Monday, October 3, 2016

Scenes from the Weekend

Happy Monday all!

What a friggin' whirlwind weekend!  It always goes by too fast, doesn't it?  Friday afternoon, I was so ecstatic that BBC Radio 1 allowed their player to go international because we got to see The 1975 perform with the BBC Philharmonic.  They started with my favorite song which is an instrumental and the orchestra was just amazing.  The whole thing was just so beautiful and I cried like an idiot because you're putting all of my favorite genres in one performance and I was a puddle.  I highly suggest checking it out!  It even inspired the Mr to pick up his guitar again and play Love Me and a few others.

Saturday, we went out to lunch and went to a store some friends of ours own and did a little window shopping.

We had a nice time catching up with them.  We caught a little college ball on the tube and then it was on to Trader Joe's.  We were intrigued by their versions of Snickers and Milky Way at the checkout so we grabbed a Milky Way or "Quasar" bar to split.

It was really good.  It's covered in dark chocolate and you could taste every component separately.  I don't know if I'd choose it over a Milky Way because sometimes you want the real thing but definitely worth a try especially if you like dark chocolate.

We watched the Michigan State/Indiana game.  Wow.  What a friggin' nail biter!  Too bad my Sparties couldn't pull out a win.  :-\

Sunday it was time for the Mr's favorite part of the weekend...brunch.

Two eggs, bacon and Nutella banana french toast made with 35 calorie bread.  Twas yummy!

I baked my MIL some brown butter banana bread since the Mr is meeting her for lunch today.  She doesn't really bake much anymore so I like to set her up with treats when he gets together with her.  I also baked a new recipe and by the time I was done I was so beat.  But my day was nowhere near over even though the actual day was.  I didn't have it in me to do a strength workout so I suggested we walk at the park.  We ran into this lil lady...

She munched on some grass for a minute or so before deciding she had enough of the tall things staring at her and bounded off.

Then it was time for the final grocery store and my hips and knees were already shot.  So lovely.

Then I still had dinner to make!  I could've done something more simple but I'd had my mouth set on this all day...

Chicken cordon bleu and asparagus.

Now we're icing the feet and legs and catching up on the DVR.  Meal planning might just have to wait for today.

What did you do this weekend?

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  1. It was a good weekend, albeit short as usual. Thanks for the wonderful food as always. Healthy but oh so good!

  2. That chicken cordon bleu looks delicious!!

  3. I was only required to be at school Friday morning, so I was practically alone in the school in the afternoon and got so much done. It was the first actual weekend I've had since school started, and I enjoyed the heck out of it. I read one book and got a good start on another, made two large recipes to freeze and tried two new recipes (one moderate success, the other a total fail) and just generally disengaged my work brain for two whole days.

  4. I love chicken cordon bleu - yum! So glad you had such a nice weekend. And now it truly feels like fall, so that makes it even better.

    I went to a craft show with a friend of mine and that was really nice. She bought a bunch of stuff for her grandkids and I bought one thing...for my dogs of course. lol It's the 4 Chicago teams in bow ties that attach to the dogs collars. My girl already wears a pink bow, but now they can color coordinate as we root for our teams. LOL!! We went to a Mexican restaurant for lunch right by my house which she really liked, so that was a good time. Took the dogs for some drives and I will be taking them to the park today for a longer walk when I get back from an appointment this afternoon. They are loving this cooler weather!


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