
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

"Just park already!"


The Mr and I were under the impression we were on for fro-yo with the family last night.  It hadn't been set in stone but we knew about the time we settled in for the night is when they'd call and say "where are you guys?"  So we got there ten minutes early and waited for twenty minutes after the meet time.  In that time, we saw all kinds of people.

Most of them were speed demons flying through a parking lot and we couldn't believe people backing out weren't getting hit left and right.  There were people whose children exited their vehicles and got uncomfortably close to our car to the point the Mr was muttering "get the hell away from my car!"  Seriously.  Why are you letting your child practically LAY on someone's RUNNING car??  One such mom was dressed like a yoga prostitute.  She was wearing this hot orange lace bra that hung out from her barely there tank top and you could see through her Lululemon yoga pants that she was either going commando or had the world's thinnest thong on.


Finally, there was some woman in a crossover that pulled up to the open space next to us, looked at it and drove past.

Oh...*sniffing armpit* we o-ffend?

We watched this woman circle the parking lot for five minutes.  Literally.  Five full minutes.  Why?  Because apparently the second row we were in (four single car rows back but the second row you could drive down, if that makes sense) was not close enough.  Nope.  She had to be in the first row and in the time she took to be parked 40 feet from the spot she passed up beside us five minutes prior, she could've been in the restaurant and ordered drinks by then!  We couldn't really see her as she drove so we were curious what she looked like when she exited her vehicle and she was in excellent shape.  I'm talking runners calves, wearing comfy shoes, almost petite.

I know, she could've had a long day and wanted to be closer because her feet hurt or something but really, it seemed like a waste of time and gas circling as long as she did.   It was weird to see how lazy it was and I could understand when we were both tipped over the 450 lb mark looking to walk less but it was just crazy to see an obviously fit woman go bounding out of her car all pleased with herself for being first.  I mean I don't mind a closer spot if we happen upon one but I'll be damned if I'm going back to the days of circling the parking lot looking for a better space when we're perfectly capable of walking those extra few feet now.

Oh and for those wondering...we didn't go in and have fro-yo.  ;-)

What's your time limit for circling?  One pass then settling for what you can find? (Us)  Circle for as long as it takes to get the best spot?  Try to car shark someone back to their car as they're walking to it?  (Don't do that to us.  We will literally get out and go back inside somewhere because homies don't play that!)

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  1. The meme exists for a reason and we witnessed one of the reasons yesterday. I can't understand why someone would waste that kind of time to spare themselves 40 extra feet of walking but then again I've seen people just as lazy when it comes to replacing shopping carts by literally leaving them in either an empty space or, worse, next to someone else's car when the "cart corral" is not even 10 feet away. So aggravating!!!

    1. I thought she parked when we didn't see her but when she circled in front of us again and you pointed her out I couldn't believe it! I almost wonder if she was behind us waiting for people to leave so she could bullet through the lot to get one full row ahead. Idiot.

      Oh man, the cart thing drives me insane. You remember the time that woman put her cart in the space NEXT to the cart corral as we were coming out. Then I made eye contact with her as I walked up to her cart and said "no, ALLOW ME to put YOUR cart 5 feet to the left!" She was so embarrassed and I'm GLAD. I'd like to think she doesn't do it anymore but who knows. It's people like her that make grocery stores raise their prices to offset cart damage incidents which is plainly stated on the cart corrals. It was different back in the day when you probably wouldn't walk them back to the store but nowadays? NO EXCUSE!

  2. I usually park in the same row at my favorite stores regardless of distance. Don't want to forget where I put the car

    1. I do that too! Which means there are occasions I end up pretty far away -lol. Luckily, I can walk it. :)

  3. I'm more likely to circle for a spot close to the car corral than I am to circle for the closest spot to the door. I do have my favorite spot park at each store I frequent so I usually circle to see if those are available, but if not I'll just take whatever is available.

    I think some people separate their lives that way. I'm going to workout now, I'm going to work hard, and then I'm done. I'll use the elevator, park close to the store, and use the drive thru whenever possible (pharmacy, bank...) in the rest of my life.

    I'm sorry you missed fro-yo with your family last night.

    I'm off to day two of my class. Yesterday was winter-time but not arctic winter inside so I guess that's ok. It did get me out the door for a lunch-time walk just to warm up that I wouldn't otherwise have done.

    1. We always make sure there is at least one space between us and the cart corral (except last night) because we see too many people not push the cart to the end when it's totally empty, then someone comes up behind that cart, acts like it's full and leaves it in front of the corral to get taken by the wind. You're right, I think people do have that mentality.

      Yeah, I'm sorry we didn't meet too but we didn't need the froyo anyway. I can't go in there and not put chocolate covered pretzels on it so my butt is better off without. HA!

      Hope class is good and it doesn't snow inside. ;-)

    2. I prefer parking farther away because it's faster and easier. However I do love it when I luck out on a spot right up front. What I HATE is when I find that magical spot up front, go in, shop, come out and wander waaay past my car because I've forgotten where I parked! LOL

      I do car shark in notoriously packed parking lots (the nearby casino/mall for example). It's the only way to find a spot a lot of times. I don't mind being car sharked by others. I'll actually point out where I'm heading so they can get my spot and have that "yes! perfect timing!" moment.

  4. If its a very crowded lot (like at Christmas time) I usually drive to the furthest row to park since that's usually where the open spots are. I hate wasting time and gas looking for a spot. I just want to park and get on with my day. The rest of the time, I just take the first available space I find. If that means parking farther away, that's fine. I'm perfectly capable of walking.

    If the weather is decent and I'm not rushed for time, I will sometimes purposely park farther away to 1) get more walking in, and 2) leave the spots close to the store for people who might need that bit of convenience.

    1. Oh man, I think parking lots is the reason I do my Christmas shopping in October! LOL If I look at a lot and it's almost at max capacity, it's nice to think "I don't need something THAT bad!" LOL Good on ya for just walking it and very nice to leave closer spots to people who might need it.

  5. I just find a spot and park it. Life's too short to waste time looking for a close parking spot. It's nice to have the luxury of being able to walk from wherever, and I shouldn't call it a luxury, cause I worked HARD to get here!

    1. "Life's too short to waste time looking for a close parking spot." Amen sistah! You're right, I think when you've worked hard to lose weight and a close space was a requirement to not tax your body, there's a certain pride in walking a little further because you finally can!

  6. The only time I'll look for a close spot is if it's heavily snowing or icy out. Other than that, I'll park wherever. I'm actually will to park out farther if I can get near the cart return stall. Huge pet peeve of mine is people who don't push carts into one another and leave them all spread out (or next to the darn cart return!!). I just find it rude to the workers and I'm the jackaloon who fixes the carts when I can. The hubs just sits in the car shaking his head. =o)

    1. I do the same thing!! If I see a bunch of carts not pushed all the way up, I will push them up so people can load in behind them. I vote they bring back the concrete barriers in between parking spaces because I swear to God if I have to watch for someone rocketing horizontally through vertical rows, I'm going to bust a vein in my temple!


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