
Monday, July 28, 2014

Monday, you saucy wench...

...we meet again.

Twas quite a weekend.  I wanted to go to an artist market out of town  so the Mr happily obliged and we were off early Saturday.  While we ended up walking away with nothing more than some peaches and a candy onion, I did see some cool stuff.  I fell in love with this shabby chic (and sold) piece.

Dreamy as it is, to me, it would be completely impractical unless it was in a reading nook or maybe a less used formal living room.  But as you'll see, I'm drawn to this look.

We were looking for a lighting solution in a dark corner and I bought what I hope are two wall sconces that will do the trick.  I was originally looking for swag lighting and I almost wish I saw this first...

I could've taken off the crystals and spray painted the metal portion and chain a hammered silver metal to update it for that spot.  I probably would have had it rewired for my own peace of mind.  It was $65 and I kind of wish I'd bought it.  The Mr breathes a sigh of relief.

We hit up an old toy store and I got to smile a bit over toys of my youth.

It was a long day but overall, a good one.  I did purchase a fun piece that showed up twice that day and feel like I got a heck of a deal so I'm a happy girl.  It needs a little work but not too much before I can get her all polished and ready to hang.

Yesterday the Mr and I decided to walk at the park and despite the fact it looked like rain, we thought it would allow us to keep a good pace.  Well, halfway through, the heavens opened and lightning flashed on occasion.  With only one umbrella between us, we decided to head to the nature center and ride it out as long as possible.

We watched the birds, we watched a twitchy chipmunk peek from a tree stump to alert the nearby wildlife of impending meteorological doom and a squirrel enjoying a sheltered stuffing of the cheeks with bird feed for a full 20 minutes.  We weren't sure if he was going to grow into obesity before our eyes or explode but we were distracted by a hummingbird.  After riding out a good 40 minutes in the center, we felt like maybe we stayed later than they were open and they didn't want to kick us out into the weather.  Since we were 1/2 mile from our car at minimum, we decided once the lightning stopped, we would just make a break for it.  It was still raining quite a bit but we made the trek.  The once lightly damp trails were now riddled with what could only be described as more than puddles, less than creeks running the lengths of them.  Some were pretty deep and I don't know how my socks didn't get soaked.  We took turns holding the umbrella until our hands would cramp up and switch off.  Halfway through, the sun began shining as the rain fell.  The leaves sparkled all around us from the water catching the rays.  It made me wish I'd remembered a camera.  When we emerged from the trail, the rain had become a sprinkle and we put the umbrella away.  We each had a wet shoulder depending on what side was exposed, my hair was wet at the ends and my jeans were soaked mid-shin.  I wouldn't change a thing.

When we got home, it was time to kick up my feet on the new couch.

Yes, I'm wearing reindeer pajamas in July.

Stop judging me.

What did you do this weekend?

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  1. It was nice getting caught in the rain with you once we knew it was safe to move amongst all the trees. The funny thing is I don't think my socks got wet either until I was using the puddles by the car to clean off some of the mud on my shoes. They held out through the worse of it.

    So glad our couches are here now. It was getting old real quick not having a nice place to sit and exercise mats just don't cut it.

    1. Yes it was. We always seem to have some kind of adventure. Can you imagine if we were wearing the mesh tennis shoes? We'd have been soaked before we ever got to the mini rivers. So glad I got the Saucony's!

      Yeah, sitting on makeshift seats of exercise mats and dining room seat cushion backs were hard on the butt and backs. SO glad that's not our reality anymore though the couches are a little more rigid so I'd better get to making my pillows soon so a proper nap can ensue.

  2. I'm glad you finally got the new couches. I know how eagerly you've anticipated them.

    We didn't end up doing much this weekend. Friday I ended up doing a lot of catchup from being out of town most of last week, Saturday was errands mostly, and Sunday was kind of a disappointment. We went out for lunch at a local place that usually has good food, and it was awful. I ended up not even eating my lunch and had a horrible stomach ache after so we couldn't go do anything all afternoon. I finally started feeling better so we went to this place that has laser tag, they were supposed to be open from 2-10 but they were locked up tight. We ended up seeing Transformers (again) instead. The boy wasn't with us the first time so he totally enjoyed it, but hubby and I had seen it and weren't as thrilled. The theater wasn't even running their AC (maybe broken, but a sign letting us know would have been nice) so it was like 900 degrees in there and we were both just counting down to the end so we could go get into the air conditioned car.

    1. Thanks!

      Sorry to hear the weekend wasn't the best. I would be ticked too if the A/C was out and probably talked to the manager about a refund or something similar. There's is nothing more irritating than trying to go somewhere and it's closed when it's not supposed to be and worse when good food takes a bad turn. I hope you have a better week and are able to make up for it next weekend.

  3. LOVE the new couches! We spent the weekend relaxing in the air conditioning since it was 105 outside. I also had to prep for my week this week of being head kitchen mom at our church summer camp. Day 1 is now in the books and I'm exhausted.

    1. Oh girl, I would've been in the A/C as well! You'll melt out there! Rest up, day 2 is waiting. ;-)

  4. Slept like a log and ready for round 2!! :-)

  5. Ahhhhh, a new couch to sit thy tookus down on-- love it! And can I just say I grinned like a fool seeing my old pal Strawberry Shortcake? I peeked around for Blueberry Muffin but did not see her. Do you remember the cartoons that would come on every once in a while? I LOVED those because I never got to have any of the toys so that was my fantasy show.


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