
Monday, March 25, 2013

Hometown, saucy messages and bingefest

It was an interesting weekend.  

I surprised the Mr. with a road trip to his hometown.  We got some of our favorite food there and to bring home to freeze like we do every year so when he's homesick, he can have one of his favorite meals.  We stopped off at a park and watched the ducks.

We stopped by all of the same haunts, heard the same stories (recited a few with him) and then started our way home.  We saw some classy sites like a truck with the following painted on the back...

 I'd be lying if I said a little part of me wasn't tempted but I didn't.

Then came the beginning of the end for our nerves.  It all started with this guy.

That is a bad picture of a douchebag that was on our ass for a few miles, then decided to get on the butt of the guy next to us while we're all in a construction zone going 55 with nowhere to go.  He was laying on his horn and screaming so I took out my camera and snapped this pic and kept it trained on him so he thought I was recording him.  I don't know if you can tell he's covering his face then he backed off...way off and minded his manners around us from that point on.  

The rest of the night was spent shopping locally and it seemed that every complete and utter idiot had decided to descend upon every place we wanted/needed to go.  We (okay, I) picked up some things from World Market that had no business in our cart like a medium bag of mango jalapeno chips (we never buy chips) and mini ginger snap cream sandwich cookies.  Then I stress ate them over the weekend.  Yep, all of 'em.  Well between the two of us. 

We've had some stress and I hate that occasionally that urge to quell it with food still pops up.  We also came to some realities on how badly our plan will have to change from this point on and it was like "screw you!"  *insert chips and cookies.*   It's really bad when we're both on "I don't give a shit anymore" mode.   We're over it now but it was ugly.  Like chip crumbs around the mouth and cookie logos embedded in your forehead ugly.  I need to get my head around where we need to go from here so just bear with me while we figure this out over the coming weeks.  I know I'm starting by getting in a lot more water because I'm just really slacked and I'm tired of my fingers looking like prunes.  

So yeah, that was my weekend.

What did you do this weekend?

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  1. Thanks so much for an awesome surprise. It was the right time to go up. A beautiful day and an easy drive, plenty of good food and a great day with my baby!

    1. You're very welcome. We did have a very good day out of town. It was on the way back into town that stunk. LOL

  2. I trust you'll both find your way. It might take some tinkering, but you'll get there!

    (I do the phone thing, too. The last time was recording a drunk or impaired driver barreling down the interstate. I called the highway patrol, but they couldn't get someone there fast enough. I told the dispatcher I had a digital recording in case she killed anyone. Never heard anything.)

    1. Nice to know the police care so much. I did take a pic of his license plate too in case he caused an accident and he almost did switching lanes in front of a semi at the last minute. It takes all kinds!

  3. Nothing so exciting as all that. Saturday was a rest up and get housework done day. Then Sunday was grocery shopping and laundry and later we had a friend of the little guy's over along with his brother and mom. It was a nice (mostly) relaxing weekend and I could really use one more day.

    1. You can come do my house now if you like. HA! That seems to be the theme...a lot of people saying they need one more day off. That's what hooky days are for if ya got 'em! ;)

  4. We use the same Timex HRM. One thing that helped me was to get a Polar FT4. My friend is a fitness instructor and said that the Timex models are notoriously off when it comes to calculating calories burned for women. Sure enough, when I tried the Polar, it was a HUGE reduction and more in-line with what the online calorie estimators all said.

    In my case, my Timex was showing 1400 calories burned for 50 minutes of Turbo Jam, whereas the Polar shows around 550-600. That is a huge difference. As soon as I started using Polar's numbers instead of Timex's, my weight started dropping again.

    Anyway, it's just a thought. I'm not trying to preach or anything. :) I know you've been tearing your hair out lately, so I wanted to offer a humble suggestion for the revamp. Take it with a grain of salt. I know everybody is different and that it might be reading you correctly. I guess I'm just hoping it's something that might be an easy solution, like the HRM or more water or heavier weights, since it sounds like you're dreading the revamp.

    Personally, I need to start incorporating strength training since I'm getting "floofy". I'm going to check out your Amazon links. I want to be buff like you and the Mr. :)

    1. We used to use Polar before we got Timex and they registered the same calorie burn. Our Polar was constantly breaking so we likely won't be going back to them but I'm glad it's working for you! We don't have the money to replace them right now anyway so we're stuck with what we've got. I'm pretty sure I know what our problem is but it's not the HRM. Sigh.

      Oh yeah, you need to get that strength training in. It raises the metabolism. I've seen a lot of leaning out especially in the upper body since we started adding the extra session for 3x per week strength sessions.

    2. Okay. Maybe Timex just hates my body, then. :-D

      I know I can't spot-reduce, but I'm desperate to get my upper body in shape. My torso is looking good, but oh god the bingo wings...

  5. nothign that exciting as crazy drivers...but a relaxed weekend with sme hours of extra work..and worked out...but ate fro yo on saturday...bleh

    1. Sounds like a good weekend. They don't all have to be on the go to be a nice break from the work week. :)

  6. For me, a nice and peaceful weekend with friends.

    I am so guilty of stress eating; I'm even aware of it but at the time I just don't care. It seems to be under control again (I spent last week getting rid of the salt-induced weight gain) and this is a new week ready for new accomplishments.

    1. A nice way to spend the weekend!

      That was where we were. "I'm eating this crap I don't need and I don't care." "Me either." *stuff face* I have my meals planned out for the week so I don't even have to think. That might be good.

  7. That cookie doesn't taste good enough to overcome the terrible guilt afterwards. At least that's been my experience, and yes, I still eat cookies, etc., even though I'm aware of how bad I will feel later. I didn't binge on cookies, but I did have a small piece of cake at son & daughter-in-law's house Sat. night, where we were invited for dinner. Daughter-in-law makes this cinnamon/honey butter that makes a plain roll taste like a cinnamon roll. She just made refrigerator crescent rolls and those aren't a big temptation, so I didn't take one. Then when I sat down at the table and saw the cinnamon/honey butter, I went back and got a roll. It's so darned delicious.

    This morning the scale showed a 3 lb. gain (154.4) from my low of 151.2 lbs. midweek. Now I know for a fact that I did NOT eat an additional 10,500 calories over the weekend. What is it with our formerly fat bodies, that a little overeating causes such a huge gain on the scale? I WORKED SO DAMNED hard to get down to 151 and had a goal of below 150 lbs. set for myself by Easter. Well now that's a lot of pounds to lose in one week.

    Last night depression set in and it continues today with tears ready to fall ALL THE TIME. I'm not a big religious person, but at this point I need to ask somebody for strength to help me get through this.....cause I am really struggling. It was a weekend of ups and downs for me.

  8. I had an interesting weekend too. spent some good time with friends and ate like shit. Not all at the same time certainly. I've been doing well in terms of eating for about three weeks and this weekend I 'made up for it' by eating everything with a carb in sight. But I'm back at it today. I've got to figure out how to change that in the future.

    Hope you have a good week!

  9. I planned a super-lazy weekend, given the forecast of up to 10" of snow (yes, we got that) and the need to rest because of the treatments for my health issue causing lots of fatigue. It wasn't quite as lazy as I planned, because we had to go out for groceries yesterday afternoon, but mostly I read, crocheted, watched tv and played online poker. Wish I were as good at live poker as I am at online, I'd retire and play for a living, HA! Also wish all those play chips in my PokerStars account(over 275,000) were real dollars, hehehe.

  10. Bwahahaha! OMG, you are so funny. I would not have had the nerve to take a picture of that guy. I'm sorry about your stress eating. Man, World Market is such a dangerous place. I go there for plates or forks and end up leaving with candy bars and ramune. :P


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