
Friday, July 11, 2014

Mison robbed, Thursday eats and what I'm reading this week

It is Friday y'all!!

*insert big booty slappin' happy dance here*

While I continue to shake my groove thang, you all can check out...

10 Things You Don't Know About Melanoma  (Good to know!)

Decorating With Antiques: Luxurious Linens  (Now I can't get Gwen Stefani's "Luxurious" out of my head)

31 People Who Should Not Be Allowed to Fix Anything  (Hilarious!)

10 things home-improvement stores won’t tell you  (Sneaky bast-ids)

Fat Woman Wears Bikini, World Doesn't End  (More power to her.)

Inside a 1950s Time Capsule Home  (There's a lot of pink in here but I still love it.  Could easily be converted to shabby chic and the Mr and I would love that rec room!)

5 Seriously Bad Side Effects of Your Smartphone Addiction   (Thank God I don't use mine!)

14 Things You Forget to Do Before Leaving For Vacation  (Good stuff but never, EVER do #8.  You never tell someone you're out of town!  DER!)

Your Sleeping Habits May Age Your Brain   (Uh, goodnight)

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Watermelon   (Number 2 is really good to know!)

9 Exit Strategies for Your Clutter  (I need to work on this)

At Graceland, Elvis makes music history real  (Even if you're not an Elvis fan, you should totally see Graceland.  It's a time capsule and there is a great energy in the house.  The Mr wasn't a big fan before GL but definitely changed his tune after a visit!)

17 DIY Projects to Make Your Home Look Amazing (and 3 You Shouldn't Try)  (Bookmarking a few of these)

Count Yourself Healthy! 22 Stats to Help You Live a Healthier Life  (Again, number two is awesome and also makes me laugh because I'm saying number two and am a 7 year old boy)

How San Francisco's Neighborhoods Got Their Names  (Cool back stories!)

5 Signs Your Lunch Needs a Makeover   (Does yours?)

J.Crew Criticized for Introducing 'Absurd' Size 000  (Wow...just, wow.)

Your Old School Trapper Keeper Is Making a Comeback As a Tablet Case  (Courtesy of the Mr)

Why Exercise, Not Diet, May Explain Our Obesity Problem   (Don't know what I think about all that)

How to Hold a Yard Sale  (10 seconds til the Mr asks when we're having one)

PSA: Factory Resets Don't Make Your Android Phone Safe to Sell  (Word)

A First-Time Buyer’s Guide to Home Maintenance  (A good reminder for all homeowners)

After 31 Wedding Anniversaries At Red Lobster, A Widow Got An Adorable Surprise  (Dammit, pass the tissues)

43 Things That Will Actually Make You Feel Old  (Is it wrong I want late 20 something's to feel as old as I feel every day?)

In case some of you are liking the re-addition of my meals, here's what I had yesterday...

Breakfast was late but my meal didn't seem to mind as it smiled at me.  PB&J English muffin, low sodium cottage cheese, small banana with 1/2 tbsp cookie nookie and raisins with some green tea.

Lunch was turkey and arugula sandwich with the usual freggies.

Dinner was BBQ chicken naan and a side of Brussels.

Oh and on a side note...Tom Mison was ROBBED for not getting nominated for an Emmy for Sleepy Hollow.  I mean...HELLO...

We are road trippin' to meet up with some friends from Chicago this weekend so I'm super excited!  I'm hoping to find a few treasures at some antique stores to help bring the new living room refresh together.  Regardless, good friends, good food (we're comin' for ya Punch Burger) and antiquing with our men in tow?  Perfect weekend!

What's on tap for your weekend?

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  1. Love the smiley face you ate for breakfast. Cute! Tom Mison was robbed but hopefully he has a chance to correct that with season 2. I sure hope they are able to make season 2 even better and not screw it up!

    1. Hee hee. My breakfast was happy. I can't imagine those writers would screw up anything, they are freakin' genius! But yes, given how completely out there (yet believable) season one was, they need to walk a delicate line with war so as not to lose people. They won't lose me unless they go all Dexter with the season and take a great show and flush it.

  2. Tom Mison is gorgeous but that series properly disturbed me! although I loved Penny Dreadful??? Thats my random comment for Friday :)

    1. Gorgeous indeed! Never heard of Penny Dreadful. Will have to see what I'm missing!

  3. I make your Brussel sprouts all the damn time now. LOVE THEM!

  4. Bikini chick: she looks great! We're all crazy in our heads about our bodies. Example--I'm smaller than she is, and 'society" would probably think I would look better in a bikini than her, but in my mind I'm like "she looks awesome. I could never work that bikini like that" smh again, we're crazy.

    smartphone addiction side effect: don't forget on gotta check this link..forget on lemme send this text...what was I saying? OH YEAH! shortened attention spans!

    Your meals: a half TBSP of cookie nookie sounds so meager but from that pic, I see it's MORE than enough! a good visual reminder about what portion sizes should look like

    1. Yeah my nana was pretty small so I couldn't justify the full tbsp I allotted myself so I decided to half it and put raisins on top. But yeah, I'm always astonished at how far 1/2 tbsp of Nutella spreads too. It's perfect to get a good flavor of it but not feel like I've gone overboard.

  5. Some of those fixes were awful, but some were absolutely ingenious - when you're broke as sticks and trying to get by until payday. I particularly like the beer can shower head, hand mirror as a car mirror, and plastic tub as a sink.

    I'm obsessive about 12 & 13 on the travel checklist. Even if we're only going to be gone overnight I have to have the fridge cleaned out, trash out, laundry done, and clean sheets waiting for me. I'm pretty sure it makes hubby crazy.

    Thank you for stopping by my page "over there" yesterday. It was a rough day, and seeing your goodie and kind note really helped.

    1. Oh girl, I came home to an unkempt house one vacation and it COMPLETELY deflated me and made me depressed. So ever since, we make sure everything is tidy, dishes done, trash out, etc. Same with the sheets and just give it a spritz of lavender for a refresh before that first magical sleep in your own bed!

      So sorry to hear you had to do that and my heart goes out to you. Please email if you need to talk. (((HUGS)))

  6. Enjoy a very fun weekend! I got to leave work an hour early so I got to come home to the hubs who had taken the pups to the dog park and he said they were SO happy chasing each other and playing in the pool. I work tomorrow then we might go car shopping for the hubs. Mom didn't get the most encouraging news so that's been disturbing this week, but she was meeting up with her friend for lunch and they were looking forward to gabbing for hours! Already have a load of laundry done so that's one less thing to do tomorrow.

    1. Sounds like the pups were happy campers! Please shoot me an email about mom. (((HUGS)))


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