
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Caddy change and snoring corpse

The Mr never knows what he's walking in on these days.

Ever since the remodel started, I've been painting everything in sight.  I still need to get that damn table moved out to the garage but I saw the remote caddy we bought in Hawaii just wasn't going to cut it anymore.  I mean a pineapple covered caddy can only stay relevant for so long.  It's a fabric one with a wooden base and since I'd just read you can paint fabric with chalk paint, I figured I would give it a go.

When he came home, he walked past it several times and just figured "good Lord, what is she painting now?"  He seemed to be okay with it but was kind of making fun of me.  Hey, I'm saving us money, just go along for the ride, sir.

Later it was time for my second form of torture for him in the form of yoga.  We have decided Wednesday is yoga day and I wanted to do a different one so I found this Hatha yoga session on  There were a few poses that we laughed at because they were physically impossible for us.  We went as far as we could with the poses and still got a good stretch in.  That and of course the Mr's motto...

(Click here to browse products from this line- (affiliate link) )

That man will start snoring 45 seconds in while we lay in corpse pose at the end.  My hips are killing me today but the Mr always feels yoga immediately.  He says he always feels worse after yoga than he does before it.  Well, he has NO flexibility which we need to work on that and we need to keep me limber.  It must be a regular thing for us instead of waiting for when we're both muscularly bunged up.

I hope to finish up the remote caddy today and I'll bring you some DIY projects soon after I get my zillion pics edited!  :-)

Do you do yoga?  Who are your favorite instructors?

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  1. I'd better watch out or the next time I'm a snoring corpse I could end up covered in chalk paint! You have done an amazing job on the furniture so far though and I want you to know I appreciate the hard work and the cost savings it is providing. Can't wait to see the whole room all done!

    1. Sleep with one eye open, sir. ;-) Thanks, I know you do. It's a long process and I need to get that table out there so I can finish it. I know the top will need to cure for a few days even after it's "finished." Gotta get to it!

  2. Maybe you'll be heading into cooler drier weather so the table will be easier for you to finish now. I know the humid sweaty gross garage thing can't be much fun.

    I haven't done yoga, but I think I need to start. I need to find a nice easy beginners video to start with. It would probably help my stress level if nothing else.

    Hubby has 2 of the 3 tile walls down and new drywall in place. Tonight is the 3rd wall, but it will be the hardest because it's the wall with the faucets on it and because we will have to take out the toilet and replace part of the wall behind it. When we moved in we found out that there was a hole back there that hubby patched over but if he's going to all this effort he figures he may as well fix it right this time. The tub surround will be in tomorrow (fingers crossed) and after much work and cursing this weekend hopefully it will be installed, the walls will be mudded and ready to paint, and I will have a shower again by the time school starts.

    1. Yes, it looks like the next week while rainy a few days should be decent for painting.

      Go here: Search by beginner classes and see what appeals to you. 10-20 minute classes are probably best to start with and work up. We all tend to skip stretching and flexibility. We both feel mentally much more relaxed afterward.

      Wow, your hubs is a rock star on that progress! Showering is good! ;-)

  3. I do yoga at the Krishna Temple right next door to us!

    You can imagine it's pretty authentic! I do have a favorite instructor--she makes me feel like I am floating in the air when we're done. Super fun!

  4. Can't wait to see pictures of that Pineapple Caddy. I bought a yoga DVD specifically for UNlimber people, but we haven't attempted it yet. Also bought a beginner DVD for people over 50, which we also have not tried. I'm working into this slowly. I just thought of an excuse, the dog chewed up the DVD remote. We have tried to program the cable company remote, but are struggling with it. So watching DVD's right now is tough. Might check out the website you reference above. One of these days I'll stop procrastinating.....but not today.

    1. I'm working on it right now. I can't wait for it to be done! :-)

      No DVD excuses when you've got for FREE and no DVD required! ;-P Plus, yoga is very helpful for cancer patients and is a good bonding experience for you two. He may not be on board at first but the mental centering and balance it brings between mind and body is very healing. You'd do it for Du, right?

  5. Love yoga! It's such an equalizer. There's no way to get through a well-built session without finding a challenge. I'm not sure if there's much available online but try to find some partner poses. They are really cool. Sometimes as simple as sitting in lotus with your backs touching can create a real connection.

    My Dad was a savasana snorer. Sometimes we'd have to touch him to get him to come out. Me, I was ready to jump to my feet when I hear the gong, no matter how deep I went. I'm really susceptible to that Pavlovian response I get. I cherish all those yoga sessions with my Dad now that he's gone. Whenever I practice I feel just a bit closer to him.

    1. I just looked up free partner yoga and some cool videos popped up so I think that'll be next week's session! Thanks!

      Aww, that is sweet and what better way to still feel the presence of your dad than doing the yoga you practiced together!

  6. I love snoring corpse pose! HA! I saw a shirt once that said 'I just came for the Savasana.' That's my kind of shirt! I've gotten into yoga the past few months and I really like it. I do restorative yoga in town and love it. Not a calorie burner but you'd be surprised how hard it is to relax for an hour. She also does a curvy yoga class. It's essentially yoga for chubby people. Almost like gentle yoga...easier poses, the flow is slower. There is a website if you want to check it out. Also, I have a couple of videos. I LOVE Rodney Yee! He's pretty advanced but you can find some good DVDs that are easier. Finally, is awesome! They have a good restorative one (I think it's called Ocean Restorative) that I really like. They also have some good videos for runners which may help you stretch your legs out. Yoga is not the best calorie burner (the kind I do anyway) but I think it's an important part of a well rounded routine. Can't wait to hear how it goes! You'll be doing the flying pigeon in no time!

    1. is such a great resource especially if you're just beginning to dabble in it and don't want to buy a DVD you think will sit on a shelf collecting dust. Their leg stretch ones are must do's for me and are great to have available when I'm traveling! It may not be the biggest calorie burner but I think it does far more good every once in a while by not jamming up your joints and doing something super high impact.

  7. I am not a yoga gal. I tried the one dvd that was called Heavyweight Yoga (I think) and it was for overweight people. Couldn't do it. It dragged on and on with explanation and I just couldn't get into it. My flexibility isn't too shabby except in my IT bands --those suck. But my problem is I can't be on my knees at all in any way and a lot of the moves require that.

    1. I can't do anything on my knees either so I never do any of the videos with that crap. This one is our favorite: (All seated) (This one is also seated and a GREAT one for the IT bands)


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