
Friday, March 15, 2013

Google Reader, virtual mooning and Food Journal Friday

In case you're not on my Facebook page, I wanted to make sure Google Reader subscribers were aware that they are doing away with it on July 1st.  If you'd like to still follow me and your favorite bloggers in a reader, you can do so at Blog Lovin'.  If you like, just click the Blog Lovin' button at the bottom of my social media buttons on the right sidebar and you can get to switchin'.  They make it really easy by importing your subscriptions in a few simple steps when you sign up.  This is where I would normally bash the powers that be for not leaving well enough alone by forcing me and others to find alternate readers but I'm afraid they'd drop my search rank so I'll just virtually moon them.


You're wanting to see the eats, aren't ya?  Oh okay, you twisted my arm!  Let's eat!

Sunday was a ground chicken Mexican tostada with some TJ's enchilada sauce, hot taco sauce, chipotle hummus, arugula and 1/4 cup cheddar cheese with a side of mini chipotle potato bites, of course.  It was GOOD!  Calories:  696

Monday was spicy grilled sea scallops over thai lime rice and a side of grilled green beans.  I'm always so nervous about cooking scallops.  Underdone and you could be in the bathroom all night... overdone and you are eating rubber.  Thankfully these were perfect!  Go me!  Calories:  461

Tuesday was leftover so the same tostada (why do I keep typing toastada!!?!?) and brussels with asiago cheese.  Calories:  656

Wednesday was lemon pepper pasta with crab alfredo sauce.  It was might yummy and first for that dish.  Calories:  560

Thursday was spicy baked tilapia over TJ's carrot and spinach polenta with a side of brussels with half a piece of crumbled bacon and asiago cheese.  Calories:  680

Tonight's dinner will be Mahi Mahi fish taco with a side of brussels, bacon and asiago.  Calories:  495

I'm not concrete in our plans for the weekend but I'm sure we can scrape something up.

What's on tap for your weekend?  Are you ready for Spring to start next week?

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  1. I don't understand Google sometimes but yeah, virtual mooning!

    Another week of fine meals indeed. If only people knew just how awesome your food is. MMMMMM!

    1. That'll be our little secret. Otherwise people will want me to cook for them and I already do enough dishes everyday!

  2. I'm auditioning different readers over the next few months. The export/import process for bloglovin' was easy, but it didn't import my folders. Everyone's in one big mishmashy pile. I do like that it has both the list feature in the sidebar and the magazine style in the main section. The one downside for me was that it didn't bring the feed history over, just a few entries for each blog. Now I've got to go make sure I've pinned all the starred recipes in my reader. Oh, and maybe a few of the professional articles as well. :)

    Happy weekend to you and the Mr.!

    1. I'll be honest, I didn't research it a whole lot of them because people had such good things to say about BL. If you find a better one, let me know so I can take a gander!

      Happy weekend to you as well girlie!

  3. Yummy!! I loved the look of the scallops dish...:)

    Have a nice weekend

    1. So did I and they were SO good! I live by Mrs Dash's Spicy blend! Have a nice one as well!

  4. You always have the BEST looking meals! Maybe someday I'll be a superstar chef like you too :)

  5. I don't follow many blogs, so the ones I do are just booked-marked in my browser. Easier for me, but I guess I'm the exception that can do that.

    Your eats look good, as usual. I'm not a seafood person, but you make even that look good.

    1. Honestly, I have a bunch bookmarked in my favorites too! LOL I use readers for my business related reads and then check the folder for my personal ones. No clue why, I'm weird like that.

      Aww, thanks! The Mr HATED seafood when I met him and once I slipped Mahi Mahi in on him and told him it was chicken and he didn't notice, he started trusting me more that I wouldn't serve him anything that didn't taste like ocean. I don't like overly fishy fish either like catfish and some brands of salmon.

  6. Scrumptious food m'dear!! This weekend has started off calm and peaceful because I'm at home! I took today off and I'm going to pay bills, do some laundry, take a drive with the dogs, run a few errands and just bask in the joy that I am not at work and I'll have a bunch of things done before Saturday even arrives. I actually allowed myself to stay in bed until 8:11am, and it felt wonderful! Hope you have a fantabulous weekend, too!

    1. Thanks sassy pants! I'm so glad you've taken the day off to relax and get caught up on stuff. I think I need to do the same thing. It hasn't been a stellar few days and the distraction of cleaning would do me good! Have a great weekend girl!

  7. I am so ready for spring!! While our snow is almost gone, I looked at the forecast - low 30's for at least the next 7 days. Boo!

    Your scallops look delish!!

    1. Yeah we're supposed to be in the 40's and while I'll miss winter, we're at that point where if it's not going to give us enough snow to ski/shoe in then we're done. I'm just not looking forward to a piping hot summer.

      Thanks! They were, if I do say so mahself! :)

  8. I'm so envious of your dinners - they look so yummy! I was reading on another page how you schedule your workouts as if they are appointments - that is such a great idea! I wish i could schedule cooking healthy meals as an appointment!

    1. Thanks! Yep, as soon as the Mr gets home, it's time to go down. A lot of people like to meal plan to keep their week on track. I will plan the night before but I planned a few days in advance this week and gotta admit, I kind of liked it being a no brainer! :)

  9. Wow! That all looks great. I'm excited about the weekend! Tonight I'm going to the painted pot for ladies night and my friends birthday. They're having Irish food...awesome. Tomorrow there's a great band and bagpipers at the local brewery which will also be awesome and then Sunday I want to nap. HA! Hope you have a good one!

    1. Thanks mama! It sounds like you've got a great weekend on tap! Enjoy it!

  10. I'm so bummed about the Google Reader thing. Sigh. I mostly keep up with blogs through email, but still, ugh. Those tostadas look delicious! And yay, you have ads up! :D :D :D

    1. Yeah I do a mix of email, reader and bookmarks because I'm apparently highly inefficient. LOL

      Oh and um, because you've been going through a crappy period, I won't tell you those ads have been up for almost 2 months! ;)

  11. I am SO ANGRY at google about this. Thank you for posting pictures of yummy food to make it all better. :)


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