
Friday, July 25, 2014

Changes and what I'm reading this week

It's Aloha Friday y'all!  

Guess how I've been blogging lately?

You'll get a sneak peek of the new furniture Monday but this way of life won't be missed!

Lets get on to...

5 Simple Moves to Eliminate Low Back Pain for Good  (Yes, please)

6 Things You May Not Have Known About Duran Duran’s ‘Rio’ Album  (I was a Nick and Simon girl.  Who was your fave?_

Coming Soon: A Fitness Tracker That Zaps You When You Slack Off  (I couldn't stop laughing.)

6 things you must know about going solar  (I wish we had the capability where we are but would love to do it at our next place)

10 Tips for a More Peaceful Home  (Zenning out sounds good to me)

Exercise may slow physical and mental decline after menopause  (Just more reasons to keep up the habit when my time comes!)

21 Things You Might Not Know About “Jurassic Park”  (For the Mr)

Fall Back Asleep in 10 Minutes or Less  (Nothing worse than waking up and not being able to go back to sleep)

Exclusive: How Dwayne Johnson Battled Through an Epic Injury on the Set of ‘Hercules’  (Watch the video.  I can't believe he went through all of this!)

Plus-Size Model Wins Praise for Posting Unretouched Bikini Photo  (The fact they consider this woman "plus sized" is just disgusting)

How to Create an Inventory, Whether You're Naturally Organized or Not  (Read it.  DO IT)

San Francisco Postcards Matched With Their Location  (Very cool!)

How to Stop Overthinking Everything and Find Peace of Mind  (If only our brains came with an off switch!)

Why Taking a Day Off Will Help You Lose Weight   (Ya don't say?)

Radio star Casey Kasem's remains flown to Canada  (So vile and disrespectful.  His legacy will be marred by his wife's actions)

Homeless People Touchingly Share Their Stories Via Cardboard Signs  (Watch it.  Tissues should be handy)

Nutritionists Reveal the Biggest Weight-Loss Mistakes  (Great, what am I doing wrong NOW?)

I Spent a Week with the Republic Wireless WiFi Phone Network   (For the Mr)

We're going on a little road trip tomorrow so super early rise.  Hey, gotta get 'em in before the snow starts flyin' and if you haven't noticed, August is next week so yeah, blink and you'll be building snowmen.  (Yay!)

We are super excited about our new furniture!  It has been far too long of a wait and they were the whole reason we even did this remodel.  Instigators.

Anything fun on the weekend agenda?

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  1. So nice to be in the final stages of the remodel and it all comes together so nicely. I am looking forward to seeing what people think.

    1. Dude, you have no idea. I can't wait to get the dining table moved out to the garage and have the last big piece done!

  2. I love the variety that you're reading! My hub is considering selling solar--so you'll have to keep us updated about that!

    1. Thanks Kirtley! Well, it'll be quite some time but I'm always interested in the cost, upkeep, etc so I like to keep my eye out for articles. :-)

  3. I am taking a road trip this afternoon to the other side of the state but I am not looking forward to it. Going to see my mom and my sister. Not the best relationship with either and it will be the first time seeing them in over a year. None of my family showed up when my dad died in May. Actually very anxious about it.

    1. Well consider yourself hugged, a hand on your shoulder when they say something irritating and taking a deep breath with you on your way home! Here's hoping it goes better than you're expecting! (((HUGS)))

  4. I usually post a comment after I've clicked all the links that interest me, but I just want u to know that I lost it 30 seconds into that homelessness video. It was just the look on that guy's face. And the lady who gave up her kids....well I'm bawling in my office now. I think it's time for another donation to a local shelter. (the eensiest teensiest thing I can do smh)

    oh yeah and that model is PLUS sized? *rolls eyes, gets up and walks away*

    1. See! I told you to keep tissues handy! Anything you can do to help, is a good thing!

      Yeah, plus sized my Aunt Fannie.

  5. I heard about the zappy wristband thing. Pretty cool, although I probably wouldn't buy one. I've said so many times that if I was filty rich I'd hire someone who's only job would be to slap junkfood out of my hand before it could reach my piehole so I laughed when the article said he hired a woman to slap him when he logged onto FB. True or not, it made me laugh.

    Those swimsuits start at size 10. Since when is 10 plus size? I'd kill to be a size 10. (not a person, not an animal, but I'd be happy to kill something small like a fly or a carrot for it)

    I have so very much clutter I'm not sure I could manage an inventory, but it is on my list to do. We did an insurance review not too long ago and our agent told us that we can actually upload a video using their site so if we were to have a destructive event at our house they would have it already on file.

    I'm not sure what we'll do this weekend, but hopefully something. We have a couple tiny obligations tomorrow, but otherwise it's wide open. Maybe the lake, maybe an overnight getaway at a hotel/cabin with a pool, maybe a run up to my SIL's - whatever it is it had better be fun.

    1. I'd need mine set to donut mode or something. Make it shock me when I am near a Krispy Kreme. HA!

      I thought the same thing about the inventory but I think I need to make it a priority, at minimum a video. I don't care how sloppy it looks but I don't want things to not be replaced because we do have a few things I'd really want to make sure are replaces if God forbid...

      I hope you have all the fun you can hack this weekend! :-)

  6. Great reads! Can't wait to see the new furniture--so exciting! I just have a meeting tomorrow morning and then it's kind of wide open from there. I have the typical house cleaning and laundry to do and a few errands, but that's about it. Tomorrow it's supposed to be hot and humid, but cooler again by Sunday, so that might be the day to go out and do some stuff. Went out to dinner tonight which was a nice surprise.

    1. Sounds like a good weekend to curl up with a book with the A/C on then enjoy Sunday outside with the pups? :-)

  7. It makes me really, REALLY angry to see that trim, fit, beautiful woman called plus-sized. Fact is, I generally don't order clothes from companies that use plus-sized models smaller than a 14. I need to know what my clothes look like on people with wide curves before I'll take the risk of ordering it.


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