
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Would you be mine, could you be mine, won't you be...

(you'd better know how that ends or you need to Google the phrase!)

When the Mr came home, he grabbed an envelope off the front porch and gave it to me.  It just had our names on it and we both knew what we thought it was.

Our neighbors, the ones we brought the homemade pie to, wrote us a really sweet thank you note and invited us to a BBQ when the weather warms up.  They said it was "so reassuring to know they had such nice neighbors."  We're keeping this for sure because besides the fact that I immensely appreciate thank you notes, it says we're nice.  The neighbor on the other side thinks we're Satan's brood or something because we nicely asked her one time if she could please refrain from letting her dog bark 24/7 and even offered to help socialize her if it would help (it would attack the door and bark at dust settling much less people walking in front of the house) and she told us we were jealous because our dog was dead and hers was still alive.  Ever since then she runs when she sees us, won't wave at us unless her family is there so she doesn't look like an asshat in front of them and will burn rubber if we're leaving at the same time.  Yeah, guilt for saying something that cruel rears its head every time she sees us.  I'm glad.  An apology would be nice but I won't hold my breath.

I thought about skipping the walk because it was about 40 degrees.  I asked him if it was cold and he said not really, he didn't need his gloves.  Well, 45 seconds into the walk and I broke out my gloves.


It was a chilly walk but I was able to go the longer route with much less pain than the first time I walked a week ago.  I'm very grateful for that.  Then we came home and did a kick butt strength workout so total, I burned about 650 calories.

Then it was dinner time.  Chicken tacos!

The Mr was quite pleased.

Tonight is movie night!  We're renting American Hustle and Frozen .  (affiliate links) 

We're coming close to the end of the mattress fiasco, I'm hoping to have an update by Thursday but yesterday got us one step closer to righting a major wrong.

Do you get along with your neighbors?  Have you seen either movie and if so, thumbs up or down for you personally?

(This post contains affiliate links.  Should you choose to buy through them, I'll get a few cents toward blog costs and you'll get some sweet schtuff from Amazon)
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  1. I cannot wait to see what others have to say about what our "bad" neighbor said to us. That woman is a piece of work! It is nice to have some neighbors that say nice things about us and who we can actually get along with. I just hope we don't get along too well because I do like being able to come home and not have to worry about having any neighbors stop to talk or bug us when we don't want to be bugged so it will be fine as long as we set some boundaries.

    1. I'd be surprised if people comment on it, it's so shocking it might get kicked straight out of the memory bank or they think someone couldn't possibly say something so mean to other people. But we've got it in writing so...

      I fully agree. I'm all for being friendly with your neighbors, the wave and smile when you see them, maybe an *occasional* conversation but not the kind of thing where you now have to drive around the block because they're outside and you just want to get home and relax, not shoot da chit.

  2. I'm interested in hearing your take on American Hustle. I haven't seen it yet but I'm curious about it (deep down, I get a feeling it's probably not as great as the hype, but I tend to have knee jerk reactions to hype).

    Frozen doesn't interest me at all. I'm so sick of hearing about it, I have no desire to actually SEE it (that and I stopped being able to tolerate Disney sing-a-long movies post Lion King).

    1. I'm going in with no expectations of either movie. I am NOT a Christian Bale fan, like I can barely look at him. I'm somewhat indifferent on Brad Cooper, so I want to see it specifically for the ladies.

      As far as Frozen, I expect to fully hate it just because everyone loves it so much and I will most likely fast forward through that dumb song because I can't even get through a commercial of listening to it. I just heard she's not your typical Disney character, so I want to see if that's true or not. I've wasted my time on lesser movies, ie- last week's Hungover Games. *shaking head*

  3. That neighbor sounds like a witch! How immature and just plain rude can someone get? I think you're right, i think she regrets her words and avoids you all as a result.

    We just moved into a neighborhood in October. I hate most of the neighbors, but the people directly next to me are nice. Its in the county part of the land, so no city taxes, and moderately priced homes - however, I've come to the conclusion that in 2008 they were trying to sell it as a high end housing development with fancy (expensive) pool and tennis courts, neither of which really happened because of.. well we know what happened in 2008. They make snarky comments and passive aggressive comments about their neighbors, and I feel like they want to magically turn out neighborhood like living in the richer part of town. (Newsflash, you pass four horse stables to get here... and the people right past the wooded buffer have a legit farm with roosters that crow every morning). It's just annoying really.Good thing is, there was a loophole with my lot when i purchased it. It was never legally annexed into the neighborhood, so I have rules, but the Committee on my lot's rules, is technically me, because I'm the only one under this set of rules. Everyone else's house is legally annexed into the HOA. So I do what they want and there is nothing they can do about it. HA! (I win!)

    1. Yeah, witch about sums it up. But she's totally rude to her parents too who are at her beckon call (shovel her sidewalks, used to put up her Christmas lights, etc) and they're elderly. She's just a lazy, rude sloth.

      Well that's good that the people right next to you are nice, at least there's SOMEONE, right? LOL Excellent that you have a loophole! I would enjoy doing some of the things they have to get permission for or can't do at all but I'm kind of evil like that! ;-)

  4. As a kid, the neighbors were so much important than they are to me today. Of course the neighbor kids were your playmates, and their parents were the ones who watched you when you were at their house, so it was important to get along. Over my married years, (43 years and counting), we've had both good and bad neighbors, but mostly good. We've had some spats with some neighbors along the way, but basically got along most of the time. At our first house (we lived there the first four years we were married), the neighbor was very judgmental and called us one evening with some nasty comments about how we were raising our toddler son and I have hated her ever since. Seriously, when you question a woman's mothering, you are hitting WAY TOO LOW. I have never gotten over that either. She remains the one person I still hate, and this was close to 40 years ago. I have thought about forgiving her (I'm sure she is long gone, she was close to 50 then), and seeing if that would make me feel better about the whole incident, but I just can't do it.

    Now that we're in the country (well,'s an acreage, all of us out here have at least 3 acres), the neighbors are far away. We know most of them and wave from afar, but we are not close with any of them. The other day my Bulldog chased the cat clear across the road to the neighbor's front door. I chased her down and corralled her and got her home and was so grateful that no one was home over there! We do try to be responsible pet owners, because I know that can become a huge factor in neighborial relations.

    1. Definitely. Basically from 3rd grade on, I knew my neighbors to varying degrees from well to I knew their names and enough that I would feel comfortable getting them in an emergency. I think forgiving her is a good idea since forgiveness is more letting yourself not carry those emotions around anymore. Doesn't mean you have to forget though. Some people take the "it takes a village" mentality too far without asking if parents want the villages help. Consider it a generational difference.

      I'm glad the dog was okay! I'd have been more concerned about the road than what the neighbors thought. Our dog snuck away one time and crossed a neighborhood street and I about had a heart attack thinking of the people who speed down the street and how lucky she was nothing happened. Yes, pets can be bones of contention particularly if the owner is irresponsible and inconsiderate of neighbors. Just because you love the sound of your 'angel's voice' 24/7 does not mean others do. I'd like to think we were respectful in that manner particularly when we let her out. If she barked at anything (rare) we'd tell her to stop, and she would. Now inside, she was a little more "challenging"...very terrier like. ;-)

    2. The road situation at our house is not as scary as some--we're on a dead-end. That being said, I still worry. Our last Bulldog, the magnificent Lola, chased a car that was leaving our house after an open house we were holding to celebrate granddaughter's adoption last Aug., and was hit and she didn't make it. We were and still are devastated by her loss....and I'm trying to be more careful with Juno, because I blame myself for the loss of Lola, I knew she loved to chase cars and people were coming and going. I had Lola chained for a while, and then we were inside, but she slipped outside again and I was careless.....such sadness. I know the loss is why you avoid getting another dog and I can understand that. But two days after we lost Lola, we went out and put a deposit on another Bulldog, because we needed help getting through our grief. Juno has certainly provided much comfort and we adore her.

    3. We tried getting dogs afterward and it did not work out. It was far too soon after our dog passed and we made the mistake of getting siblings. They both have wonderful homes now and I'm glad we didn't take them on.

      The loss isn't why we don't get another one, I have no patience anymore. We're surrounded by dogs now and it's a fresh hell of barking and irresponsible owners. I'm not going to try to train a dog with other misbehaving, vocal dogs in earshot any time of day. While I love dogs, we like the freedom of not having to worry about how long we're gone on the weekends and going on road trips or vacations who will watch it. We miss certain aspects of having a dog but the freedom outweighs that for us right now. I don't see us getting one until we're a lot older and have our wanderlust out of our systems. Pet stores and shelters are fine for us.

  5. I've seen Frozen. I haven't really liked these later Disney movies much, but Frozen was the exception. I laughed quite a bit. It was very cute, and had a good amount of comedy and some parts that "pulled at your heartstrings".

    1. I think the last "kids" movie I saw was Toy Story 3 and I was so horrified at how dark it was (we both were) that we have made a point not to bother. Oh wait, we did see Wreck It Ralph and were seriously disappointed in that one. They could've gone some really cool routes with that one but missed the mark. I like that there's a good amount of comedy in Frozen. Maybe I'll save that one for last to end on a good note. :-)

  6. It takes more energy to be a jerk/not apologize/hold a grudge than it does to just be polite/say you're sorry/drop your sword.

    American Hustle is awesome! idk if you'll like it though....i say this lovingly...i think you're're hilarious...but anele, i never agree with your movie critques! LOL It's ok though because honorable (wo)men can differ.

    Wait...but I think we have the same taste in a lot of pop cultural-y things because I always get your "references" and I l-o-o-v-e you're "what I'm reading links".

    Uh, what the point of my comment? I feel like I'm in the Wal-Mart parking lot and I've forgotten where I've parked again....

    1. Yes, it does. Some people will never learn that lesson.

      ROFL...that's quite alright. The Mr and I have basically the same taste in movies which is usually against what everyone else likes. I refuse to watch movies like Twilight, LOTR, Harry Potter, etc because everyone watches them and says "you HAVE to watch this!" No I don't. It was a miracle to watch Hunger Games and while the first one was good, I was indifferent to Catching Fire and actually worked through most of it. When you're 3/4 through a movie and you're just going back into the arena, you've lost my interest. Yes, honorable women can differ and sorry if that was a quote from any of the movies I just slammed. LOL

      I'm glad you get my pop culture references and glad you like the Friday reads! :-)

  7. I enjoyed Frozen, but I think that was mostly because the little guy liked it so much and it's hard to dislike something that makes him so happy. I haven't seen American Hustle.

    The local furniture store is going out of business so we went to look at couches yesterday. We found one we liked that was marked down a lot so I went back this morning and bought it. Within like 20 minutes it was delivered and set up in my living room. I feel so rushed, but we've been needing to replace our old couch for a long time. I just hope we don't end up with a mattress type fiasco to deal with.

    1. Aww, what a good mama you are! ;-) I'm really hoping I like it.

      Congrats on the new couch! I hope it works out for you and you don't have a mattress situation on your hands. That's a super quick delivery too! WOW!


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