoops never mind, she did it.  The Mr is out.  You're not safe anywhere.

Have you ever planned a surprise trip for someone?  How did you pull it off?

*This post contains an affiliate link.

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  1. It was an amazing surprise and I cannot thank you enough. Before we officially confirmed we were going to our usual spot for my birthday I had a passing thought about Skyline Drive but I guess I thought "maybe someday" and I am so glad that you did this! I felt like a kid again at times and at the same time was so proud to have my wife with me at some of those places that I had always identified with childhood before. Getting to finally share some of those great places with you was the best birthday present ever!

  2. That sounds like a fantastic vacation! I can see why you missed the leaves changing, but the views are just amazing. I was lucky enough to go to Monticello a few years ago and seeing it and seeing the area around it was just amazing to me. Mind you, I live in an almost desert so any time I'm surrounded by green I'm a little in awe.

  3. What fantastic pictures! That Washington town looks darling and a lovely place to visit. I'm so glad you two got to experience this and the Mr. was able to relive some cherished memories. Now you're on to new adventures and places to see!


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